Département Infection et Immunité
L’objectif du département est de comprendre les mécanismes complexes des processus pathologiques infectieux et inflammatoires afin de trouver de nouveaux moyens de diagnostiquer, prévenir ou guérir les maladies humaines. Une telle stratégie nécessite l’existence d’un environnement de recherche hautement interdisciplinaire, avec une collaboration intensive entre immunologistes fondamentaux et cliniques, ingénieurs, biochimistes, biologistes computationnels et systémiques, spécialistes de la santé publique et cliniciens-chercheurs.
Le Département Infection et Immunité (Department of Infection and Immunity – DII) se définit comme un centre de recherche clinique translationnelle au carrefour des découvertes fondamentales, des applications cliniques et du service de santé publique.
En tant que tel, le DII se concentre sur l’analyse des mécanismes complexes des processus pathologiques infectieux et inflammatoires. Basée sur une approche pluridisciplinaire, la stratégie de recherche repose sur les éléments suivants : découverte expérimentale, transition vers l’application clinique et développement technologique. Les principales questions médicales non résolues dans les domaines de l’inflammation (allergie, asthme, auto-immunité), du cancer et des maladies infectieuses (VIH) forment la base du programme de recherche actuel et futur du DII. L’objectif à long terme du DII est de devenir un centre d’analyse complexe du système immunitaire afin de permettre une meilleure compréhension des pathologies à médiation immunitaire et des pathologies infectieuses.
Directeur du département
C’est avec la nomination de Markus Ollert en tant que premier directeur que le Département Infections et Immunité (DII) a effectivement été fondé en septembre 2014.
Le professeur Markus Ollert peut se prévaloir d’une longue expérience dans le domaine de l’allergie et de la dermatologie. Markus Ollert a été nommé professeur titulaire et membre de la faculté de l’Odense University Hospital de l’University of Southern Denmark en janvier 2015.

- Allergologie Moléculaire et Translationnelle
- Groupe de Recherche Clinique et Translationnelle sur le Vih
- Immunite Endocrinien et Épigénétique
- Immuno-Pharmacologie et Interactomique
- Immunologie Expérimentale et Moléculaire
- Immunologie translationnelle et clinique
- Nutrition, microbiome et immunité
- Protéomique de la Signalisation Cellulaire
- Virologie Clinique et Appliquée
Projets et essais cliniques
Membres de l’équipe
Publications scientifiques
Exploring Fish Parvalbumins through Allergen Names and Gene Identities – 18/10/2024
Yasuto Kondo et 3 autres auteurs -
Recurrent tick bites induce high IgG1 antibody responses to α-Gal in sensitized and non-sensitized forestry employees in Luxembourg – 14/10/2024
Christiane Hilger et 11 autres auteurs -
Chicken meat allergy in children – 25/03/2024
T. Guiddir et 13 autres auteurs -
Fecal IgE Analyses Reveal a Role for Stratifying Peanut-Allergic Patients – 26/07/2024
Annette Kuehn et 11 autres auteurs -
Hypoallergene Tiere – 01/05/2024
Christiane Hilger et 2 autres auteurs -
Tierallergene – 01/05/2024
Christiane Hilger et 1 autre auteur -
Allergenic Shrimp Tropomyosin Distinguishes from a Non-Allergenic Chicken Homolog by Pronounced Intestinal Barrier Disruption and Downstream Th2 Responses in Epithelial and Dendritic Cell (Co)Culture – 17/04/2024
Linette E.M. Willemsen et 11 autres auteurs -
Allergy to α-Gal and age – 01/04/2024
Christiane Hilger et 4 autres auteurs -
IgE and anaphylaxis specific to the carbohydrate alpha-gal depend on IL-4 – 21/12/2023
Tilo Biedermann et 14 autres auteurs -
What diet should pregnant women follow? – 01/04/2024
F. Codreanu-Morel et 4 autres auteurs -
Hypoallergenic animals – 01/03/2024
Christiane Hilger et 2 autres auteurs -
Creation of a pandemic memory by tracing COVID-19 infections and immunity in Luxembourg (CON-VINCE) – 09/02/2024
Olena Tsurkalenko et 30 autres auteurs -
Challenges in Diagnosing and Treating Acutely Febrile Children with Suspected Malaria at Health Care Facilities in the Lake Mwanza Region of Tanzania – 26/12/2023
Philip Koliopoulos et 19 autres auteurs -
Proteome analysis of propolis deciphering the origin and function of its proteins – 01/02/2024
Y. Shahali et 9 autres auteurs -
Proteomic analysis of horse hair extracts provides no evidence for the existence of a hypoallergenic Curly Horse breed – 01/02/2024
Christiane Hilger et 9 autres auteurs -
Meat allergy and alpha-gal syndrome – 01/01/2024
Michael Levin et 2 autres auteurs -
Putative biomarkers for severity and threshold of allergic reactions to foods – 01/01/2024
Annette Kuehn et 4 autres auteurs -
Novel, computational IgE-clustering in a population-based cross-sectional study: Mapping the allergy burden – 01/12/2023
Rebecca Czolk et 10 autres auteurs -
Variable IgE reactivity of Austrian fish-allergic patients to parvalbumins from locally available freshwater fish species – 01/12/2023
Tanja Kalic et 11 autres auteurs -
Deep profiling of food-allergic individuals and their gut microbiome, a patient-oriented and integrated approach – 25/10/2023
Rebecca Czolk -
Immune signatures predicting the clinical outcome of peanut oral immunotherapy – 02/10/2023
Annette Kuehn et 6 autres auteurs -
Novel, computational IgE-clustering in a population-based cross-sectional study – 27/07/2023
Annette Kuehn et 10 autres auteurs -
The Molecular Allergology User’s Guide 2.0 – 01/01/2023
Karin Hoffmann-Sommergruber et 4 autres auteurs -
Allergie à la viande de poulet, analyse clinique et allergomique – 01/04/2023
T. Guiddir et 13 autres auteurs -
Allergy to legumes including peanut – 01/04/2023
F. Codreanu-Morel et 7 autres auteurs -
High-dimensional immune profiles correlate with phenotypes of peanut allergy during food-allergic reactions – 24/06/2022
Annette Kuehn et 12 autres auteurs -
EAACI Molecular Allergology User’s Guide 2.0 – 01/03/2023
Karin Hoffmann-Sommergruber et 100 autres auteurs -
Molecular Factors Involved in Tick-Bite Mediated Allergy to the Carbohydrate Alpha-Gal – 02/02/2023
Neera Chakrapani -
Allergen content comparison of therapeutic extracts applied for allergen-specific immunotherapy of European paper wasp (Polistes dominula) venom allergy – 01/02/2023
Johannes Grosch et 15 autres auteurs -
The microbial composition of the gut microbiome varies between peanut-allergic children and healthy controls – 01/02/2023
Rebecca Czolk et 10 autres auteurs -
Challenges Diagnosing and Treating Acute Febrile Children with Suspected Malaria at Healthcare Facilities in the Mwanza Region, Tanzania – 23/12/2022
Philip Koliopoulos et 11 autres auteurs -
Allergenic risk assessment of cowpea and its cross-reactivity with pea and peanut – 01/12/2022
Christiane Hilger et 7 autres auteurs -
Identification of Potentially Tolerated Fish Species by Multiplex IgE Testing of a Multinational Fish-Allergic Patient Cohort – 01/01/2022
H. Breiteneder et 21 autres auteurs -
Fish Processing and Digestion Affect Parvalbumins Detectability in Gilthead Seabream and European Seabass – 03/11/2022
Pedro M. Rodrigues et 7 autres auteurs -
Databases in molecular allergy – 30/08/2022
C. Klingebiel et 3 autres auteurs -
Patients With Atopic Dermatitis Sensitized to Pet Dander Mount IgE and T-Cell Responses to Mammalian Cystatins, Including the Human Self-Protein – 03/09/2021
L. M. Roesner et 8 autres auteurs -
A novel monoclonal IgG1 antibody specific for Galactose-alpha-1,3-galactose questions alpha-Gal epitope expression by bacteria – 05/08/2022
C. Ohnmacht et 19 autres auteurs -
α-Gal present on both glycolipids and glycoproteins contributes to immune response in meat-allergic patients – 12/04/2022
Christiane Hilger et 12 autres auteurs -
Pre-Omicron Vaccine Breakthrough Infection Induces Superior Cross-Neutralization against SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.1 Compared to Infection Alone – 12/07/2022
Danielle PerezBercoff et 12 autres auteurs -
Octanoic Acid-Enrichment Diet Improves Endurance Capacity and Reprograms Mitochondrial Biogenesis in Skeletal Muscle of Mice – 29/06/2022
Joffrey Zoll et 7 autres auteurs -
Poultry Meat allergy – 01/01/2022
Naphisabet Wanniang et 3 autres auteurs -
Allergy to mammalian meat – 01/06/2022
Marianne van Hage et 3 autres auteurs -
Furry animals – 01/06/2022
Marianne van Hage et 2 autres auteurs -
Lipocalins – 01/06/2022
Christiane Hilger et 1 autre auteur -
Molecular Allergology User’s Guide 2.0 – 01/06/2022
Karin Hoffmann-Sommergruber et 4 autres auteurs -
Serum albumins – 01/06/2022
Maksymilian Chruszcz et 2 autres auteurs -
Small molecules as immunomodulators and allergen ligands – 01/06/2022
Pierre Rougé et 3 autres auteurs -
Fish Allergenicity Modulation Using Tailored Enriched Diets—Where Are We? – 25/05/2022
Pedro M. Rodrigues et 4 autres auteurs -
Combinatorial analysis reveals highly coordinated early-stage immune reactions that predict later antiviral immunity in mild COVID-19 patients – 01/01/2022
Christophe Capelle et 23 autres auteurs -
Allergen Content of Therapeutic Preparations for Allergen-Specific Immunotherapy of European Paper Wasp Venom Allergy – 01/04/2022
S. Blank et 15 autres auteurs -
Effect of creatine and EDTA supplemented diets on European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) allergenicity, fish muscle quality and omics fingerprint – 16/11/2021
Pedro M. Rodrigues et 11 autres auteurs -
Alpha-gal as the newest member of the glycan epitopes recognized in allergen nomenclature for cross-reactive carbohydrates – 01/02/2022
Thomas Platts-Mills et 11 autres auteurs -
Are Physicochemical Properties Shaping the Allergenic Potency of Plant Allergens? – 01/01/2020
Joana Costa et 24 autres auteurs -
Animal Allergens, Endotoxin, and β-(1,3)-Glucan in Small Animal Practices – 01/01/2021
Eva Zahradnik et 11 autres auteurs -
Are Physicochemical Properties Shaping the Allergenic Potency of Animal Allergens? – 01/01/2021
Joana Costa et 24 autres auteurs -
Delayed reaction in alpha-gal allergy is reflected in serum levels after ingestion of pork kidney, and absorption is dependent on food processing – 01/01/2021
Esben Eller et 5 autres auteurs -
Intestinal mucus barrier – 01/01/2021
Mahesh Desai et 4 autres auteurs -
Mammalian derived lipocalin and secretoglobin respiratory allergens strongly bind ligands with potentially immune modulating properties – 12/07/2022
Christiane Hilger et 9 autres auteurs -
Novel Advances in Allergy Diagnosis and Treatment – 01/12/2021
S. Blank et 1 autre auteur -
Allergy burden in luxembourg: A population-based, cross-sectional health survey paralleled by component-resolved-IgE-diagnosis – 15/11/2021
Rebecca Czolk et 13 autres auteurs -
Multinational study of sensitization patterns to parvalbumins from ten fish species for next-generation molecular allergy diagnosis – 15/11/2021
Tanja Kalic et 15 autres auteurs -
New section on carbohydrate epitopes in the WHO/IUIS allergen nomenclature website – 15/11/2021
Uta Jappe et 10 autres auteurs -
Vicilin IgE-cross-reactivity is responsible for in vitro allergenicity to cowpea in patients with legume allergy – 15/11/2021
M. M. Chentouh et 9 autres auteurs -
Food-allergic patients: from phenotype to endotype for biomarker discovery – 09/11/2021
Julia Klueber -
Systems and Longitudinal Analysis Reveals Early-Stage and Highly Coordinated Immune Responses in Mild COVID-19 Patients – 30/09/2021
Christophe Capelle et 22 autres auteurs -
Deep immune profiling reveals early-stage and highly coordinated immune responses in mild COVID-19 patients – 02/09/2021
Feng Q Hefeng et 22 autres auteurs -
Characterization of new allergens from the venom of the european paper wasp polistes dominula – 10/08/2021
S. Blank et 13 autres auteurs -
Carbohydrate epitopes currently recognized as targets for IgE antibodies – 01/08/2021
T. Platts-Mills et 11 autres auteurs -
Meat isn’t everything … Comment – 01/08/2021
Christiane Hilger -
Nahrungsmittelallergie mit Kreuzreaktivität zwischen Hühnerfleisch und Fisch – 01/08/2021
W. Hemmer et 3 autres auteurs -
Neither Fish nor Meat? Comment – 01/08/2021
Christiane Hilger -
A novel method for quantifying ingested food allergens in human sera – 01/07/2021
Carsten Bindslev-Jensen et 8 autres auteurs -
Comprehensive mapping of immune tolerance yields a regulatory TNF receptor 2 signature in a murine model of successful Fel d 1-specific immunotherapy using high-dose CpG adjuvant – 01/07/2021
Cathy Léonard et 10 autres auteurs -
Component-resolved diagnosis using guinea-pig allergens elucidates allergen sensitization profiles in allergy to furry animals – 01/06/2021
Christiane Hilger et 5 autres auteurs -
Metabolic Plasticity of Gilthead Seabream Under Different Stressors – 05/05/2021
Pedro M. Rodrigues et 10 autres auteurs -
Phospholipase a2 triggers anaphylaxis to snake venom by repeated skin sensitization – 20/04/2021
Christiane Hilger et 5 autres auteurs -
Editorial – 13/04/2021
Christiane Hilger et 1 autre auteur -
Multiplex-RT-PCR-ELISA panel for detecting mosquito-borne pathogens – 01/02/2021
Philip Koliopoulos et 13 autres auteurs -
Animal allergen exposure levels in veterinary practices and homes of practice employees – 01/02/2021
Eva Zahradnik et 11 autres auteurs -
IgE-Mediated Peanut Allergy – 28/01/2021
Annette Kuehn et 9 autres auteurs -
Assessment of the effects of a work-related allergy to seafood on the reduction of earning capacity in the context of BK No. 5101 – 14/01/2021
Heinrich Dickel et 13 autres auteurs -
Occupational allergic contact urticaria to tropomyosin from squid – 08/12/2020
Daniel Wilfinger et 5 autres auteurs -
Immunological Outcomes of Allergen-Specific Immunotherapy in Food Allergy – 03/11/2020
Ann Marie Malby Schoos et 22 autres auteurs -
The History of Carbohydrates in Type I Allergy – 09/10/2020
Tilo Biedermann et 5 autres auteurs -
Spatial distribution of alpha-gal in Ixodes ricinus – A histological study – 01/09/2020
Jörg Fischer et 7 autres auteurs -
Deep serum IgE-profiling in a Luxembourgish cohort of peanut-allergic children diagnosed by oral food challenge – 01/08/2020
Rebecca Czolk et 7 autres auteurs -
Effects of the neurotrophic factor Neurturin on epithelial barrier disruption in the context of asthma – 01/08/2020
Lucas Morel et 3 autres auteurs -
COST Action ‘ImpARAS’ – 18/05/2020
Kitty Verhoeckx et 11 autres auteurs -
Shedding light on the venom proteomes of the allergy-relevant hymenoptera Polistes dominula (European paper wasp) and Vespula spp. (Yellow Jacket) – 01/05/2020
S. Blank et 10 autres auteurs -
Protein changes as robust signatures of fish chronic stress – 19/04/2020
Marco Cerqueira et 7 autres auteurs -
Effect of EDTA enriched diets on farmed fish allergenicity and muscle quality; a proteomics approach – 01/02/2020
Pedro M. Rodrigues et 7 autres auteurs -
Homologous tropomyosins from vertebrate and invertebrate – 01/01/2020
Annette Kuehn et 10 autres auteurs -
Anaphylaxis to bovine serum albumin tissue adhesive in a non–meat-allergic patient – 01/01/2020
Jean Luc Bourrain et 6 autres auteurs -
Beurteilung der Auswirkung einer arbeitsbedingten Allergie gegenüber Meerestieren bei der Minderung der Erwerbsfähigkeit im Rahmen der BK 5101 – 01/01/2020
H. Dickel et 13 autres auteurs -
Fleischallergie durch Zeckenbiss – 01/01/2020
Kyra Swiontek et 2 autres auteurs -
Kontakturtikaria bei Typ-I Sensibilisierung auf Tropomyosin aus Tintenfisch als Berufskrankheit – 01/01/2020
D. Wilfinger et 5 autres auteurs -
Kreuzreaktive und spezifische Tierhaarallergene – 01/01/2020
