🇬🇧 Medical and Translational Research Day - JRMT (HEALTHCARE & RESEARCH PROFESSIONNALS) » Luxembourg Institute of Health
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JournĂ©e de la Recherche MĂ©dicale et Translationnelle – JRMT

Event held in English

Since 2015, the Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH) has collaborated with Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg (CHL) to organize the “Journée de la Recherche Médicale et Translationnelle (JRMT)”, which will take place this year on October 16th, 2024 at the amphitheater of the Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg (CHL).

Nowadays, medical progress is made through the collaboration between doctors and researchers. Thus, this day dedicated to medical research in Luxembourg highlights the collaborations between the world of basic research and clinical research in Luxembourg.

The JRMT continues to innovate over the years. This year we bring together all actors of the medical research in Luxembourg. We are proposing an exciting program of lectures presented by experts of health care and clinical research in Luxembourg.

The targeted audience includes professionals from the clinical, academic and industrial research communities in Luxembourg and neighbouring countries.

This event is also an opportunity to meet and share ideas for future medical research, identify needs and foster collaborations.

AGENDA – Clinical Research in Luxembourg

TIMEPROGRAM 12h00-17h45
12h00 – 13h00Lunch
13h00 – 13h10IntroductionManon GANTENBEIN PhD, Luxembourg Institute of Health LIH
Dr Guy BERCHEM, LIH & Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg CHL
13h10 – 13h45A prospective cohort study of patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Trans-Regional Digital Health Effort Unlocking the Potential of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science in Health Care: ClinnovaDr Spyridon SOFOS, Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg CHL
Jasmin Schulz PhD, Luxembourg Institute of Health LIH
13h45 – 14h00Towards integrated paediatric care for rare diseases in Luxembourg: a multidisciplinary and patient-centred study protocol to develop a rare disease diagnostic pathwayDr Marianne BECKER, Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg CHL
Gwennaëlle CROHIN, ALAN
Rita DA ROCHA OLIVEIRA, Luxembourg Institute of Health LIH
14h00 – 14h15Parkinson’s disease: from basic research to clinical research, and to the development of the use of new technologyProf Dr Rejko KRUEGER
Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg CHL
Luxembourg Institute of Health LIH
14h15 – 14h25Experience of a patient in clinical study PADOVAParticipant representative in clinical study
14h25 – 14h35Questions
14h35 – 15h05Coffee break
15h05 – 15h30Microbiome-derived, immunogenic molecules and their role in the prognosis of immunotherapy for cancer (ImMi-Tx)Dr Patrick Dang, Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg CHL
Prof Paul WILMES, LCSB University of Luxembourg
15h30 – 15h55Implementation of phase 1 studies in trauma surgery and neurosurgery in Luxembourg: collaboration CHL-LIHProf Dr Torsten GERICH, Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg CHL
Dr Anas DYAB, Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg CHL
15h55 – 16h10Towards to a Comprehensive Cancer Centre in Luxembourg: Integration of care, research and educationNikolai GONCHARENKO, Institut National du Cancer INC
16h10 – 16h40Cardiac arrest : clinical and translational research in LuxembourgProf Dr Pascal STAMMET, Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg CHL
Dr Philippe DEGRELL, Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg CHL
Yvan DEVAUX PhD, Luxembourg Institute of Health LIH
16h40 – 16h55The « Integrated Biobank of Luxembourg (IBBL) »Claire BARBIEUX PhD, Luxembourg Institute of Health LIH
16h55 – 17h15Questions & Conclusion
17h15 – 17h45Cocktail networking


Poster 1Real-life Experience with Long-team Peanut vs Tree nut Oral Immunotherapy for Nut Allergic Children: A 5 years Single Center Study from LuxembourgNaphisabet WANNIANG
Poster 2Studying digenic Parkinson’s disease in a stem cell model carrying mutant p.N409S in the GBA1 gene and the homozygous deletion of exon 3 PARK2Christiane OLEKSY
Poster 3
RNA modification m6A in Sudden Cardiac Arrest

Victoria STOPA
Poster 4Elucidating cellular and molecular determinants of systemic immune suppression in Glioblastoma patientsAndrea SCAFIDI
Poster 5
Characterization of the Role of the Metalloproteinase ADAM17 in Alzheimer’s Disease  
Poster 6
Understanding unexpectedly stable trajectories of functional mobility in people with Parkinson’s disease: A mixed methods study

Anne-Marie HANFF
Poster 7
Towards integrated pediatric care for rare diseases in Luxembourg: a multidisciplinary and patient-centered study protocol to develop a rare disease diagnostic pathway”
Poster 8
Multi-omics and drug response assessments in longitudinal patient avatars unveil patient-specific recurrence trajectories and drug susceptibilities in glioblastoma

Poster 9Immunometabolism adaptation in CLL and new therapeutic opportunitiesAlice VERDIER
Poster 10
Enhanced In Vivo Synergistic Efficacy of Pan-Histone Deacetylase and Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitors in Targeting TP53-Mutant Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells
Aurélien POTTIER
Poster 11
Bioengineered small extracellular vesicles as new cancer immunotherapies to counteract immune suppression

Poster 12Real-World Monitoring of Postural Hypotension Leveraging Cardiovascular Wearable Sensors:  A Feasibility Study in Parkinson’s disease patientsFrancesca TERRANOVA
Poster 13
Progression of cognitive decline in the longitudinal Luxembourg Parkinson’s study
Poster 14
Digital support for self-management and health literacy in Parkinson’s disease
Poster 15
Using Technology to Improve Process and System Modality in High-Fidelity Manikin-Based Simulation

The morning is dedicated to high school students (click on the link if you are a teacher or student), and the afternoon to healthcare professionals and researchers.


Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg (CHL).
4 rue Barble L 1210 Luxembourg


For free
Lunch & cocktail included

Poster prizes

Phd Thesis 2rd or 3rd year (or more)


Registrations are now closed.


Tania Zamboni


Partagez sur


Dr. Rita Da Rocha Oliveira

Da Rocha Oliveira
Towards integrated paediatric care for rare diseases in Luxembourg: a multidisciplinary and patient-centred study protocol to develop a rare disease diagnostic pathway

Prof. Dr. Rejko KrĂĽger

Die Forschung als SchlĂĽssel zur Präzisions-Medizin ‘0Ă©und – Prävention bei der $Parkinson-Krankheit

Prof. Paul Wilmes

Microbiome-derived, immunogenic molecules and their role in the prognosis of immunotherapy for cancer

Dr. Anas Dyab

A proof-of-concept study with NVDX3, an osteogenic implant of human allogenic origin, in the treatment of low grade degenerative lumbar
spondylolisthesis by interbody fusion in adults.

Dr. Torsten Gerich

Implementation of phase I studies in trauma surgery and neurosurgery in Luxembourg

Dr. Claire Barbieux

Integrated Biobank of Luxembourg (IBBL)

Dr. Nikolai Goncharenko

Towards a Comprehensive Cancer Centre in Luxembourg: Integration of Care, Research, and Education

Dr. Pascal Stammet

Clinical research in post cardiac arrest care

Dr. Yvan Devaux

Recherche translationnelle sur les biomarqueurs de l’arrĂŞt cardiaque RNAs as prognostic biomarkers
after cardiac arrest

16/10/2024 12:00 Ă  19:45

Événements à venir