Christiane Hilger et 1 autre auteur -
Negative oral provocation test with porcine pancreatic enzyme plus cofactors despite confirmed α-gal syndrome – 01/01/2020
Bernadette Eberlein et 7 autres auteurs -
Rational design of a hypoallergenic Phl p 7 variant for immunotherapy of polcalcin-sensitized patients – 01/12/2019
Ines Swoboda et 15 autres auteurs -
Fish Allergy Management – 01/12/2019
Annette Kuehn et 4 autres auteurs -
Keeping Allergen Names Clear and Defined – 19/11/2019
Richard E. Goodman et 10 autres auteurs -
Investigations of the major horse allergen Equ C 1 derived from the presumably hypoallergenic curly horse – 08/08/2019
Bente Janssen-Weets et 7 autres auteurs -
Method development for allergen capture from allergenic sources using human IgE-antibodies – 08/08/2019
Julia Klueber et 12 autres auteurs -
Shedding light on the polistes dominula venom proteome-Identification and characterization of novel allergens – 08/08/2019
Johanna Grosch et 18 autres auteurs -
Drugs of porcine origin—A risk for patients with α-gal syndrome? – 01/05/2019
Christiane Hilger et 10 autres auteurs -
Patients Allergic to Fish Tolerate Ray Based on the Low Allergenicity of Its Parvalbumin – 01/02/2019
Tanja Kalic et 13 autres auteurs -
Role and Mechanism of Galactose-Alpha-1,3-Galactose in the Elicitation of Delayed Anaphylactic Reactions to Red Meat – 01/01/2019
Christiane Hilger et 3 autres auteurs -
The basophil activation test differentiates between patients with alpha-gal syndrome and asymptomatic alpha-gal sensitization – 01/01/2019
Bernadette Eberlein et 11 autres auteurs -
Von Fischen, Meeresfrüchten und dem Unterschied. – 01/01/2019
Julia Klueber et 1 autre auteur -
The high molecular weight dipeptidyl peptidase IV Pol d 3 is a major allergen of Polistes dominula venom – 01/12/2018
S. Blank et 15 autres auteurs -
Lysozyme, a new allergen in donkey’s milk – 01/11/2018
Matteo Martini et 10 autres auteurs -
Diagnosing red-meat allergy; What to learn from skin and blood testing – 14/08/2018
Esben Eller et 6 autres auteurs -
Differences of Pol d 3 and Ves v 3 induced basophil activation between Spanish and German insect venom allergic patients – 14/08/2018
B. Eberlein et 14 autres auteurs -
Evaluation of pet ownership among school children and allergen quantification in passive airborne dust samples from Luxembourgish secondary schools – 14/08/2018
Stéphanie Kler et 8 autres auteurs -
Immunological characterization of Polistes dominula venom and identification of the hyaluronidase Pol d 2 – 14/08/2018
Michael Dittmar et 15 autres auteurs -
Individuals allergic to bony fish tolerate cartilaginous fish due to the low allergenicity of their parvalbumins – 14/08/2018
Tanja Kalic et 12 autres auteurs -
The WHO/IUIS allergen nomenclature system: Purpose, status and evolution of the system governing the official naming of allergens – 14/08/2018
Richard E. Goodman et 21 autres auteurs -
Homologous tropomyosins from vertebrate and invertebrate: Purification and allergenicity assessment – 01/08/2018
Julia Klueber et 10 autres auteurs -
WHO/IUIS Allergen Nomenclature – 01/08/2018
Richard E. Goodman et 19 autres auteurs -
Alpha-Gal beyond meat – 01/04/2018
Christiane Hilger et 3 autres auteurs -
Pigeon tick bite – 01/04/2018
G. Rolla et 11 autres auteurs -
Wells’ syndrome-like reaction following Argas reflexus bites – 01/03/2018
Clemmie Martin et 4 autres auteurs -
Allergien auf Haustiere und neue Allergien durch ungewöhnliche Tiere – 01/11/2017
M. Curin et 1 autre auteur -
Allergien auf Meerestiere – 01/11/2017
Annette Kuehn et 1 autre auteur -
Das Fischhauptallergen Parvalbumin – vom diagnostischen Marker zur allergenspezifischen Immuntherapie – 01/11/2017
Ines Swoboda et 1 autre auteur -
Tierallergien – 01/11/2017
Annette Kuehn et 1 autre auteur -
Vorwort – 01/11/2017
Christiane Hilger et 1 autre auteur -
Cross-reactivity in fish allergy – 01/10/2017
Martin Sørensen et 8 autres auteurs -
Diagnosis of Allergy to Mammals and Fish – 01/09/2017
Christiane Hilger et 2 autres auteurs -
Alpha-Gal Syndrome – 01/09/2017
Jörg Fischer et 1 autre auteur -
The effects of early life adversity on the immune system – 01/08/2017
Jonathan Turner et 3 autres auteurs -
Cockroach, tick, storage mite, and other arthropod allergies – 08/05/2017
Christiane Hilger et 4 autres auteurs -
Extract-based and molecular diagnostics in fish allergy – 08/05/2017
Annette Kuehn et 4 autres auteurs -
Molecular and extract-based diagnostics in meat allergy – 08/05/2017
Christiane Hilger et 7 autres auteurs -
Molecular diagnostics in allergy to mammals – 08/05/2017
Christiane Hilger et 2 autres auteurs -
Alpha-gal is a possible target of IgE-mediated reactivity to antivenom – 01/05/2017
Tilo Biedermann et 6 autres auteurs -
Anaphylactic reactions to novel foods – 01/04/2017
Natalia Ballardini et 9 autres auteurs -
Fish–chicken syndrome – 01/04/2017
Annette Kuehn et 15 autres auteurs -
Short- and long-term benefits of peanut immunotherapy in 2017 – 01/04/2017
F. Codreanu-Morel et 5 autres auteurs -
Fish allergy – 01/01/2017
Annette Kuehn et 1 autre auteur -
Identification of a polygalacturonase (Cup s 2) as the major CCD-bearing allergen in Cupressus sempervirens pollen – 01/01/2017
P. Poncet et 9 autres auteurs -
Cross-reactivity to fish and chicken meat – a new clinical syndrome – 01/12/2016
Annette Kuehn et 15 autres auteurs -
Urtica dioica pollen allergy – 01/11/2016
P. Poncet et 11 autres auteurs -
Neues zu diagnostisch relevanten Einzelallergenen aus pflanzlichen und tierischen Nahrungsmittelallergenquellen – 01/09/2016
Uta Jappe et 1 autre auteur -
Allergien auf Haustiere und neue Allergien durch ungewöhnliche Haustiere – 01/06/2016
M. Curin et 1 autre auteur -
Allergien auf Meerestiere – 01/06/2016
Annette Kuehn et 1 autre auteur -
Vorwort – 01/06/2016
Annette Kuehn et 1 autre auteur -
Horse-meat allergy mediated by dog-allergy – 02/05/2016
M. Morisset et 3 autres auteurs -
EAACI Molecular Allergology User’s Guide – 01/05/2016
P. M. Matricardi et 64 autres auteurs -
Two galactose-α-1,3-galactose carrying peptidases from pork kidney mediate anaphylactogenic responses in delayed meat allergy – 01/05/2016
Christiane Hilger et 8 autres auteurs -
Horse-meat allergy mediated by dog-allergy – 01/05/2016
M. Morisset et 3 autres auteurs -
Poisson – 01/04/2016
Christiane Hilger et 2 autres auteurs -
Fischallergie und Fischallergene – 01/03/2016
Annette Kuehn et 2 autres auteurs -
Allergien auf Schaben, Zecken, Vorratsmilben und andere Gliederfüßer: Molekulare Aspekte – 01/12/2015
Christiane Hilger et 3 autres auteurs -
Extrakt-basierte und molekulare Diagnostik bei Fischallergie – 15/09/2015
Annette Kuehn et 3 autres auteurs -
Molekulare Diagnostik bei Allergie gegen Säugetiere – 15/09/2015
Christiane Hilger et 1 autre auteur -
Reply – 01/06/2015
Jon R. Konradsen et 5 autres auteurs -
Milben und andere innenraumallergene – Von der exposition über die sensibilisierung bis hin zur therapie – 01/05/2015
Monika Raulf-Heimsoth et 11 autres auteurs -
Male-specific submaxillary gland protein, a lipocalin allergen of the golden hamster, differs from the lipocalin allergens of siberian and roborovski dwarf hamsters – 06/04/2015
Christiane Hilger et 12 autres auteurs -
Development of recombinant stable house dust mite allergen Der p 3 molecules for component-resolved diagnosis and specific immunotherapy – 01/04/2015
A. Bouaziz et 13 autres auteurs -
Les allergènes des mammifères – 01/04/2015
Christiane Hilger -
Allergy to furry animals – 01/03/2015
Jon R. Konradsen et 9 autres auteurs -
Hund, Katze und Co – Haustiere als Allergenquellen in Innenräumen – 01/02/2015
Christiane Hilger et 1 autre auteur -
Schädlinge und andere « unerwünschte Untermieter » in Innenräumen – Wie relevant sind sie als Allergenquellen? – 01/02/2015
Monika Raulf-Heimsoth et 4 autres auteurs -
Animal allergens – 01/01/2015
Annette Kuehn et 1 autre auteur -
Identification and isolation of a Fel d 1-like molecule as a major rabbit allergen – 01/03/2014
Christiane Hilger et 8 autres auteurs -
Identification of enolases and aldolases as important fish allergens in cod, salmon and tuna – 01/07/2013
Annette Kuehn et 12 autres auteurs -
Protein- und DNS-basierte methoden als komplementäre methoden zum nachweis von fischallergenen in nahrungsmitteln – 01/07/2012
Annette Kuehn et 3 autres auteurs -
Identification of a new major dog allergen highly cross-reactive with Fel d 4 in a population of cat- and dog-sensitized patients – 01/04/2012
Christiane Hilger et 4 autres auteurs -
Serie molekulare allergologie – Teil 7. Fischallergie – 01/02/2012
Annette Kuehn et 3 autres auteurs -
Evaluation of two new recombinant guinea-pig lipocalins, Cav p 2 and Cav p 3, in the diagnosis of guinea-pig allergy – 01/06/2011
Christiane Hilger et 7 autres auteurs -
Fish allergy – a comprehensive review of recent developments in fish allergy diagnosis and fish allergen detection – 01/01/2011
Annette Kuehn et 2 autres auteurs -
Important variations in parvalbumin content in common fish species – 01/11/2010
Annette Kuehn et 3 autres auteurs -
Anaphylactic reactions to bites of the pigeon tick Argas reflexus – 01/03/2010
Steffi Weckesser et 3 autres auteurs -
Six Injections of Modified Adjuvanted PQ Grass Is Effective and Well-Tolerated in a Pivotal Phase III Trial – 04/02/2025
Stefan Zielen et 49 autres auteurs -
Venom Component Allergen IgE Measurement in the Diagnosis and Management of Insect Sting Allergy – 02/08/2024
R. G. Hamilton et 4 autres auteurs -
Association of LEF1-AS1 with cardiovascular and neurological complications of COVID-19 – 22/12/2024
Yvan Devaux et 8 autres auteurs -
Perceptions of the impact of individual allergic rhinitis symptoms – 03/12/2024
Sara Gil-Mata et 410 autres auteurs -
Dietary fibers boost gut microbiota-produced B vitamin pool and alter host immune landscape – 01/12/2024
Mahesh Desai et 7 autres auteurs -
Recurrent tick bites induce high IgG1 antibody responses to α-Gal in sensitized and non-sensitized forestry employees in Luxembourg – 14/10/2024
Christiane Hilger et 11 autres auteurs -
CyCadas – 07/10/2024
Markus Ollert et 3 autres auteurs -
Concepts for the Development of Person-Centered, Digitally Enabled, Artificial Intelligence–Assisted ARIA Care Pathways (ARIA 2024) – 01/01/2024
J. Bousquet et 219 autres auteurs -
Evidence of exposure to SARS-CoV-2 and various neutralizing antibody profiles against variants of concerns in companion animals, Luxembourg – 27/09/2024
Chantal Snoeck et 7 autres auteurs -
Concurrent validity, cut-offs and ability to change of patient-reported outcome measures for rhinitis and asthma in MASK-air® – 01/09/2024
J. Bousquet et 50 autres auteurs -
Gut microbial factors predict disease severity in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis – 15/07/2024
Mahesh Desai et 11 autres auteurs -
Digitally-enabled, person-centred care (PCC) in allergen immunotherapy – 03/05/2024
Oliver Pfaar et 29 autres auteurs -
MASK-air – 21/03/2024
J. Bousquet et 114 autres auteurs -
Fecal IgE Analyses Reveal a Role for Stratifying Peanut-Allergic Patients – 26/07/2024
Annette Kuehn et 11 autres auteurs -
AllergoOncology – 01/01/2024
Aurélie Poli et 29 autres auteurs -
Poor Rhinitis and Asthma Control Is Associated With Decreased Health-Related Quality of Life and Utilities – 01/01/2024
Rafael José Vieira et 49 autres auteurs -
Inferring upstream regulatory genes of FOXP3 in human regulatory T cells from time-series transcriptomic data – 29/05/2024
Jorge Gonçalves et 10 autres auteurs -
Development of a long noncoding RNA-based machine learning model to predict COVID-19 in-hospital mortality – 20/05/2024
Yvan Devaux et 34 autres auteurs -
Good’s syndrome associated with multiple basal cell carcinomas – 01/01/2024
Jacques Zimmer et 1 autre auteur -
Working with companies that manufacture breastmilk substitutes – 01/05/2024
Maria J. Torres et 9 autres auteurs -
Two hits are better than one – 30/04/2024
Jacques Zimmer et 2 autres auteurs -
From MASK-air and SILAM to CATALYSE (Climate Action To Advance HeaLthY Societies in Europe) – 26/07/2023
J. Bousquet et 24 autres auteurs -
Multiomics approaches disclose very-early molecular and cellular switches during insect-venom allergen-specific immunotherapy – 22/02/2024
Feng Q Hefeng et 38 autres auteurs -
Creation of a pandemic memory by tracing COVID-19 infections and immunity in Luxembourg (CON-VINCE) – 09/02/2024
Olena Tsurkalenko et 30 autres auteurs -
Asthma and rhinitis control in adolescents and young adults – 01/02/2024
Bernardo Sousa-Pinto et 38 autres auteurs -
Proteome analysis of propolis deciphering the origin and function of its proteins – 01/02/2024
Y. Shahali et 9 autres auteurs -
Proteomic analysis of horse hair extracts provides no evidence for the existence of a hypoallergenic Curly Horse breed – 01/02/2024
Christiane Hilger et 9 autres auteurs -
Mentoring as the cornerstone of continued education in Allergy and Clinical Immunology – 01/01/2023
Mattia Giovannini et 23 autres auteurs -
Evidence of Exposure to Sars-Cov-2 and Various Neutralizing Antibody Profiles Against Variants of Concerns in Cats and Dogs, Luxembourg (P1.126) – 12/12/2023
Markus Ollert et 8 autres auteurs -
Impairment of EQ-5D-5L Domains According to Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma Control – 01/01/2023
J. Bousquet et 50 autres auteurs -
Novel, computational IgE-clustering in a population-based cross-sectional study: Mapping the allergy burden – 01/12/2023
Rebecca Czolk et 10 autres auteurs -
Early-to-mid stage idiopathic Parkinson’s disease shows enhanced cytotoxicity and differentiation in CD8 T-cells in females – 20/11/2023
Feng Q Hefeng et 23 autres auteurs -
Multimeric immunotherapeutic complexes activating natural killer cells towards HIV-1 cure – 07/11/2023
Carole Seguin-Devaux et 10 autres auteurs -
Nomenclature of allergic diseases and hypersensitivity reactions – 10/10/2023
Cezmi A. Akdis et 39 autres auteurs -
Validation of a SARS-CoV-2 Surrogate Neutralization Test Detecting Neutralizing Antibodies against the Major Variants of Concern – 06/10/2023
Carole Seguin-Devaux et 13 autres auteurs -
Akkermansia muciniphila exacerbates food allergy in fibre-deprived mice – 01/01/2023
Mahesh Desai et 10 autres auteurs -
UCRAID (Ukrainian Citizen and refugee electronic support in Respiratory diseases, Allergy, Immunology and Dermatology) action plan – 01/01/2023
J. Bousquet et 51 autres auteurs -
Novel, computational IgE-clustering in a population-based cross-sectional study – 27/07/2023
Annette Kuehn et 10 autres auteurs -
Adherence to inhaled corticosteroids and long-acting β2-agonists in asthma – 01/01/2023
J. Bousquet et 68 autres auteurs -
Patient-centered digital biomarkers for allergic respiratory diseases and asthma – 01/07/2023
J. Bousquet et 106 autres auteurs -
EAACI guidelines on environmental science in allergic diseases and asthma – Leveraging artificial intelligence and machine learning to develop a causality model in exposomics – 01/01/2023
Ioana Agache et 16 autres auteurs -
Rhinitis associated with asthma is distinct from rhinitis alone – 01/01/2023
J. Bousquet et 249 autres auteurs -
Multifunctional Heteromultimeric Constructs – 27/04/2023
Xavier Dervillez et 2 autres auteurs -
Gut microbiome-based prediction of autoimmune neuroinflammation – 14/04/2023
Mahesh Desai et 11 autres auteurs -
EAACI-Kongress 2023, 9. – 11. Juni 2023 – 01/04/2023
Stefano Del Giacco et 7 autres auteurs -
High-dimensional immune profiles correlate with phenotypes of peanut allergy during food-allergic reactions – 24/06/2022
Annette Kuehn et 12 autres auteurs -
Association between use of psychotropic medications prior to SARS-COV-2 infection and trajectories of COVID-19 recovery – 16/03/2023
Gloria Aguayo et 5 autres auteurs -
Altered infective competence of the human gut microbiome in COVID-19 – 09/03/2023
Laura de Nies et 28 autres auteurs -
Allergic airway inflammation delays glioblastoma progression and reinvigorates systemic and local immunity in mice – 01/01/2022
Aurélie Poli et 16 autres auteurs -
EAACI Molecular Allergology User’s Guide 2.0 – 01/03/2023
Karin Hoffmann-Sommergruber et 100 autres auteurs -
Allergen content comparison of therapeutic extracts applied for allergen-specific immunotherapy of European paper wasp (Polistes dominula) venom allergy – 01/02/2023
Johannes Grosch et 15 autres auteurs -
The microbial composition of the gut microbiome varies between peanut-allergic children and healthy controls – 01/02/2023
Rebecca Czolk et 10 autres auteurs -
Coronavirus vaccines – 12/01/2023
Xavier Dervillez et 2 autres auteurs -
Allergenic risk assessment of cowpea and its cross-reactivity with pea and peanut – 01/12/2022
Christiane Hilger et 7 autres auteurs -
Long COVID Classification – 30/11/2022
Aurélie Fischer et 8 autres auteurs -
Inhibitor of DJ-1 for Use in Treating Immunoaging – 24/11/2022
Feng Q Hefeng et 2 autres auteurs -
Association of miR-144 levels in the peripheral blood with COVID-19 severity and mortality – 21/11/2022
Fabio Martelli et 17 autres auteurs -
Natural Killer activating multimeric immunotherapeutic complexes (NaMiX) induce cytotoxic activity and killing of HIV-1 infected cells – 13/11/2022
Rafaëla Schober et 9 autres auteurs -
A comprehensive, tri-national, cross-sectional analysis of characteristics and impact of pruritus in psoriasis – 28/06/2022
T Hawro et 17 autres auteurs -
A voice-based biomarker for monitoring symptom resolution in adults with COVID-19 – 20/10/2022
Guy Fagherazzi et 8 autres auteurs -
Nanoluciferase-based cell fusion assay for rapid and high-throughput assessment of SARS-CoV-2-neutralizing antibodies in patient samples – 09/09/2022
Andy Chevigne et 8 autres auteurs -
Omics technologies in allergy and asthma research – 01/01/2022
Maria M. Escribese et 16 autres auteurs -
Biotin interference can cause false-negative specific IgE results in patients with anaphylaxis – 01/01/2022
Markus Ollert et 7 autres auteurs -
Long COVID Symptomatology After 12 Months and Its Impact on Quality of Life According to Initial Coronavirus Disease 2019 Disease Severity – 05/08/2022
Guy Fagherazzi et 8 autres auteurs -
Early-to-mid idiopathic Parkinson’s disease shows a more cytotoxic but declined CD8-regulatory peripheral immune profile – 22/07/2022
Feng Q Hefeng et 16 autres auteurs -
Imprint of Initial Education and Loss of Ly49C/I in Activated Natural Killer Cells of TAP1-KO and C57BL/6 Wildtype Mice – 24/05/2022
Jacques Zimmer et 10 autres auteurs -
Akkermansia muciniphila regulates food allergy in a diet-dependent manner – 13/07/2022
Mahesh Desai et 10 autres auteurs -
Dietary fibers boost gut microbiota-produced B vitamin pool and alter host immune landscape – 25/05/2022
Mahesh Desai et 7 autres auteurs -
PARK7/DJ-1 promotes pyruvate dehydrogenase activity and maintains Treg homeostasis during ageing – 01/01/2022
Feng Q Hefeng et 28 autres auteurs -
Translational Immunology: How is it changing Tomorrow’s Allergology today? – 01/04/2022
Markus Ollert -
DJ-1 depletion prevents immunoaging in T-cell compartments – 01/01/2022
Feng Q Hefeng et 14 autres auteurs -
A Hot Topic – 12/01/2022
Jacques Zimmer et 2 autres auteurs -
Delayed reaction in alpha-gal allergy is reflected in serum levels after ingestion of pork kidney, and absorption is dependent on food processing – 01/01/2021
Esben Eller et 5 autres auteurs -
Intestinal mucus barrier – 01/01/2021
Mahesh Desai et 4 autres auteurs -
Long COVID Classification: Findings from a Clustering Analysis in the Predi-COVID Cohort Study – 01/01/2022
Aurélie Fischer et 8 autres auteurs -
Molecular allergology and its impact in specific allergy diagnosis and therapy – 01/01/2021
Domingo Barber et 7 autres auteurs -
COVID-19 pandemic and allergen immunotherapy—an EAACI survey – 01/01/2021
Oliver Pfaar et 31 autres auteurs -
Management of anaphylaxis due to COVID-19 vaccines in the elderly – 01/10/2021
J. Bousquet et 148 autres auteurs -
Systems and Longitudinal Analysis Reveals Early-Stage and Highly Coordinated Immune Responses in Mild COVID-19 Patients – 30/09/2021
Christophe Capelle et 22 autres auteurs -
Deep immune profiling reveals early-stage and highly coordinated immune responses in mild COVID-19 patients – 02/09/2021
Feng Q Hefeng et 22 autres auteurs -
Allergic airway inflammation impacts tumor take and delays experimental glioblastoma progression – 01/09/2021
Aurélie Poli et 13 autres auteurs -
Characterization of new allergens from the venom of the european paper wasp polistes dominula – 10/08/2021
S. Blank et 13 autres auteurs -
A novel method for quantifying ingested food allergens in human sera – 01/07/2021
Carsten Bindslev-Jensen et 8 autres auteurs -
Comprehensive mapping of immune tolerance yields a regulatory TNF receptor 2 signature in a murine model of successful Fel d 1-specific immunotherapy using high-dose CpG adjuvant – 01/07/2021
Cathy Léonard et 10 autres auteurs - Elucidating novel mechanisms of immune tolerance in allergen-specific immunotherapy (AIT): Lessons from comprehensive immune profiling and innovative data analysis in preclinical and patient-based studies – 25/06/2021
ARIA-EAACI care pathways for allergen immunotherapy in respiratory allergy – 01/06/2021
J. Bousquet et 177 autres auteurs -
Component-resolved diagnosis using guinea-pig allergens elucidates allergen sensitization profiles in allergy to furry animals – 01/06/2021
Christiane Hilger et 5 autres auteurs -
EAACI statement on the diagnosis, management and prevention of severe allergic reactions to COVID-19 vaccines – 01/06/2021
Milena Sokolowska et 13 autres auteurs -
Vaccines and allergic reactions – 01/06/2021
Kari C. Nadeau et 32 autres auteurs -
FAM13A regulates KLRG1 expression and interferon gamma production of natural killer cells – 18/05/2021
Ni Zeng et 14 autres auteurs -
Adverse life trajectories are a risk factor for sars-cov-2 iga seropositivity – 17/05/2021
Jonathan Turner et 5 autres auteurs -
SARS-CoV-2 transmission risk from asymptomatic carriers – 01/05/2021
Paul Wilmes et 14 autres auteurs -
Identification of VIMP as a gene inhibiting cytokine production in human CD4+ effector T cells – 23/04/2021
Feng Q Hefeng et 6 autres auteurs -
Phospholipase a2 triggers anaphylaxis to snake venom by repeated skin sensitization – 20/04/2021
Christiane Hilger et 5 autres auteurs -
Sustained high expression of multiple APOBEC3 cytidine deaminases in systemic lupus erythematosus – 12/04/2021
Danielle PerezBercoff et 13 autres auteurs -
Proadrenomedullin N-Terminal 20 Peptides (PAMPs) Are Agonists of the Chemokine Scavenger Receptor ACKR3/CXCR7 – 09/04/2021
Andy Chevigne et 7 autres auteurs -
Multidimensional Proteomic Approach of Endothelial Progenitors Demonstrate Expression of KDR Restricted to CD19 Cells – 01/04/2021
David M. Smadja et 25 autres auteurs -
Noninvasive and minimally invasive techniques for the diagnosis and management of allergic diseases – 01/04/2021
Carsten Schmidt-Weber et 16 autres auteurs -
Cxcl10 is an agonist of the cc family chemokine scavenger receptor ackr2/d6 – 02/03/2021
Martyna Szpakowska et 11 autres auteurs -
COVID-19 pandemic – 01/03/2021
Oliver Pfaar et 77 autres auteurs -
CpG Adjuvant in Allergen-Specific Immunotherapy – 23/02/2021
Markus Ollert et 3 autres auteurs -
Induction of IL-10-producing type 2 innate lymphoid cells by allergen immunotherapy is associated with clinical response – 09/02/2021
Korneliusz Golebski et 20 autres auteurs -
Marker allergens in Hymenoptera venom allergy — Characteristics and potential use in precision medicine – 01/02/2021
S. Blank et 5 autres auteurs -
IgE-Mediated Peanut Allergy – 28/01/2021
Annette Kuehn et 9 autres auteurs -
Specific ACKR2 modulators for use in therapy – 21/01/2021
Bassam Janji et 5 autres auteurs -
Increased estrogen to androgen ratio enhances immunoglobulin levels and impairs B cell function in male mice – 01/12/2020
Juan Antonio Aguilar-Pimentel et 16 autres auteurs -
The atypical chemokine receptor ACKR3/CXCR7 is a broad-spectrum scavenger for opioid peptides – 01/12/2020
Andy Chevigne et 12 autres auteurs -
Mitochondria interaction networks show altered topological patterns in Parkinson’s disease – 01/12/2020
Feng Q Hefeng et 15 autres auteurs -
Protocol for a prospective, longitudinal cohort of people with COVID-19 and their household members to study factors associated with disease severity – 23/11/2020
Guy Fagherazzi et 13 autres auteurs -
GigaSOM.jl – 01/11/2020
Miroslav Kratochvíl et 8 autres auteurs -
Precision medicine in hymenoptera venom allergy – 22/10/2020
S. Blank et 3 autres auteurs -
Use of biologicals in allergic and type-2 inflammatory diseases during the current COVID-19 pandemic – 07/09/2020
Ludger Klimek et 93 autres auteurs -
In-vivo diagnostic test allergens in Europe – 01/09/2020
Ludger Klimek et 25 autres auteurs -
Accelerated epigenetic aging as a risk factor for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and decreased lung function in two prospective cohort studies – 31/08/2020
Cavin K. Ward-Caviness et 20 autres auteurs -
EAACI Research and Outreach Committee – 01/08/2020
Mohamed H. Shamji et 16 autres auteurs -
Glucocorticoid receptor signaling in leukocytes after early life adversity – 01/08/2020
Jonathan Turner et 12 autres auteurs -
Biotin interference can cause false-negative IgE test results in patients with anaphylaxis – 01/08/2020
N. Scheib et 7 autres auteurs -
Mucus barrier erosion by the commensal gut microbiome leads to exacerbated food allergy sensitization – 01/08/2020
Amy Parrish et 5 autres auteurs -
Successful CpG/Fel d 1-based immunotherapy reduces Th2 effector and memory cell compartments in a mouse model of allergic asthma – 01/08/2020
Cathy Léonard et 3 autres auteurs -
AllergoOncology – 17/07/2020
Erika Jensen-Jarolim et 22 autres auteurs -
Anwendung von biologika bei allergischen und Typ-2-entzündlichen Erkrankungen in der aktuellen COVID-19-Pandemie – ein Positionspapier von AeDA, DGAKI, GPA, ÖGAI, LGAI, ÖGP, ARIA und EAACI – 01/07/2020
Ludger Klimek et 49 autres auteurs -
Anwendung von Biologika bei allergischen und Typ-2-entzündlichen Erkrankungen in der aktuellen Covid-19-Pandemiea, b, c – 01/06/2020
Ludger Klimek et 91 autres auteurs -
Glutathione Restricts Serine Metabolism to Preserve Regulatory T Cell Function – 05/05/2020
Dirk Brenner et 30 autres auteurs -
EAACI-Leitlinien zur allergen-spezifischen Immuntherapie – 01/05/2020
Antonella Muraro et 37 autres auteurs -
Shedding light on the venom proteomes of the allergy-relevant hymenoptera Polistes dominula (European paper wasp) and Vespula spp. (Yellow Jacket) – 01/05/2020
S. Blank et 10 autres auteurs -
The role of mobile health technologies in allergy care – 01/02/2020
P. M. Matricardi et 47 autres auteurs -
Homologous tropomyosins from vertebrate and invertebrate – 01/01/2020
Annette Kuehn et 10 autres auteurs -
The role of component-resolved diagnosis in Hymenoptera venom allergy – 01/12/2019
M. B. Bilò et 2 autres auteurs -
Prevalence of Hymenoptera venom allergy and sensitization in the population-representative German KORA cohort – 01/09/2019
S. Blank et 6 autres auteurs -
Allergooncology: Delayed glioblastoma progression in a mouse model of allergic airway inflammation – 01/08/2019
Aurélie Poli et 13 autres auteurs -
Unbiased mass cytometry analysis method applied to high-dimensional single cell phenotyping deciphers tolerance induction in a model of allergen immunotherapy – 01/08/2019
Oliver Hunewald et 6 autres auteurs -
Drugs of porcine origin—A risk for patients with α-gal syndrome? – 01/05/2019
Christiane Hilger et 10 autres auteurs -
Induction of allergen-specifi Tregs prior to oral or sublingual immunotherapy of food allergy – 25/04/2019
Reinhard Bredehorst et 3 autres auteurs -
Hydrogel embedded oligodoxynucleotides as tolerognic adjuvant for subcutaneous immunotherapy – 24/04/2019
Reinhard Bredehorst et 3 autres auteurs -
Patients Allergic to Fish Tolerate Ray Based on the Low Allergenicity of Its Parvalbumin – 01/02/2019
Tanja Kalic et 13 autres auteurs -
The basophil activation test differentiates between patients with alpha-gal syndrome and asymptomatic alpha-gal sensitization – 01/01/2019
Bernadette Eberlein et 11 autres auteurs -
IL-4 receptor α blockade prevents sensitization and alters acute and long-lasting effects of allergen-specific immunotherapy of murine allergic asthma – 01/01/2019
S. Blank et 10 autres auteurs -
A roadmap towards personalized immunology – 01/12/2018
Feng Q Hefeng et 4 autres auteurs -
Defective immuno- and thymoproteasome assembly causes severe immunodeficiency – 01/12/2018
Irina Treise et 24 autres auteurs -
Identification of genetic elements in metabolism by high-throughput mouse phenotyping – 01/12/2018
M. H. de Angelis et 265 autres auteurs -
Streptozotocin-induced β-cell damage, high fat diet, and metformin administration regulate Hes3 expression in the adult mouse brain – 01/12/2018
Polyxeni Nikolakopoulou et 49 autres auteurs -
Systems medicine disease maps – 01/12/2018
Alexander Mazein et 23 autres auteurs -
The high molecular weight dipeptidyl peptidase IV Pol d 3 is a major allergen of Polistes dominula venom – 01/12/2018
S. Blank et 15 autres auteurs -
Lysozyme, a new allergen in donkey’s milk – 01/11/2018
Matteo Martini et 10 autres auteurs -
Understanding gene functions and disease mechanisms – 15/10/2018
M. H. de Angelis et 40 autres auteurs -
Standardisation in life-science research-making the case for harmonization to improve communication and sharing of data amongst researchers – 07/08/2018
S. Hollmann et 20 autres auteurs -
Characterization of the honeybee venom proteins C1q-like protein and PVF1 and their allergenic potential – 01/08/2018
S. Blank et 14 autres auteurs -
Deep immunophenotyping shows tolerance induction by successful CpG/Fel d 1-based immunotherapy in a murine asthma model – 01/08/2018
Cathy Léonard et 4 autres auteurs -
Delayed glioblastoma progression by repeated nasal instillations of house dust mite extract in a mouse model – 01/08/2018
Aurélie Poli et 11 autres auteurs -
Efficacy of dapsone for treatment of erythema annulare centrifugum in 15-year-old girl with familial cholinergic and cold urticaria – 01/08/2018
T. P. Nekrasova et 5 autres auteurs -
Management of chronic spontaneous urticaria – 04/07/2018
Pavel Kolkhir et 12 autres auteurs -
High-throughput sequencing of murine immunoglobulin heavy chain repertoires using single side unique molecular identifiers on an Ion Torrent PGM – 01/07/2018
Jean-Philippe Bürckert et 8 autres auteurs -
Laboratory mouse housing conditions can be improved using common environmental enrichment without compromising data – 16/04/2018
Viola André et 27 autres auteurs -
Dual PD1/LAG3 immune checkpoint blockade limits tumor development in a murine model of chronic lymphocytic leukemia – 05/04/2018
Marina Wierz et 12 autres auteurs -
Component-resolved diagnostics to direct in venom immunotherapy – 01/04/2018
S. Blank et 2 autres auteurs -
EAACI guidelines on allergen immunotherapy – 01/04/2018
Antonella Muraro et 37 autres auteurs -
Pigeon tick bite – 01/04/2018
G. Rolla et 11 autres auteurs -
The Role of Fibroblast Growth Factor-Binding Protein 1 in Skin Carcinogenesis and Inflammation – 01/01/2018
Marcel Oliver Schmidt et 47 autres auteurs -
Driving cytotoxic natural killer cells into melanoma – 01/01/2018
Bassam Janji et 8 autres auteurs -
Matrix-embedded Tolerance-promoting Adjuvants for subcutaneous lmmunotherapy – 06/12/2017
Reinhard Bredehorst et 2 autres auteurs -
A large scale hearing loss screen reveals an extensive unexplored genetic landscape for auditory dysfunction – 01/12/2017
Steve D. Brown et 200 autres auteurs -
Every-other-day feeding extends lifespan but fails to delay many symptoms of aging in mice – 01/12/2017
Dan Ehninger et 36 autres auteurs -
Female mice lacking Pald1 exhibit endothelial cell apoptosis and emphysema – 01/12/2017
Isabel Egaña et 49 autres auteurs -
Autoimmune comorbidity in chronic spontaneous urticaria – 01/12/2017
Marcus Maurer et 5 autres auteurs -
Allergien durch Stiche und Bisse von Insekten und Spinnentieren – 01/11/2017
S. Blank et 2 autres auteurs -
Allergen-specific immunotherapy of Hymenoptera venom allergy–also a matter of diagnosis – 03/10/2017
S. Blank et 4 autres auteurs -
Component-resolved evaluation of the content of major allergens in therapeutic extracts for specific immunotherapy of honeybee venom allergy – 03/10/2017
S. Blank et 10 autres auteurs -
Cross-reactivity in fish allergy – 01/10/2017
Martin Sørensen et 8 autres auteurs -
Prevalence of sexual dimorphism in mammalian phenotypic traits – 26/06/2017
Natasha Karp et 49 autres auteurs -
Erratum – 20/06/2017
Tak W. Mak et 22 autres auteurs -
Improved efficacy of allergen-specific immunotherapy by JAK inhibition in a murine model of allergic asthma – 01/06/2017
Juan Antonio Aguilar-Pimentel et 11 autres auteurs -
Introduction to molecular allergology – 08/05/2017
Jörg Kleine-Tebbe et 3 autres auteurs -
Alpha-gal is a possible target of IgE-mediated reactivity to antivenom – 01/05/2017
Tilo Biedermann et 6 autres auteurs -
Glutathione Primes T Cell Metabolism for Inflammation – 18/04/2017
Tak W. Mak et 22 autres auteurs -
International consensus (ICON) on – 18/04/2017
Mario Sánchez-Borges et 25 autres auteurs -
Anaphylactic reactions to novel foods – 01/04/2017
Natalia Ballardini et 9 autres auteurs -
Fish–chicken syndrome – 01/04/2017
Annette Kuehn et 15 autres auteurs -
Short- and long-term benefits of peanut immunotherapy in 2017 – 01/04/2017
F. Codreanu-Morel et 5 autres auteurs -
Allergen immunotherapy for insect venom allergy – 01/03/2017
S. Dhami et 28 autres auteurs -
Infant milk formulas differ regarding their allergenic activity and induction of T-cell and cytokine responses – 01/03/2017
R. Valenta et 18 autres auteurs -
Genome scaffolding and annotation for the pathogen vector Ixodes ricinus by ultra-long single molecule sequencing – 08/02/2017
Claude Muller et 3 autres auteurs -
Application of recombinant antigen 5 allergens from seven allergy-relevant Hymenoptera species in diagnostics – 01/01/2017
M. Schiener et 13 autres auteurs -
Prospective evaluation of the diagnostic value of sensitive KIT D816V mutation analysis of blood in adults with suspected systemic mastocytosis – 01/01/2017
T. Kristensen et 7 autres auteurs -
Cross-reactivity to fish and chicken meat – a new clinical syndrome – 01/12/2016
Annette Kuehn et 15 autres auteurs -
Predominant Api m 10 sensitization as risk factor for treatment failure in honey bee venom immunotherapy – 01/12/2016
T. Jakob et 16 autres auteurs -
A new framework for the interpretation of IgE sensitization tests – 01/11/2016
Graham Roberts et 16 autres auteurs -
Molecular allergology user’s guide – 21/09/2016
P. M. Matricardi et 4 autres auteurs -
Nahrungsmittelallergien – Neue Perspektiven zur therapeutischen Behandlung – 01/07/2016
Annette Kuehn et 2 autres auteurs -
High-resolution analysis of the B cell repertoire before and after polyethylene glycol fusion reveals preferential fusion of rare antigen-specific B cells – 08/06/2016
Claude Muller et 5 autres auteurs -
Allergien durch Stiche und Bisse von Insekten und Spinnentieren – 01/06/2016
S. Blank et 2 autres auteurs -
Horse-meat allergy mediated by dog-allergy – 02/05/2016
M. Morisset et 3 autres auteurs -
Added sensitivity of component-resolved diagnosis in hymenoptera venom-allergic patients with elevated serum tryptase and/or mastocytosis – 01/05/2016
Markus Ollert et 7 autres auteurs -
EAACI Molecular Allergology User’s Guide – 01/05/2016
P. M. Matricardi et 64 autres auteurs -
Two galactose-α-1,3-galactose carrying peptidases from pork kidney mediate anaphylactogenic responses in delayed meat allergy – 01/05/2016
Christiane Hilger et 8 autres auteurs -
Horse-meat allergy mediated by dog-allergy – 01/05/2016
M. Morisset et 3 autres auteurs -
Focussing reduced representation CpG sequencing through judicious restriction enzyme choice – 01/04/2016
Jonathan Turner et 5 autres auteurs -
Human CD56bright NK cells – 01/04/2016
Jacques Zimmer et 6 autres auteurs -
In-vitro-Serumdiagnostik – 29/03/2016
Markus Ollert et 2 autres auteurs -
Pollution, stress response, and obesity – 17/01/2025
David Meyre et 7 autres auteurs -
Heterogeneous expression of the atypical chemokine receptor ACKR3 in glioblastoma patient-derived tissue samples and cell cultures – 01/12/2024
Virginie Neirinckx et 9 autres auteurs -
A critical review to identify data gaps and improve risk assessment of bisphenol A alternatives for human health – 22/10/2024
Maria J. Silva et 28 autres auteurs -
Patient-based multilevel transcriptome exploration highlights relevant chemokines and chemokine receptor axes in glioblastoma – 30/09/2024
Giulia D’Uonnolo et 10 autres auteurs -
Corrigendum to “Case-co-twin studies as a methodology to examine the adversity immunophenotype while excluding genetic effects – 01/10/2024
Jeanne Le Cleac’h et 9 autres auteurs -
Mode of Birth and DNA Methylation at Birth, in Childhood, and in Adolescence – 01/01/2024
Isabel Jaramillo et 11 autres auteurs -
Transgenerational impacts of early life adversity – 28/06/2024
Cyrielle Holuka et 5 autres auteurs -
The oral microbiome is associated with HPA axis response to a psychosocial stressor – 09/07/2024
Jonathan Turner et 8 autres auteurs -
Exploring the role of OXTR gene methylation in attachment development – 01/07/2024
Guy Bosmans et 12 autres auteurs -
An emerging maestro of immune regulation – 19/06/2024
Sebastian Scheer et 3 autres auteurs -
The role of DNA methylation in the life course and age acceleration – 31/05/2024
Cyrielle Holuka -
Pyschological traumatic perinatal experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic, epigenetic hypothesis and protective suggestions – 13/06/2023
Gözde Gökçe İsbir et 2 autres auteurs -
Developmental epigenomic effects of maternal financial problems – 24/04/2024
Jonathan Turner et 5 autres auteurs -
The Yin and Yang of the oxytocin and stress systems – 16/04/2024
Jonathan Turner et 3 autres auteurs -
New approach methodologies to enhance human health risk assessment of immunotoxic properties of chemicals — a PARC (Partnership for the Assessment of Risk from Chemicals) project – 09/04/2024
Igor Snapkow et 33 autres auteurs -
Early-life influenza A (H1N1) infection independently programs brain connectivity, HPA AXIS and tissue-specific gene expression profiles – 11/03/2024
Jonathan Turner et 10 autres auteurs -
Multicomponent (bio)markers for obesity risk prediction – 08/03/2024
Torsten Bohn et 21 autres auteurs -
Traumatic birth and childbirth-related post-traumatic stress disorder – 01/01/2023
Susan Ayers et 10 autres auteurs -
Creation of a pandemic memory by tracing COVID-19 infections and immunity in Luxembourg (CON-VINCE) – 09/02/2024
Olena Tsurkalenko et 30 autres auteurs -
IKAROS and AIOLOS directly regulate AP-1 transcriptional complexes and are essential for NK cell development – 01/01/2024
Nicholas D. Huntington et 24 autres auteurs -
Implementing routine monitoring for nuclease contamination of equipment and consumables into the quality Management system of a laboratory – 30/01/2024
William Mathieson et 3 autres auteurs -
Methylation of serotonin regulating genes in cord blood cells – 03/01/2024
Jasminka Štefulj et 11 autres auteurs -
Exposure of children to brominated flame retardants and heavy metals in Morocco – 01/01/2024
Kaoutar Chbihi et 8 autres auteurs -
Pharmacokinetic characterisation of a valproate Autism Spectrum Disorder rat model in a context of co-exposure to α-Hexabromocyclododecane – 19/12/2023
Nathalie Grova et 11 autres auteurs -
The maternal epigenome as a window into the in utero environment that the foetus experiences – 01/12/2023
Jonathan Turner et 2 autres auteurs -
Methylation of serotonin regulating genes in cord blood cells: modulation by maternal metabolic parameters and correlation with methylation in peripheral blood cells during childhood and adolescence – 12/09/2023
Jasminka Stefulj et 11 autres auteurs -
The epigenetic hallmark of early-life α-hexabromocyclododecane exposure – 20/07/2023
Nathalie Grova et 15 autres auteurs -
A Th17 cell-intrinsic glutathione/mitochondrial-IL-22 axis protects against intestinal inflammation – 07/07/2023
Dirk Brenner et 26 autres auteurs -
Early life adversity: programming inflammation and immunosenescence through immunometabolic pathways? – 01/07/2023
Jonathan Turner -
Stress, glucose metabolism and the HPA axis: Early life adversity-the missing piece of the puzzle? – 01/07/2023
Snehaa Seal et 10 autres auteurs -
Endogenous oxytocin levels in children with autism – 30/06/2023
Kaat Alaerts et 12 autres auteurs -
How can early life adversity still exert an effect decades later? – 30/06/2023
Jonathan Turner et 1 autre auteur -
Connecting the dots in Type-2 diabetes: Early life adversity, stress and the immune system – 02/05/2023
Snehaa Seal -
The Oral Microbiome in the scope of Early Life Adversity – 21/04/2023
Eleftheria Charalambous -
Brominated flame retardants, a cornelian dilemma – 01/01/2022
Nathalie Grova et 5 autres auteurs -
Children’s internalizing behavior development is heterogeneously associated with the pace of epigenetic aging – 24/11/2022
Juan Carlos Caro et 5 autres auteurs -
Pace of aging, family environment and cognitive skills in children and adolescents – 01/12/2022
Gianmaria Niccodemi et 3 autres auteurs -
Assessing the role of pregnancy and the way of administration on the pharmacokinetic of valproic acid in rats in a context of gestational exposure to alpha-hexabromocyclododecane, a brominated flame retardant of high concern – 01/09/2022
Chloé Morel et 9 autres auteurs -
Neurodevelopmental toxicity of a perinatal exposure to alpha-HexaBromoCycloDoDecane in rat: with regard to its impact on 6-methyl adenine epigenetic mark and neuroinflammation assessed in cerebellum – 01/09/2022
Cyrielle Holuka et 9 autres auteurs -
Trained through generations – 11/03/2022
Jacques Zimmer et 3 autres auteurs -
A Holistic View of the Goto-Kakizaki Rat Immune System – 23/05/2022
Jonathan Turner et 7 autres auteurs -
PARK7/DJ-1 promotes pyruvate dehydrogenase activity and maintains Treg homeostasis during ageing – 01/01/2022
Feng Q Hefeng et 28 autres auteurs -
Head-to-Head Study of Developmental Neurotoxicity and Resultant Phenotype in Rats – 06/04/2022
Nathalie Grova et 6 autres auteurs - A tale of adversity: The impact of early life infection beyond the immune system – 20/01/2022
Tert promoter mutations increase sense and antisense transcription from the tert promoter – 26/11/2021
Danielle PerezBercoff et 3 autres auteurs -
Early-life adversity leaves its imprint on the oral microbiome for more than 20 years and is associated with long-term immune changes – 24/11/2021
Jonathan Turner et 8 autres auteurs -
Balancing restrictions and access to maternity care for women and birthing partners during the COVID-19 pandemic – 01/01/2021
J. Lalor et 10 autres auteurs -
Unbiased Screening Identifies Functional Differences in NK Cells After Early Life Psychosocial Stress – 30/07/2021
Jonathan Turner et 8 autres auteurs -
Is early life adversity a trigger towards inflammageing? – 15/07/2021
Jonathan Turner -
Concentrated raw fibers enhance the fiber‐degrading capacity of a synthetic human gut microbiome – 25/06/2021
Mahesh Desai et 4 autres auteurs -
DNA methylation: Conducting the orchestra from exposure to phenotypes – 04/06/2021
Sara Beatriz Fernandes -
N6-Methyladenine in Eukaryotic DNA – 24/05/2021
Jonathan Turner et 12 autres auteurs -
Adverse life trajectories are a risk factor for sars-cov-2 iga seropositivity – 17/05/2021
Jonathan Turner et 5 autres auteurs -
The ‘Jekyll and Hyde’ of gluconeogenesis – 25/03/2021
Jonathan Turner et 1 autre auteur -
Assessment of 9-oh-and 7,8-diol-benzo[a]pyrene in blood as potent markers of cognitive impairment related to benzo[a]pyrene exposure – 08/03/2021
Nathalie Grova et 6 autres auteurs -
The atypical chemokine receptor ACKR3/CXCR7 is a broad-spectrum scavenger for opioid peptides – 01/12/2020
Andy Chevigne et 12 autres auteurs -
Glucocorticoid receptor signaling in leukocytes after early life adversity – 01/08/2020
Jonathan Turner et 12 autres auteurs -
The covid-19 pandemic – 02/07/2020
Jonathan Turner et 5 autres auteurs -
Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infection in the Luxembourgish population: the CON-VINCE study. – 18/05/2020
Rejko Krüger et 23 autres auteurs -
Glutathione Restricts Serine Metabolism to Preserve Regulatory T Cell Function – 05/05/2020
Dirk Brenner et 30 autres auteurs -
Twin research in the post-genomic era – 01/05/2020
Jonathan Turner et 3 autres auteurs -
Ultra performance liquid chromatography – tandem mass spectrometer method applied to the analysis of both thyroid and steroid hormones in human hair – 08/02/2020
Nathalie Grova et 5 autres auteurs -
PAHs increase the production of extracellular vesicles both in vitro in endothelial cells and in vivo in urines from rats – 01/12/2019
Eric Le Ferrec et 11 autres auteurs -
Test-retest reproducibility of a combined physical and cognitive stressor – 01/11/2019
Petra Bachmann et 7 autres auteurs -
Epigenetic consequences of early‐life infection in a mouse model – 22/10/2019
Sophie Kirschner -
Blood pharmacokinetic of 17 common pesticides in mixture following a single oral exposure in rats – 01/10/2019
Caroline Chata et 6 autres auteurs -
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Can Trigger Hepatocyte Release of Extracellular Vesicles by Various Mechanisms of Action Depending on Their Affinity for the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor – 01/10/2019
Odile Sergent et 13 autres auteurs -
Temporal dynamics of cortisol-associated changes in mRNA expression of glucocorticoid responsive genes FKBP5, GILZ, SDPR, PER1, PER2 and PER3 in healthy humans – 01/04/2019
Andrea B. Schote et 8 autres auteurs -
Epigenetic and neurological impairments associated with early life exposure to persistent organic pollutants – 01/01/2019
Jonathan Turner et 3 autres auteurs -
Exposure to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Leads to Non-monotonic Modulation of DNA and RNA (hydroxy)methylation in a Rat Model – 01/12/2018
Radu Duca et 7 autres auteurs -
Mechanisms involved in the death of steatotic WIF-B9 hepatocytes co-exposed to benzo[a]pyrene and ethanol – 01/12/2018
Dominique Lagadic-Gossmann et 13 autres auteurs -
Blunted endocrine response to a combined physical-cognitive stressor in adults with early life adversity – 01/11/2018
Xenia Hengesch et 10 autres auteurs -
Exposure to environmental levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons leads to epigenetic modulation in a rat model – 10/10/2018
Radu Duca et 6 autres auteurs -
Hair analysis for the biomonitoring of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon exposure – 01/10/2018
Nathalie Grova et 4 autres auteurs -
The role of epigenetics in cardiovascular health and ageing – 01/09/2018
Robert G. Wallace et 6 autres auteurs -
Childhood adversity from conception onwards – 01/08/2018
Jonathan Turner -
Holistic, personalized, immunology? The effects of socioeconomic status on the transcriptional milieu of immune cells – 01/06/2018
Jonathan Turner -
Phenotype and Mechanisms of Altered Immune Functions induced by Early Life Adversity – 07/05/2018
Martha Elwenspoek -
Proinflammatory T cell status associated with early life adversity – 15/12/2017
Martha Elwenspoek et 12 autres auteurs -
Identification of new tetrahydroxylated metabolites of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in hair as biomarkers of exposure and signature of DNA adduct levels – 01/12/2017
Nathalie Grova et 6 autres auteurs -
T cell immunosenescence after early life adversity – 17/10/2017
Jonathan Turner et 13 autres auteurs -
Chemical evaluation of electronic cigarettes – 01/10/2017
Anne Garat et 13 autres auteurs -
The role of DNA methylation: linking exposure to phenotype – 11/08/2017
Fleur Leenen -
The effects of early life adversity on the immune system – 01/08/2017
Jonathan Turner et 3 autres auteurs -
Genetic and epigenetic alterations in normal and sensitive COPD-diseased human bronchial epithelial cells repeatedly exposed to air pollution-derived PM2.5 – 01/01/2017
G. Garçon et 13 autres auteurs -
New insights into urine-based assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-exposure from a rat model – 01/01/2017
Nathalie Grova et 3 autres auteurs -
Differential responses of healthy and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseased human bronchial epithelial cells repeatedly exposed to air pollution-derived PM4 – 01/11/2016
G. Garçon et 10 autres auteurs -
The acute and temporary modulation of PERIOD genes by hydrocortisone in healthy subjects – 20/10/2016
Türkan Yurtsever et 6 autres auteurs -
DNA methylation – 06/09/2016
Jonathan Turner et 2 autres auteurs -
Determination of tetrahydroxylated metabolites in hair and DNA of rats under controlled exposure to a mixture of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: new biomarkers for assessing human exposure – 01/09/2016
Nathalie Grova et 3 autres auteurs -
Epigenetic changes upon multi-residue exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons – 01/09/2016
Radu Duca et 5 autres auteurs -
Focussing reduced representation CpG sequencing through judicious restriction enzyme choice – 01/04/2016
Jonathan Turner et 5 autres auteurs -
Analysis of tetrahydroxylated benzo[a]pyrene isomers in hair as biomarkers of exposure to benzo[a]pyrene – 01/03/2016
Nathalie Grova et 3 autres auteurs -
Behavioral toxicity and physiological changes from repeated exposure to fluorene administered orally or intraperitoneally to adult male Wistar rats – 01/03/2016
Julie Peiffer et 7 autres auteurs -
The cardiovascular and hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis response to stress is controlled by glucocorticoid receptor sequence variants and promoter methylation – 28/01/2016
Jonathan Turner et 7 autres auteurs -
Where does transcription start? 5′-RACE adapted to next-generation sequencing – 28/11/2015
Fleur Leenen et 6 autres auteurs -
Traumatic stress and human DNA methylation – 01/06/2015
Marco P. Boks et 6 autres auteurs -
Epigenetics – 26/03/2015
Jonathan Turner et 4 autres auteurs -
Maternal deprivation of Lewis rat pups increases the severity of experimental periodontitis in adulthood – 01/01/2015
Torbjørn Breivikt et 6 autres auteurs -
Cortisol, but not intranasal insulin, affects the central processing of visual food cues – 01/12/2014
Diana S. Ferreira de Sá et 6 autres auteurs -
Tetrahydroxylated-benzo[a]pyrene isomer analysis after hydrolysis of DNA-adducts isolated from rat and human white blood cells – 17/10/2014
Nathalie Grova et 4 autres auteurs -
Role of the 5′-untranslated regions in post-transcriptional regulation of the human glucocorticoid receptor – 19/08/2014
Claude Muller et 3 autres auteurs -
Short-term effects of a perinatal exposure to a 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon mixture in rats – 01/07/2014
Guillemette Crépeaux et 8 autres auteurs -
Gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry analysis of 52 monohydroxylated metabolites of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in hairs of rats after controlled exposure – 01/11/2013
Nathalie Grova et 2 autres auteurs -
Glucocorticoid receptor gene expression and promoter CpG modifications throughout the human brain – 01/11/2013
Claude Muller et 5 autres auteurs -
Modulation of benzo[a]pyrene induced neurotoxicity in female mice actively immunized with a B[a]P-diphtheria toxoid conjugate – 01/09/2013
Claude Muller et 5 autres auteurs -
Neurobehavioral Toxicity of a Repeated Exposure (14 Days) to the Airborne Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Fluorene in Adult Wistar Male Rats – 20/08/2013
Henri Schroeder et 9 autres auteurs -
The use of saliva for assessment of cortisol pulsatile secretion by deconvolution analysis – 01/07/2013
Claude Muller et 3 autres auteurs -
Diurnal redistribution of human lymphocytes and their temporal associations with salivary cortisol – 01/06/2013
Claude Muller et 3 autres auteurs -
Epigenetic regulation of the glucocorticoid receptor promoter 17 in adult rats – 01/11/2012
Simone R. Witzmann et 4 autres auteurs -
Immunogenicity of a promiscuous T cell epitope peptide based conjugate vaccine against benzo[a]pyrene – 30/05/2012
Mario Schellenberger et 5 autres auteurs -
Proteomic profiling of rapid non-genomic and concomitant genomic effects of acute restraint stress on rat thymocytes – 03/04/2012
Claude Muller et 5 autres auteurs -
Determination of PAHs and OH-PAHs in rat brain by gas chromatography tandem (triple quadrupole) mass spectrometry – 17/10/2011
Nathalie Grova et 3 autres auteurs -
Decreased expression of mineralocorticoid receptor mRNA and its splice variants in postmortem brain regions of patients with major depressive disorder – 01/07/2011
Melanie D. Klok et 9 autres auteurs -
Cortisol is a potent modulator of lipopolysaccharide-induced interferon signaling in macrophages – 01/06/2011
Anja Billing et 3 autres auteurs -
Transcriptional control of the human glucocorticoid receptor – 01/05/2011
Lei Cao et 6 autres auteurs -
Unusual 5′-regulatory structure and regulation of the murine Mlc1 gene – 01/01/2011
Jobst Meyer et 8 autres auteurs -
Transcriptional control of the glucocorticoid receptor – 15/12/2010
Claude Muller et 6 autres auteurs -
Differential expression of glucocorticoid receptor transcripts in major depressive disorder is not epigenetically programmed – 01/05/2010
Claude Muller et 6 autres auteurs -
Modulation of Benzo[a]pyrene induced immunotoxicity in mice actively immunized with a B[a]P-diphtheria toxoid conjugate – 01/10/2009
Claude Muller et 5 autres auteurs -
Modulation of carcinogen bioavailability by immunisation with benzo[a]pyrene-conjugate vaccines – 24/06/2009
Claude Muller et 4 autres auteurs -
Highly individual methylation patterns of alternative glucocorticoid receptor promoters suggest individualized epigenetic regulatory mechanisms – 01/12/2008
Claude Muller et 3 autres auteurs -
Sub-acute administration of benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) reduces anxiety-related behaviour in adult mice and modulates regional expression of N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptors genes in relevant brain regions – 01/08/2008
Claude Muller et 5 autres auteurs -
Comment – 16/07/2008
J. A. MacEdo et 6 autres auteurs -
Glucocorticoid sensitivity in fibromyalgia patients – 01/07/2008
Claude Muller et 5 autres auteurs -
Proteomic analysis of the cortisol-mediated stress response in THP-1 monocytes using DIGE technology – 01/11/2007
Claude Muller et 6 autres auteurs -
Adhesion molecules and cytokine expression in fibromyalgia patients – 01/08/2007
Claude Muller et 6 autres auteurs -
Modulation of behavior and NMDA-R1 gene mRNA expression in adult female mice after sub-acute administration of benzo(a)pyrene – 01/05/2007
Nathalie Grova et 5 autres auteurs -
Nuclear receptors in human immune cells – 01/02/2007
Claude Muller et 3 autres auteurs -
A new transcript splice variant of the human glucocorticoid receptor – 01/01/2007
Jonathan Turner et 3 autres auteurs -
Tissue specific glucocorticoid receptor expression, a role for alternative first exon usage? – 30/11/2006
Claude Muller et 4 autres auteurs -
Structure of the glucocorticoid receptor (NR3C1) gene 5′ untranslated region – 01/10/2005
Claude Muller et 1 autre auteur -
Navigating the metabolic landscape of regulatory T cells – 01/02/2025
Dirk Brenner et 2 autres auteurs -
CyCadas – 07/10/2024
Markus Ollert et 3 autres auteurs -
A Th17 cell-intrinsic glutathione/mitochondrial-IL-22 axis protects against intestinal inflammation – 01/01/2024
Dirk Brenner et 27 autres auteurs -
Glutathione synthesis in the mouse liver supports lipid abundance through NRF2 repression – 21/07/2024
Isaac S. Harris et 37 autres auteurs -
K63-linked Ubiquitination in the Innate Immune Response – 14/05/2024
Anouk Ewen -
Adipose Treg cells in charge of metabolism – 01/03/2024
Dirk Brenner et 1 autre auteur -
Multiomics approaches disclose very-early molecular and cellular switches during insect-venom allergen-specific immunotherapy – 22/02/2024
Feng Q Hefeng et 38 autres auteurs -
A multi-omics integrative approach unravels novel genes and pathways associated with senescence escape after targeted therapy in NRAS mutant melanoma – 07/07/2023
Stephanie Kreis et 21 autres auteurs -
PD-1 instructs a tumor-suppressive metabolic program that restricts glycolysis and restrains AP-1 activity in T cell lymphoma – 01/01/2023
Jürgen Ruland et 32 autres auteurs -
A Th17 cell-intrinsic glutathione/mitochondrial-IL-22 axis protects against intestinal inflammation – 07/07/2023
Dirk Brenner et 26 autres auteurs -
Immunometabolism at the crossroads of obesity and cancer—a Keystone Symposia report – 24/03/2023
Jennifer Cable et 28 autres auteurs -
Pyruvate dehydrogenase fuels a critical citrate pool that is essential for Th17 cell effector functions – 26/02/2023
Dirk Brenner et 26 autres auteurs -
Metabolism and epigenetics at the heart of T cell function – 01/03/2023
Dirk Brenner et 1 autre auteur -
Glutathione supports lipid abundance in vivo – 11/02/2023
Isaac S. Harris et 11 autres auteurs -
Sodium perturbs mitochondrial respiration and induces dysfunctional Tregs – 07/02/2023
Markus Kleinewietfeld et 27 autres auteurs -
Quantification of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus specific T cells and LCMV viral titers – 11/05/2022
Dirk Brenner et 2 autres auteurs -
Itaconate controls its own synthesis via feedback-inhibition of reverse TCA cycle activity at IDH2 – 28/08/2022
Karsten Hiller et 15 autres auteurs -
Pyruvate dehydrogenase fuels a critical citrate pool that is essential for Th17 cell effector function – 21/11/2022
Leticia Soriano Baguet -
Mitochondria preserve an autarkic one-carbon cycle to confer growth-independent cancer cell migration and metastasis – 16/05/2022
Johannes Meiser et 18 autres auteurs -
A FAsT contribution – 03/05/2022
Dirk Brenner et 1 autre auteur -
Mesaconate is synthesized from itaconate and exerts immunomodulatory effects in macrophages – 01/05/2022
Karsten Hiller et 24 autres auteurs -
PARK7/DJ-1 promotes pyruvate dehydrogenase activity and maintains Treg homeostasis during ageing – 01/01/2022
Feng Q Hefeng et 28 autres auteurs -
Glutathione-dependent redox balance characterizes the distinct metabolic properties of follicular and marginal zone B cells – 04/04/2022
Dirk Brenner et 21 autres auteurs -
MondoA drives malignancy in B-ALL through enhanced adaptation to metabolic stress – 01/01/2021
Stefan E.G. Burdach et 23 autres auteurs -
Unspecific CTL Killing Is Enhanced by High Glucose via TNF-Related Apoptosis-Inducing Ligand – 21/02/2022
Bin Qu et 18 autres auteurs -
DJ-1 depletion prevents immunoaging in T-cell compartments – 01/01/2022
Feng Q Hefeng et 14 autres auteurs -
The Th17 cell – IL22 axis depends on glutathione upon intestinal inflammation – 29/11/2021
Lynn Bonetti -
The antioxidant glutathione as a regulator of natural killer cell immunity – 22/11/2021
Luana Guerra -
Mondo-A Maintains Aggressiveness in Common Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (B-All) by Modulating the Metabolic Stress Response and can be Targeted by a Designer Drug – 01/11/2021
Alexandra Sipol et 19 autres auteurs -
A dangeROS liaison: the metabolism-dependent regulation of B lymphocytes – 28/09/2021
Davide Franchina -
Deprivation of dietary fiber in specific-pathogen-free mice promotes susceptibility to the intestinal mucosal pathogen Citrobacter rodentium – 18/09/2021
Mahesh Desai et 8 autres auteurs -
An antigen microarray protocol for COVID-19 serological analysis – 17/09/2021
Gunnar Dittmar et 1 autre auteur -
D-lactate enhances T cell functionality by limiting mitochondrial ROS production during activation – 25/08/2021
Adrian Madrigal Aviles et 11 autres auteurs -
High Glucose Enhances Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte-Mediated Cytotoxicity – 25/06/2021
Bin Qu et 13 autres auteurs -
Mitochondrial One-Carbon Flux has a Growth-Independent Role in Promoting Breast Cancer Metastasis – 27/05/2021
Johannes Meiser et 16 autres auteurs -
Editorial overview – 01/04/2021
Karsten Hiller et 1 autre auteur -
The emerging role of one-carbon metabolism in T cells – 01/04/2021
Dirk Brenner et 2 autres auteurs -
Assessment of 9-oh-and 7,8-diol-benzo[a]pyrene in blood as potent markers of cognitive impairment related to benzo[a]pyrene exposure – 08/03/2021
Nathalie Grova et 6 autres auteurs -
Regulatory T cell metabolism at the intersection between autoimmune diseases and cancer – 01/11/2020
Dirk Brenner et 2 autres auteurs -
Metabolic Modulation of Immunity – 07/07/2020
Dirk Brenner et 2 autres auteurs -
Glutathione restricts serine metabolism to preserve regulatory T cell function – 01/07/2020
Henry Kurniawan -
Rub1/NEDD8, a ubiquitin-like modifier, is also a ubiquitin modifier – 19/06/2020
Sylvia Zerath Gurevich et 13 autres auteurs -
Glutathione Restricts Serine Metabolism to Preserve Regulatory T Cell Function – 05/05/2020
Dirk Brenner et 30 autres auteurs -
Fragile X mental retardation protein protects against tumour necrosis factor-mediated cell death and liver injury – 01/01/2020
Yuan Zhuang et 21 autres auteurs -
IL-17+ CD8+ T cell suppression by dimethyl fumarate associates with clinical response in multiple sclerosis – 01/12/2019
Magdalena Huber et 27 autres auteurs -
Guidelines for the use of flow cytometry and cell sorting in immunological studies (second edition) – 01/10/2019
Andrea Cossarizza et 435 autres auteurs -
Protection from EAE in DOCK8 mutant mice occurs despite increased Th17 cell frequencies in the periphery – 01/09/2019
Alex Wilson et 10 autres auteurs -
Protection from EAE in DOCK8 mutant mice occurs despite increased Th17 cell frequencies in the periphery – 01/05/2019
Anne Brüstle et 10 autres auteurs -
Choline acetyltransferase–expressing T cells are required to control chronic viral infection – 08/02/2019
Tak W. Mak et 19 autres auteurs -
The TNF family of ligands and receptors – 01/01/2019
Dirk Brenner et 3 autres auteurs -
Structure and applications of novel influenza HA tri-stalk protein for evaluation of HA stemspecific immunity – 01/09/2018
I-Na Lu et 6 autres auteurs -
Reactive Oxygen Species – 01/06/2018
Dirk Brenner et 2 autres auteurs -
Applying unique molecular identifiers in next generation sequencing reveals a constrained viral quasispecies evolution under cross-reactive antibody pressure targeting long alpha helix of hemagglutinin – 25/03/2018
I-Na Lu et 9 autres auteurs -
A virus-like particle vaccine candidate for influenza A virus based on multiple conserved antigens presented on hepatitis B tandem core particles – 01/02/2018
Alex Ramirez et 9 autres auteurs -
Tumor necrosis factormediated survival of CD169+ cells promotes immune activation during vesicular stomatitis virus infection – 01/02/2018
Philipp A. Lang et 28 autres auteurs -
B-Cell Metabolic Remodeling and Cancer – 01/02/2018
Dirk Brenner et 2 autres auteurs -
Moderate salt restriction with or without paricalcitol in type 2 diabetes and losartan-resistant macroalbuminuria (PROCEED) – 01/01/2018
Aneliya Parvanova et 47 autres auteurs -
Survival of the fittest – 01/01/2018
Dirk Brenner et 2 autres auteurs -
Functionally convergent B cell receptor sequences in transgenic rats expressing a human B cell repertoire in response to tetanus toxoid and measles antigens – 22/12/2017
Jean-Philippe Bürckert et 7 autres auteurs -
Production and purification of chimeric HBc virus-like particles carrying influenza virus LAH domain as vaccine candidates – 10/11/2017
Andris Kazaks et 19 autres auteurs -
MALT1 is an intrinsic regulator of regulatory T cells – 01/07/2017
Tak W. Mak et 6 autres auteurs -
Erratum – 20/06/2017
Tak W. Mak et 22 autres auteurs -
Identification of a CD4 T-cell epitope in the hemagglutinin stalk domain of pandemic H1N1 influenza virus and its antigen-driven TCR usage signature in BALB/c mice – 01/06/2017
I-Na Lu et 3 autres auteurs -
Glutathione Primes T Cell Metabolism for Inflammation – 18/04/2017
Tak W. Mak et 22 autres auteurs -
K48-linked KLF4 ubiquitination by E3 ligase Mule controls T-cell proliferation and cell cycle progression – 13/01/2017
Zhenyue Hao et 20 autres auteurs -
RAIDD Mediates TLR3 and IRF7 Driven Type i Interferon Production – 01/09/2016
Philipp A. Lang et 19 autres auteurs -
TNF and ROS Crosstalk in Inflammation – 01/01/2016
Dirk Brenner et 3 autres auteurs -
Idh1 protects murine hepatocytes from endotoxin-induced oxidative stress by regulating the intracellular NADP +/NADPH ratio – 01/11/2015
Tak W. Mak et 23 autres auteurs -
Antigen receptor-mediated depletion of FOXP3 in induced regulatory T-lymphocytes via PTPN2 and FOXO1 – 13/10/2015
Michael Lohoff et 21 autres auteurs -
Regulation of tumour necrosis factor signalling – 27/06/2015
Dirk Brenner et 2 autres auteurs -
Deficiency of MALT1 paracaspase activity results in unbalanced regulatory and effector T and B cell responses leading to multiorgan inflammation – 15/04/2015
Thomas Calzascia et 29 autres auteurs -
Glutathione and Thioredoxin Antioxidant Pathways Synergize to Drive Cancer Initiation and Progression – 09/02/2015
Tak W. Mak et 25 autres auteurs -
Autophagy-independent functions of UVRAG are essential for peripheral naive T-cell homeostasis – 27/01/2015
Tak W. Mak et 16 autres auteurs -
Non-SCFA microbial metabolites associated with fiber fermentation and host health – 01/01/2024
Mahesh Desai et 2 autres auteurs -
Dietary fibers boost gut microbiota-produced B vitamin pool and alter host immune landscape – 01/12/2024
Mahesh Desai et 7 autres auteurs -
Bacterial small RNA makes a big impact for gut colonization – 13/11/2024
Mahesh Desai et 1 autre auteur -
Metabolite-based inter-kingdom communication controls intestinal tissue recovery following chemotherapeutic injury – 11/09/2024
Christopher J. Anderson et 18 autres auteurs -
Gut microbial factors predict disease severity in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis – 15/07/2024
Mahesh Desai et 11 autres auteurs -
The Absence of Gastrointestinal Redox Dyshomeostasis in the Brain-First Rat Model of Parkinson’s Disease Induced by Bilateral Intrastriatal 6-Hydroxydopamine – 01/01/2024
Jan Homolak et 8 autres auteurs -
Diet-driven differential response of Akkermansia muciniphila modulates pathogen susceptibility – 01/01/2024
Mahesh Desai et 7 autres auteurs -
Akkermansia muciniphila and Parabacteroides distasonis synergistically protect from colitis by promoting ILC3 in the gut – 10/04/2024
Ricardo Silvestre et 14 autres auteurs -
Opposing diet, microbiome, and metabolite mechanisms regulate inflammatory bowel disease in a genetically susceptible host – 01/01/2024
Eric C. Martens et 24 autres auteurs -
Multicomponent (bio)markers for obesity risk prediction – 08/03/2024
Torsten Bohn et 21 autres auteurs -
Low dose dietary contamination with deoxynivalenol mycotoxin exacerbates enteritis and colorectal cancer in mice – 22/07/2023
Mathilde Body-Malapel et 11 autres auteurs -
Akkermansia muciniphila exacerbates food allergy in fibre-deprived mice – 01/01/2023
Mahesh Desai et 10 autres auteurs -
Maternal diet and gut microbiome composition modulate early-life immune development – 07/08/2023
Mahesh Desai et 4 autres auteurs -
Altered Secretion, Constitution, and Functional Properties of the Gastrointestinal Mucus in a Rat Model of Sporadic Alzheimer’s Disease – 21/07/2023
Jan Homolak et 8 autres auteurs -
Gut microbiome-based prediction of autoimmune neuroinflammation – 14/04/2023
Mahesh Desai et 11 autres auteurs -
Maternal diet and gut microbiome composition modulate early life immune responses – 06/03/2023
Mahesh Desai et 4 autres auteurs -
Unravelling specific diet and gut microbial contributions to inflammatory bowel disease – 26/01/2023
Eric C. Martens et 22 autres auteurs -
The impact of the gut microbiome on extra-intestinal autoimmune diseases – 01/01/2022
Hiroshi Ohno et 4 autres auteurs -
Gut microbiota-mediated impacts of dietary fiber deprivation in gnotobiotic mice and healthy humans – 12/12/2022
Erica Grant -
Precision Health – 01/09/2022
Guy Fagherazzi et 11 autres auteurs -
Precision Health – 01/09/2022
Guy Fagherazzi et 11 autres auteurs -
Precision Health – 01/09/2022
Guy Fagherazzi et 11 autres auteurs -
A novel monoclonal IgG1 antibody specific for Galactose-alpha-1,3-galactose questions alpha-Gal epitope expression by bacteria – 05/08/2022
C. Ohnmacht et 19 autres auteurs -
Akkermansia muciniphila regulates food allergy in a diet-dependent manner – 13/07/2022
Mahesh Desai et 10 autres auteurs -
Trained through generations – 11/03/2022
Jacques Zimmer et 3 autres auteurs -
Dietary fibers boost gut microbiota-produced B vitamin pool and alter host immune landscape – 25/05/2022
Mahesh Desai et 7 autres auteurs -
The intricate link between diet, the host immune system, and the gut microbiota in the context of enteropathogenic infections and multiple sclerosis – 22/04/2022
Mareike Neumann -
Excessive microbial mucin foraging induced by dietary fiber deprivation modulates susceptibility to infectious and autoimmune diseases – 12/04/2022
Mathis Wolter -
Increased gut microbial mucin foraging promotes clearance of a parasitic worm – 02/03/2022
Mahesh Desai et 11 autres auteurs -
Diet–gut microbiota axis in microbial B vitamin production, immune homeostasis, and food allergy – 24/01/2022
Amy Parrish -
Single-cell transcriptomics of human iPSC differentiation dynamics reveal a core molecular network of Parkinson’s disease – 13/01/2022
Gabriela Novak et 7 autres auteurs -
Intestinal mucus barrier – 01/01/2021
Mahesh Desai et 4 autres auteurs -
Dietary modulation alters susceptibility to listeria monocytogenes and salmonella typhimurium with or without a gut microbiota – 02/11/2021
Mahesh Desai et 4 autres auteurs -
Leveraging diet to engineer the gut microbiome – 01/01/2021
Mahesh Desai et 6 autres auteurs -
Deprivation of dietary fiber in specific-pathogen-free mice promotes susceptibility to the intestinal mucosal pathogen Citrobacter rodentium – 18/09/2021
Mahesh Desai et 8 autres auteurs -
The gut commensal Bacteroides vulgatus mpk reduces Candida albicans pathogenicity towards epithelial cells – 01/09/2021
M. Joanna Niemiec et 8 autres auteurs -
Anti-pandemic lessons and altruistic behavior from major world religions at the time of COVID-19 – 01/07/2021
Jaouad Bouayed et 6 autres auteurs -
Concentrated raw fibers enhance the fiber‐degrading capacity of a synthetic human gut microbiome – 25/06/2021
Mahesh Desai et 4 autres auteurs -
Constructing a gnotobiotic mouse model with a synthetic human gut microbiome to study host–microbe cross talk – 18/06/2021
Alexander Steimle et 7 autres auteurs -
Quantitative assay to detect bacterial glycan-degrading enzyme activities in mouse and human fecal samples – 19/03/2021
Alexander Steimle et 2 autres auteurs -
Statistical and Machine Learning Techniques in Human Microbiome Studies – 22/02/2021
Isabel Moreno-Indias et 38 autres auteurs -
Gut Commensal-Induced IκBζ Expression in Dendritic Cells Influences the Th17 Response – 19/01/2021
Julia Stefanie Frick et 11 autres auteurs -
Mucus barrier erosion by the commensal gut microbiome leads to exacerbated food allergy sensitization – 01/08/2020
Amy Parrish et 5 autres auteurs -
Correction – 01/11/2019
Erica Grant et 8 autres auteurs -
GPU-accelerated steady-state computation of large probabilistic Boolean networks – 12/02/2019
Jun Pang et 1 autre auteur -
Taming Asynchrony for Attractor Detection in Large Boolean Networks – 01/01/2019
Qixia Yuan et 2 autres auteurs -
Structure and applications of novel influenza HA tri-stalk protein for evaluation of HA stemspecific immunity – 01/09/2018
I-Na Lu et 6 autres auteurs -
ASSA-PBN 3.0: Analysing Context-Sensitive Probabilistic Boolean Networks – 24/08/2018
Jun Pang et 2 autres auteurs -
Interactions of commensal and pathogenic microorganisms with the intestinal mucosal barrier – 01/08/2018
Eric C. Martens et 2 autres auteurs -
ASSA-PBN – 01/07/2018
Jun Pang et 2 autres auteurs -
A Dietary Fiber-Deprived Gut Microbiota Degrades the Colonic Mucus Barrier and Enhances Pathogen Susceptibility – 17/11/2016
Mahesh Desai et 15 autres auteurs -
A microfluidics-based in vitro model of the gastrointestinal human-microbe interface – 11/05/2016
Paul Wilmes et 11 autres auteurs -
Human muscle LIM protein dimerizes along the actin cytoskeleton and cross-links actin filaments – 01/01/2014
Clément Thomas et 8 autres auteurs -
Modulation of benzo[a]pyrene induced neurotoxicity in female mice actively immunized with a B[a]P-diphtheria toxoid conjugate – 01/09/2013
Claude Muller et 5 autres auteurs -
Proteomics identification of novel proteins dysregulated in Alzheimer’s Disease with potential as blood-based biomarkersand related to Amyloid-Beta Plaques – 03/01/2025
Ana Montero-Calle et 8 autres auteurs -
Eleven shades of PASEF – 24/10/2024
Gunnar Dittmar et 2 autres auteurs -
Time-resolved proximity proteomics uncovers a membrane tension-sensitive caveolin-1 interactome at the rear of migrating cells – 24/09/2024
Alexander Ludwig et 3 autres auteurs -
Proteomic analysis of horse hair extracts provides no evidence for the existence of a hypoallergenic Curly Horse breed – 01/02/2024
Christiane Hilger et 9 autres auteurs -
Microtubule association of TRIM3 revealed by differential extraction proteomics – 27/12/2023
Michael J. Clague et 7 autres auteurs -
Using PrISMa to reveal the interactome of the human claudins family – 26/09/2023
Gunnar Dittmar et 3 autres auteurs -
Glioblastoma-instructed microglia transit to heterogeneous phenotypic states with phagocytic and dendritic cell-like features in patient tumors and patient-derived orthotopic xenografts – 12/12/2023
Anna Golebiewska et 21 autres auteurs -
Stable Isotope-Assisted Untargeted Metabolomics Identifies ALDH1A1-Driven Erythronate Accumulation in Lung Cancer Cells – 19/10/2023
Gregory Stephanopoulos et 12 autres auteurs -
Queuosine-tRNA promotes sex-dependent learning and memory formation by maintaining codon-biased translation elongation speed – 01/01/2023
Francesca Tuorto et 15 autres auteurs -
Integrative omics analysis of IDH1 mutant glioma patients reveals alterations in butyrate metabolism – 08/09/2023
Sabrina Fritah et 9 autres auteurs -
Inhibition of MYC translation through targeting of the newly identified PHB-EIF4F complex as therapeutic strategy inchronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) – 01/08/2023
Anne Largeot et 32 autres auteurs -
Docking and stability defects in mitofusin highlight the proteasome as a potential therapeutic target – 21/07/2023
Mafalda Escobar-Henriques et 8 autres auteurs -
A proteomics analysis of 5xFAD mouse brain regions reveals the lysosome-associated protein Arl8b as a candidate biomarker for Alzheimer’s disease – 20/07/2023
Erich E. Wanker et 23 autres auteurs -
Protein Interaction Screen on a Peptide Matrix (PrISMa) – 15/07/2023
Gunnar Dittmar et 2 autres auteurs -
Inhibition of MYC translation through targeting of the newly identified PHB-eIF4F complex as a therapeutic strategy in CLL – 01/01/2023
Anne Largeot et 32 autres auteurs -
Quantification of 782 Plasma Peptides by Multiplexed Targeted Proteomics – 01/01/2022
Gunnar Dittmar et 6 autres auteurs -
In-depth quantitative proteomics analysis revealed C1GALT1 depletion in ECC-1 cells mimics an aggressive endometrial cancer phenotype observed in cancer patients with low C1GALT1 expression – 01/01/2023
R. Barderas et 12 autres auteurs -
Proteomics analysis of prefrontal cortex of Alzheimer’s disease patients revealed dysregulated proteins in the disease and novel proteins associated with amyloid-β pathology – 07/05/2023
R. Barderas et 13 autres auteurs -
An integrated workflow for phosphopeptide identification in natural killer cells (NK-92MI) and their targets (MDA-MB-231) during immunological synapse formation – 09/02/2023
Gunnar Dittmar et 3 autres auteurs -
Allergic airway inflammation delays glioblastoma progression and reinvigorates systemic and local immunity in mice – 01/01/2022
Aurélie Poli et 16 autres auteurs -
Disease- and sex-specific differences in patients with heart valve disease – 01/03/2023
Philipp Mertins et 16 autres auteurs -
Allergen content comparison of therapeutic extracts applied for allergen-specific immunotherapy of European paper wasp (Polistes dominula) venom allergy – 01/02/2023
Johannes Grosch et 15 autres auteurs -
Cervical Fluids Are a Source of Protein Biomarkers for Early, Non-Invasive Endometrial Cancer Diagnosis – 31/01/2023
Eva Colas et 6 autres auteurs -
Biomarkers for endometrial cancer – 26/01/2023
Eva Coll de la Rubia et 5 autres auteurs -
Extracellular Vesicle Secretion by Leukemia Cells In Vivo Promotes CLL Progression by Hampering Antitumor T-cell Responses – 15/09/2022
Jérôme Paggetti et 16 autres auteurs -
A proteomics analysis of 5xFAD mouse brain regions reveals the lysosome-associated protein Arl8b as a candidate biomarker for Alzheimer’s disease – 01/01/2023
Erich E. Wanker et 13 autres auteurs -
LUBAC assembles a ubiquitin signaling platform at mitochondria for signal amplification and transport of NF-κB to the nucleus – 01/01/2022
Konstanze F. Winklhofer et 27 autres auteurs -
Time-resolved proximity proteomics uncovers a membrane tension-sensitive caveolin-1 interactome at the rear of migrating cells – 14/12/2022
Alexander Ludwig et 3 autres auteurs -
Proteomic consequences of TDA1 deficiency in Saccharomyces cerevisiae – 01/12/2022
Karina Kettner et 4 autres auteurs -
Deciphering Human Glioblastoma Invasion Using a Developmental Mature Rat Brain Organoid Model – 15/11/2022
Wenjing Zhou et 30 autres auteurs -
Pan-claudin family interactome analysis reveals shared and specific interactions – 08/11/2022
Gunnar Dittmar et 11 autres auteurs -
A member of the tryptophan-rich protein family is required for efficient sequestration of Plasmodium berghei schizonts – 20/09/2022
Alyssa Ingmundson et 7 autres auteurs -
Targeted proteomics on its way to discovery – 01/01/2022
Gunnar Dittmar et 1 autre auteur -
Targeting translation by disrupting the newly identified prohibitin-eif4f complex as a novel therapeutic strategy in chronic lymphocytic leukemia – 01/06/2022
Anne Largeot et 9 autres auteurs -
Mitochondria preserve an autarkic one-carbon cycle to confer growth-independent cancer cell migration and metastasis – 16/05/2022
Johannes Meiser et 18 autres auteurs -
Allergen Content of Therapeutic Preparations for Allergen-Specific Immunotherapy of European Paper Wasp Venom Allergy – 01/04/2022
S. Blank et 15 autres auteurs -
The arginine methyltransferase PRMT7 promotes extravasation of monocytes resulting in tissue injury in COPD – 14/03/2022
Ali Önder Yildirim et 49 autres auteurs -
Regulating Proteasome Activity – 23/02/2022
Paolo Cascio et 1 autre auteur -
Enzymatic activity of glycosyltransferase GLT8D1 promotes human glioblastoma cell migration – 18/02/2022
Michel Mittelbronn et 17 autres auteurs -
Single-cell transcriptomics of human iPSC differentiation dynamics reveal a core molecular network of Parkinson’s disease – 13/01/2022
Gabriela Novak et 7 autres auteurs -
Highly multiplexed targeted plasma proteomics quantifies several hundred blood proteins in serum from colorectal carcinoma patients – 01/01/2022
Gunnar Dittmar et 6 autres auteurs -
New insights into the organization and regulation of the apical polarity network in mammalian epithelial cells – 01/01/2021
Alexander Ludwig et 3 autres auteurs -
Transcriptional cooperation of PBX1 and PAX6 in adult neural progenitor cells – 25/10/2021
Ann-Christin Hau et 5 autres auteurs -
In silico approach for validating and unveiling new applications for prognostic biomarkers of endometrial cancer – 09/10/2021
Eva Coll de la Rubia et 7 autres auteurs -
Systems and Longitudinal Analysis Reveals Early-Stage and Highly Coordinated Immune Responses in Mild COVID-19 Patients – 30/09/2021
Christophe Capelle et 22 autres auteurs -
Integrative genomics analysis of nasal intestinal-type adenocarcinomas demonstrates the major role of CACNA1C and paves the way for a simple diagnostic tool in male woodworkers – 25/09/2021
Patrice Gallet et 8 autres auteurs -
An antigen microarray protocol for COVID-19 serological analysis – 17/09/2021
Gunnar Dittmar et 1 autre auteur -
Epigenetic regulation via PRMT7 controls monocyte migration and COPD pathogenesis – 05/09/2021
Thomas Conlon et 11 autres auteurs -
Deep immune profiling reveals early-stage and highly coordinated immune responses in mild COVID-19 patients – 02/09/2021
Feng Q Hefeng et 22 autres auteurs -
Allergic airway inflammation impacts tumor take and delays experimental glioblastoma progression – 01/09/2021
Aurélie Poli et 13 autres auteurs -
Peptide array–based interactomics – 01/01/2021
Gunnar Dittmar et 1 autre auteur -
The newly identified MEK1 tyrosine phosphorylation target MACC1 is druggable by approved MEK1 inhibitors to restrict colorectal cancer metastasis – 26/08/2021
Ulrike Stein et 12 autres auteurs -
Cystathionine-γ-lyase drives antioxidant defense in cysteine-restricted IDH1-mutant astrocytomas – 13/07/2021
Andrés Cano Galiano et 13 autres auteurs -
PRISMA and BioID disclose a motifs-based interactome of the intrinsically disordered transcription factor C/EBPα – 25/06/2021
Achim Leutz et 10 autres auteurs -
The emerging landscape of single-molecule protein sequencing technologies – 01/06/2021
Javier Antonio Alfaro et 42 autres auteurs -
Mitochondrial One-Carbon Flux has a Growth-Independent Role in Promoting Breast Cancer Metastasis – 27/05/2021
Johannes Meiser et 16 autres auteurs -
Comprehensive Peptidomic Analysis of Cell Culture Models and Exosomes – 28/04/2021
Miriam Fougeras -
Analysis of the dynamic proteasome structure by cross-linking mass spectrometry – 01/04/2021
Gunnar Dittmar et 1 autre auteur -
MACC1 regulates clathrin-mediated endocytosis and receptor recycling of transferrin receptor and EGFR in colorectal cancer – 01/04/2021
Francesca Imbastari et 12 autres auteurs -
The clinical potential of prm-PASEF mass spectrometry – 01/02/2021
Gunnar Dittmar et 1 autre auteur -
Highly multiplexed targeted proteomics acquisition on a TIMS-QTOF – 26/01/2021
Gunnar Dittmar et 6 autres auteurs -
Functional significance of conserved cysteines in the extracellular loops of the atp binding cassette transporter pdr11p – 01/01/2021
Thomas Günther Pomorski et 7 autres auteurs -
A universal peptide matrix interactomics approach to disclose motif-dependent protein binding – 13/08/2021
Evelyn Ramberger et 8 autres auteurs -
Fisetin protects against cardiac cell death through reduction of ROS production and caspases activity – 01/12/2020
Sophie Rodius et 10 autres auteurs -
AN1-type zinc finger protein 3 (ZFAND3) is a transcriptional regulator that drives Glioblastoma invasion – 01/12/2020
Simone Niclou et 18 autres auteurs -
Interrogating intratumoral transcriptomic heterogeneity and plasticity as resistance mechanisms in glioblastoma – 01/11/2020
Yahaya Abubakar Yabo et 8 autres auteurs -
The proteasome activators Blm10/PA200 enhance the proteasomal degradation of N-terminal huntingtin – 01/11/2020
Krisztina Tar et 9 autres auteurs -
Rub1/NEDD8, a ubiquitin-like modifier, is also a ubiquitin modifier – 19/06/2020
Sylvia Zerath Gurevich et 13 autres auteurs -
Branching and mixing: New signals of the ubiquitin signaling system – 21/05/2020
Daniel Perez Hernandez et 2 autres auteurs -
Shedding light on the venom proteomes of the allergy-relevant hymenoptera Polistes dominula (European paper wasp) and Vespula spp. (Yellow Jacket) – 01/05/2020
S. Blank et 10 autres auteurs -
Analysis of ubiquitin signaling and chain topology cross-talk – 20/03/2020
Gunnar Dittmar et 2 autres auteurs -
Repositioned Drugs for Targeted Therapy of Biomarker Driven Cancer Metastasis – 01/02/2020
Dennis Kobelt et 13 autres auteurs -
Connecting histopathology imaging and proteomics in kidney cancer through machine learning – 01/10/2019
Francisco Azuaje et 3 autres auteurs -
Deconvolution of transcriptomes and miRNomes by independent component analysis provides insights into biological processes and clinical outcomes of melanoma patients – 18/09/2019
Petr Nazarov et 8 autres auteurs -
Method development for allergen capture from allergenic sources using human IgE-antibodies – 08/08/2019
Julia Klueber et 12 autres auteurs -
A 3D brain organoid coculture system delineates the invasive cell components in glioblastoma – 01/08/2019
Wenjing Zhou et 11 autres auteurs -
Allergooncology: Delayed glioblastoma progression in a mouse model of allergic airway inflammation – 01/08/2019
Aurélie Poli et 13 autres auteurs -
Region-specific microglial heterogeneity and its potential relevance for Parkinson’s disease – 01/07/2019
Oihane Uriarte Huarte et 8 autres auteurs -
PRISMA – 29/03/2019
Gunnar Dittmar et 12 autres auteurs -
Hub genes in a pan-cancer co-expression network show potential for predicting drug responses – 05/03/2019
Francisco Azuaje et 8 autres auteurs -
Delayed glioblastoma progression by repeated nasal instillations of house dust mite extract in a mouse model – 01/08/2018
Aurélie Poli et 11 autres auteurs -
MACC1 induced metastasis is dependent on MEK1 and druggable by small molecule inhibitors – 01/02/2018
Dennis Kobelt et 10 autres auteurs -
MACC1 modulates WNT Signaling by direct interaction with beta-catenin in Colorectal Cancer – 01/02/2018
B. Kortuem et 5 autres auteurs -
Emissions from a modern log wood masonry heater and wood pellet boiler: Composition and biological impact on air-liquid interface exposed human lung cancer cells – 20/01/2018
Kanashova Tamara et 45 autres auteurs -
Hemidesmosome integrity protects the colon against colitis and colorectal cancer – 01/10/2017
Adèle De Arcangelis et 20 autres auteurs -
Analysis of the dynamic co-expression network of heart regeneration in the zebrafish – 31/05/2016
Francisco Azuaje et 17 autres auteurs -
A gene mapping bottleneck in the translational route from zebrafish to human – 01/01/2015
Francisco Azuaje et 4 autres auteurs -
Transcriptional response to cardiac injury in the zebrafish – 03/10/2014
Francisco Azuaje et 9 autres auteurs -
Analysis of a gene co-expression network establishes robust association between Col5a2 and ischemic heart disease – 01/01/2013
Francisco Azuaje et 5 autres auteurs -
Adenosine reduces cell surface expression of toll-like receptor 4 and inflammation in response to lipopolysaccharide and matrix products – 01/12/2011
Benjamin Haas et 7 autres auteurs -
Chemokine receptor 5 polymorphism in myocardial infarction patients from Luxembourg. – 01/01/2011
Sophie Rodius et 5 autres auteurs -
Information encoded in a network of inflammation proteins predicts clinical outcome after myocardial infarction – 01/01/2011
Francisco Azuaje et 4 autres auteurs -
Transforming growth factor β receptor 1 is a new candidate prognostic biomarker after acute myocardial infarction – 01/01/2011
Yvan Devaux et 7 autres auteurs -
Ubiquitination – 01/01/2006
Thomas Sommer et 1 autre auteur -
Number of people treated for hepatitis C virus infection in 2014-2023 and applicable lessons for new HBV and HDV therapies – 04/02/2025
Homie A Razavi et 154 autres auteurs -
Six Injections of Modified Adjuvanted PQ Grass Is Effective and Well-Tolerated in a Pivotal Phase III Trial – 04/02/2025
Stefan Zielen et 49 autres auteurs -
Venom Component Allergen IgE Measurement in the Diagnosis and Management of Insect Sting Allergy – 02/08/2024
R. G. Hamilton et 4 autres auteurs -
Association of LEF1-AS1 with cardiovascular and neurological complications of COVID-19 – 22/12/2024
Yvan Devaux et 8 autres auteurs -
Perceptions of the impact of individual allergic rhinitis symptoms – 03/12/2024
Sara Gil-Mata et 410 autres auteurs -
Dietary fibers boost gut microbiota-produced B vitamin pool and alter host immune landscape – 01/12/2024
Mahesh Desai et 7 autres auteurs -
Multiomics approaches disclose very-early molecular and cellular switches during insect-venom allergen-specific immunotherapy – 26/11/2024
Markus Ollert et 41 autres auteurs -
Spectrum of Non-Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor-Associated Drug Resistance Mutations in Persons Living with HIV-1 Receiving Rilpivirine – 31/10/2024
Robert W Shafer et 10 autres auteurs -
Recurrent tick bites induce high IgG1 antibody responses to α-Gal in sensitized and non-sensitized forestry employees in Luxembourg – 14/10/2024
Christiane Hilger et 11 autres auteurs -
CyCadas – 07/10/2024
Markus Ollert et 3 autres auteurs -
Concepts for the Development of Person-Centered, Digitally Enabled, Artificial Intelligence–Assisted ARIA Care Pathways (ARIA 2024) – 01/01/2024
J. Bousquet et 219 autres auteurs -
Evidence of exposure to SARS-CoV-2 and various neutralizing antibody profiles against variants of concerns in companion animals, Luxembourg – 27/09/2024
Chantal Snoeck et 7 autres auteurs -
Concurrent validity, cut-offs and ability to change of patient-reported outcome measures for rhinitis and asthma in MASK-air® – 01/09/2024
J. Bousquet et 50 autres auteurs -
Gut microbial factors predict disease severity in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis – 15/07/2024
Mahesh Desai et 11 autres auteurs -
Multivalent CXCR4-targeting nanobody formats differently affect affinity, receptor clustering, and antagonism – 01/09/2024
Raimond Heukers et 11 autres auteurs -
Digitally-enabled, person-centred care (PCC) in allergen immunotherapy – 03/05/2024
Oliver Pfaar et 29 autres auteurs -
MASK-air – 21/03/2024
J. Bousquet et 114 autres auteurs -
Fecal IgE Analyses Reveal a Role for Stratifying Peanut-Allergic Patients – 26/07/2024
Annette Kuehn et 11 autres auteurs -
The oral microbiome is associated with HPA axis response to a psychosocial stressor – 09/07/2024
Jonathan Turner et 8 autres auteurs -
Bridging the gap with multispecific immune cell engagers in cancer and infectious diseases – 01/01/2024
Camille Rolin et 2 autres auteurs -
Adoptive T Regulatory Cell Therapy Takes an Important Step – 01/06/2024
Jacques Zimmer et 1 autre auteur -
AllergoOncology – 01/01/2024
Aurélie Poli et 29 autres auteurs -
Poor Rhinitis and Asthma Control Is Associated With Decreased Health-Related Quality of Life and Utilities – 01/01/2024
Rafael José Vieira et 49 autres auteurs -
Inferring upstream regulatory genes of FOXP3 in human regulatory T cells from time-series transcriptomic data – 29/05/2024
Jorge Gonçalves et 10 autres auteurs -
Development of a long noncoding RNA-based machine learning model to predict COVID-19 in-hospital mortality – 20/05/2024
Yvan Devaux et 34 autres auteurs -
Good’s syndrome associated with multiple basal cell carcinomas – 01/01/2024
Jacques Zimmer et 1 autre auteur -
Working with companies that manufacture breastmilk substitutes – 01/05/2024
Maria J. Torres et 9 autres auteurs -
Two hits are better than one – 30/04/2024
Jacques Zimmer et 2 autres auteurs -
Opposing diet, microbiome, and metabolite mechanisms regulate inflammatory bowel disease in a genetically susceptible host – 01/01/2024
Eric C. Martens et 24 autres auteurs -
Flow cytometry conjugate formation assay between natural killer cells and their target cells – 11/03/2024
Jacques Zimmer et 2 autres auteurs -
Automatic detection of airborne pollen – 01/01/2022
Jeroen Buters et 24 autres auteurs -
From MASK-air and SILAM to CATALYSE (Climate Action To Advance HeaLthY Societies in Europe) – 26/07/2023
J. Bousquet et 24 autres auteurs -
Multiomics approaches disclose very-early molecular and cellular switches during insect-venom allergen-specific immunotherapy – 22/02/2024
Feng Q Hefeng et 38 autres auteurs -
Creation of a pandemic memory by tracing COVID-19 infections and immunity in Luxembourg (CON-VINCE) – 09/02/2024
Olena Tsurkalenko et 30 autres auteurs -
Asthma and rhinitis control in adolescents and young adults – 01/02/2024
Bernardo Sousa-Pinto et 38 autres auteurs -
Proteome analysis of propolis deciphering the origin and function of its proteins – 01/02/2024
Y. Shahali et 9 autres auteurs -
Proteomic analysis of horse hair extracts provides no evidence for the existence of a hypoallergenic Curly Horse breed – 01/02/2024
Christiane Hilger et 9 autres auteurs -
Mentoring as the cornerstone of continued education in Allergy and Clinical Immunology – 01/01/2023
Mattia Giovannini et 23 autres auteurs -
Evidence of Exposure to Sars-Cov-2 and Various Neutralizing Antibody Profiles Against Variants of Concerns in Cats and Dogs, Luxembourg (P1.126) – 12/12/2023
Markus Ollert et 8 autres auteurs -
Impairment of EQ-5D-5L Domains According to Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma Control – 01/01/2023
J. Bousquet et 50 autres auteurs -
Novel, computational IgE-clustering in a population-based cross-sectional study: Mapping the allergy burden – 01/12/2023
Rebecca Czolk et 10 autres auteurs -
Early-to-mid stage idiopathic Parkinson’s disease shows enhanced cytotoxicity and differentiation in CD8 T-cells in females – 20/11/2023
Feng Q Hefeng et 23 autres auteurs -
Multimeric immunotherapeutic complexes activating natural killer cells towards HIV-1 cure – 07/11/2023
Carole Seguin-Devaux et 10 autres auteurs -
Nomenclature of allergic diseases and hypersensitivity reactions – 10/10/2023
Cezmi A. Akdis et 39 autres auteurs -
Validation of a SARS-CoV-2 Surrogate Neutralization Test Detecting Neutralizing Antibodies against the Major Variants of Concern – 06/10/2023
Carole Seguin-Devaux et 13 autres auteurs -
Akkermansia muciniphila exacerbates food allergy in fibre-deprived mice – 01/01/2023
Mahesh Desai et 10 autres auteurs -
UCRAID (Ukrainian Citizen and refugee electronic support in Respiratory diseases, Allergy, Immunology and Dermatology) action plan – 01/01/2023
J. Bousquet et 51 autres auteurs -
Novel, computational IgE-clustering in a population-based cross-sectional study – 27/07/2023
Annette Kuehn et 10 autres auteurs -
Protein structural and sequence analysis of human ACE2 using prediction and modeling bioinformatics tools for diagnostics biomarkers and drug design features: an opinion study path – 06/08/2023
Leo Ozurumba-Dwight et 17 autres auteurs -
Adherence to inhaled corticosteroids and long-acting β2-agonists in asthma – 01/01/2023
J. Bousquet et 68 autres auteurs -
Patient-centered digital biomarkers for allergic respiratory diseases and asthma – 01/07/2023
J. Bousquet et 106 autres auteurs -
EAACI guidelines on environmental science in allergic diseases and asthma – Leveraging artificial intelligence and machine learning to develop a causality model in exposomics – 01/01/2023
Ioana Agache et 16 autres auteurs -
Stress, glucose metabolism and the HPA axis: Early life adversity-the missing piece of the puzzle? – 01/07/2023
Snehaa Seal et 10 autres auteurs -
Special Issue “New Developments in Natural Killer Cells for Immunotherapy” – 29/05/2023
Vladimir Jurišić et 1 autre auteur -
Human Seasonal Influenza Viruses in Swine Workers in Lagos, Nigeria – 23/05/2023
Chantal Snoeck et 5 autres auteurs -
Polygenic risk scores validated in patient-derived cells stratify for mitochondrial subtypes of Parkinson’s disease – 16/05/2023
Giuseppe Arena et 17 autres auteurs -
Rhinitis associated with asthma is distinct from rhinitis alone – 01/01/2023
J. Bousquet et 249 autres auteurs -
Gut microbiome-based prediction of autoimmune neuroinflammation – 14/04/2023
Mahesh Desai et 11 autres auteurs -
EAACI-Kongress 2023, 9. – 11. Juni 2023 – 01/04/2023
Stefano Del Giacco et 7 autres auteurs -
High-dimensional immune profiles correlate with phenotypes of peanut allergy during food-allergic reactions – 24/06/2022
Annette Kuehn et 12 autres auteurs -
Association between use of psychotropic medications prior to SARS-COV-2 infection and trajectories of COVID-19 recovery – 16/03/2023
Gloria Aguayo et 5 autres auteurs -
Altered infective competence of the human gut microbiome in COVID-19 – 09/03/2023
Laura de Nies et 28 autres auteurs -
Allergic airway inflammation delays glioblastoma progression and reinvigorates systemic and local immunity in mice – 01/01/2022
Aurélie Poli et 16 autres auteurs -
EAACI Molecular Allergology User’s Guide 2.0 – 01/03/2023
Karin Hoffmann-Sommergruber et 100 autres auteurs -
Allergen content comparison of therapeutic extracts applied for allergen-specific immunotherapy of European paper wasp (Polistes dominula) venom allergy – 01/02/2023
Johannes Grosch et 15 autres auteurs -
The microbial composition of the gut microbiome varies between peanut-allergic children and healthy controls – 01/02/2023
Rebecca Czolk et 10 autres auteurs -
Unravelling specific diet and gut microbial contributions to inflammatory bowel disease – 26/01/2023
Eric C. Martens et 22 autres auteurs -
Coronavirus vaccines – 12/01/2023
Xavier Dervillez et 2 autres auteurs -
Dimeric protein complexes and uses thereof – 12/01/2023
Xavier Dervillez et 5 autres auteurs -
Hepatitis B virus and other transfusion-transmissible infections in child blood recipients in Lao People’s Democratic Republic – 01/01/2022
Judith Hübschen et 9 autres auteurs -
Allergenic risk assessment of cowpea and its cross-reactivity with pea and peanut – 01/12/2022
Christiane Hilger et 7 autres auteurs -
Long COVID Classification – 30/11/2022
Aurélie Fischer et 8 autres auteurs -
Inhibitor of DJ-1 for Use in Treating Immunoaging – 24/11/2022
Feng Q Hefeng et 2 autres auteurs -
Association of miR-144 levels in the peripheral blood with COVID-19 severity and mortality – 21/11/2022
Fabio Martelli et 17 autres auteurs -
Natural Killer activating multimeric immunotherapeutic complexes (NaMiX) induce cytotoxic activity and killing of HIV-1 infected cells – 13/11/2022
Rafaëla Schober et 9 autres auteurs -
A voice-based biomarker for monitoring symptom resolution in adults with COVID-19 – 20/10/2022
Guy Fagherazzi et 8 autres auteurs -
Patients With Atopic Dermatitis Sensitized to Pet Dander Mount IgE and T-Cell Responses to Mammalian Cystatins, Including the Human Self-Protein – 03/09/2021
L. M. Roesner et 8 autres auteurs -
Nanoluciferase-based cell fusion assay for rapid and high-throughput assessment of SARS-CoV-2-neutralizing antibodies in patient samples – 09/09/2022
Andy Chevigne et 8 autres auteurs -
Omics technologies in allergy and asthma research – 01/01/2022
Maria M. Escribese et 16 autres auteurs -
Haemophilus influenzae serotype b seroprevalence in central Lao PDR before and after vaccine introduction – 15/09/2022
Lisa Hefele et 10 autres auteurs -
Biotin interference can cause false-negative specific IgE results in patients with anaphylaxis – 01/01/2022
Markus Ollert et 7 autres auteurs -
Long COVID Symptomatology After 12 Months and Its Impact on Quality of Life According to Initial Coronavirus Disease 2019 Disease Severity – 05/08/2022
Guy Fagherazzi et 8 autres auteurs -
α-Gal present on both glycolipids and glycoproteins contributes to immune response in meat-allergic patients – 12/04/2022
Christiane Hilger et 12 autres auteurs -
Early-to-mid idiopathic Parkinson’s disease shows a more cytotoxic but declined CD8-regulatory peripheral immune profile – 22/07/2022
Feng Q Hefeng et 16 autres auteurs -
Thermosensitive PLGA–PEG–PLGA Hydrogel as Depot Matrix for Allergen-Specific Immunotherapy – 22/07/2022
S. Blank et 12 autres auteurs -
Imprint of Initial Education and Loss of Ly49C/I in Activated Natural Killer Cells of TAP1-KO and C57BL/6 Wildtype Mice – 24/05/2022
Jacques Zimmer et 10 autres auteurs -
Akkermansia muciniphila regulates food allergy in a diet-dependent manner – 13/07/2022
Mahesh Desai et 10 autres auteurs -
Pre-Omicron Vaccine Breakthrough Infection Induces Superior Cross-Neutralization against SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.1 Compared to Infection Alone – 12/07/2022
Danielle PerezBercoff et 12 autres auteurs -
Trained through generations – 11/03/2022
Jacques Zimmer et 3 autres auteurs -
Dietary fibers boost gut microbiota-produced B vitamin pool and alter host immune landscape – 25/05/2022
Mahesh Desai et 7 autres auteurs -
PARK7/DJ-1 promotes pyruvate dehydrogenase activity and maintains Treg homeostasis during ageing – 01/01/2022
Feng Q Hefeng et 28 autres auteurs -
Associations between physical activity prior to infection and COVID-19 disease severity and symptoms – 29/04/2022
Laurent Malisoux et 5 autres auteurs -
Combinatorial analysis reveals highly coordinated early-stage immune reactions that predict later antiviral immunity in mild COVID-19 patients – 01/01/2022
Christophe Capelle et 23 autres auteurs -
A cholinergic neuroskeletal interface promotes bone formation during postnatal growth and exercise – 08/03/2022
Simón Méndez-Ferrer et 21 autres auteurs -
Allergen Content of Therapeutic Preparations for Allergen-Specific Immunotherapy of European Paper Wasp Venom Allergy – 01/04/2022
S. Blank et 15 autres auteurs -
Stress hormone signalling inhibits Th1 polarization in a CD4 T-cell-intrinsic manner via mTORC1 and the circadian gene PER1 – 10/02/2022
Feng Q Hefeng et 8 autres auteurs -
Translational Immunology: How is it changing Tomorrow’s Allergology today? – 01/04/2022
Markus Ollert -
Increased gut microbial mucin foraging promotes clearance of a parasitic worm – 02/03/2022
Mahesh Desai et 11 autres auteurs -
DJ-1 depletion prevents immunoaging in T-cell compartments – 01/01/2022
Feng Q Hefeng et 14 autres auteurs -
A Hot Topic – 12/01/2022
Jacques Zimmer et 2 autres auteurs -
Delayed reaction in alpha-gal allergy is reflected in serum levels after ingestion of pork kidney, and absorption is dependent on food processing – 01/01/2021
Esben Eller et 5 autres auteurs -
Gonadotropins as novel active partners in vascular diseases – 01/01/2022
David M. Smadja et 11 autres auteurs -
Intestinal mucus barrier – 01/01/2021
Mahesh Desai et 4 autres auteurs -
Unexpectedly High Prevalence of Hepatitis C Virus Infection, Southern Laos – 01/01/2022
Antony Black et 6 autres auteurs -
Long COVID Classification: Findings from a Clustering Analysis in the Predi-COVID Cohort Study – 01/01/2022
Aurélie Fischer et 8 autres auteurs -
Mammalian derived lipocalin and secretoglobin respiratory allergens strongly bind ligands with potentially immune modulating properties – 12/07/2022
Christiane Hilger et 9 autres auteurs -
An age-stratified serosurvey against purified Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi antigens in the Lao People´s Democratic Republic – 01/12/2021
Stephen Baker et 12 autres auteurs -
Analyses of blood donor samples from eight provinces in Lao PDR suggest considerable variation concerning HBV exposure and carriage – 01/12/2021
Judith Hübschen et 9 autres auteurs -
Molecular allergology and its impact in specific allergy diagnosis and therapy – 01/01/2021
Domingo Barber et 7 autres auteurs -
Early-life adversity leaves its imprint on the oral microbiome for more than 20 years and is associated with long-term immune changes – 24/11/2021
Jonathan Turner et 8 autres auteurs -
Allergy burden in luxembourg: A population-based, cross-sectional health survey paralleled by component-resolved-IgE-diagnosis – 15/11/2021
Rebecca Czolk et 13 autres auteurs -
Vicilin IgE-cross-reactivity is responsible for in vitro allergenicity to cowpea in patients with legume allergy – 15/11/2021
M. M. Chentouh et 9 autres auteurs -
COVID-19 pandemic and allergen immunotherapy—an EAACI survey – 01/01/2021
Oliver Pfaar et 31 autres auteurs -
Waning of maternal antibodies against measles suggests a large window of susceptibility in infants in lao people’s Democratic republic – 13/10/2021
Judith Hübschen et 8 autres auteurs -
Investigating T cells in the context of Neuroimmunology: Molecular and cellular mechanisms during a stress response and a patient-based study in Parkinson’s disease – 11/10/2021
Christophe Capelle -
Management of anaphylaxis due to COVID-19 vaccines in the elderly – 01/10/2021
J. Bousquet et 148 autres auteurs -
Systems and Longitudinal Analysis Reveals Early-Stage and Highly Coordinated Immune Responses in Mild COVID-19 Patients – 30/09/2021
Christophe Capelle et 22 autres auteurs -
Deep immune profiling reveals early-stage and highly coordinated immune responses in mild COVID-19 patients – 02/09/2021
Feng Q Hefeng et 22 autres auteurs -
Allergic airway inflammation impacts tumor take and delays experimental glioblastoma progression – 01/09/2021
Aurélie Poli et 13 autres auteurs -
Standard Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell Cryopreservation Selectively Decreases Detection of Nine Clinically Relevant T Cell Markers – 25/08/2021
Feng Q Hefeng et 7 autres auteurs -
Characterization of new allergens from the venom of the european paper wasp polistes dominula – 10/08/2021
S. Blank et 13 autres auteurs -
Epidemiology of acute respiratory viral infections in children in Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic – 01/08/2021
Chantal Snoeck et 10 autres auteurs -
Unbiased Screening Identifies Functional Differences in NK Cells After Early Life Psychosocial Stress – 30/07/2021
Jonathan Turner et 8 autres auteurs -
A novel method for quantifying ingested food allergens in human sera – 01/07/2021
Carsten Bindslev-Jensen et 8 autres auteurs -
Comprehensive mapping of immune tolerance yields a regulatory TNF receptor 2 signature in a murine model of successful Fel d 1-specific immunotherapy using high-dose CpG adjuvant – 01/07/2021
Cathy Léonard et 10 autres auteurs -
High seroprevalence of Foot and Mouth Disease in Laos – 01/01/2020
Kinnaly Xaydalasouk et 11 autres auteurs -
Seroprevalence of measles and rubella antibodies in vaccinated and unvaccinated infants in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic – 01/07/2021
Antony Black et 8 autres auteurs -
Constructing a gnotobiotic mouse model with a synthetic human gut microbiome to study host–microbe cross talk – 18/06/2021
Alexander Steimle et 7 autres auteurs -
Age-stratified seroprevalence of vaccine-preventable infectious disease in Saravan, Southern Lao People’s Democratic Republic – 01/06/2021
Antony Black et 6 autres auteurs -
ARIA-EAACI care pathways for allergen immunotherapy in respiratory allergy – 01/06/2021
J. Bousquet et 177 autres auteurs -
Can integrated post-exposure vaccination against SARS-COV2 mitigate severe disease? – 01/06/2021
Claude Muller -
Component-resolved diagnosis using guinea-pig allergens elucidates allergen sensitization profiles in allergy to furry animals – 01/06/2021
Christiane Hilger et 5 autres auteurs -
EAACI statement on the diagnosis, management and prevention of severe allergic reactions to COVID-19 vaccines – 01/06/2021
Milena Sokolowska et 13 autres auteurs -
Epidemiology and genetic characterization of respiratory syncytial virus in children with acute respiratory infections – 01/06/2021
Giscard F. Komoyo et 7 autres auteurs -
Vaccines and allergic reactions – 01/06/2021
Kari C. Nadeau et 32 autres auteurs -
FAM13A regulates KLRG1 expression and interferon gamma production of natural killer cells – 18/05/2021
Ni Zeng et 14 autres auteurs -
Adverse life trajectories are a risk factor for sars-cov-2 iga seropositivity – 17/05/2021
Jonathan Turner et 5 autres auteurs -
Hepatitis B virus in Lao dentists – 01/05/2021
Antony Black et 7 autres auteurs -
Do asymptomatic carriers of SARS-COV-2 transmit the virus? – 01/05/2021
Claude Muller -
SARS-CoV-2 transmission risk from asymptomatic carriers – 01/05/2021
Paul Wilmes et 14 autres auteurs -
Identification of VIMP as a gene inhibiting cytokine production in human CD4+ effector T cells – 23/04/2021
Feng Q Hefeng et 6 autres auteurs -
Phospholipase a2 triggers anaphylaxis to snake venom by repeated skin sensitization – 20/04/2021
Christiane Hilger et 5 autres auteurs -
Proadrenomedullin N-Terminal 20 Peptides (PAMPs) Are Agonists of the Chemokine Scavenger Receptor ACKR3/CXCR7 – 09/04/2021
Andy Chevigne et 7 autres auteurs -
Multidimensional Proteomic Approach of Endothelial Progenitors Demonstrate Expression of KDR Restricted to CD19 Cells – 01/04/2021
David M. Smadja et 25 autres auteurs -
Noninvasive and minimally invasive techniques for the diagnosis and management of allergic diseases – 01/04/2021
Carsten Schmidt-Weber et 16 autres auteurs -
Assessment of 9-oh-and 7,8-diol-benzo[a]pyrene in blood as potent markers of cognitive impairment related to benzo[a]pyrene exposure – 08/03/2021
Nathalie Grova et 6 autres auteurs -
Cxcl10 is an agonist of the cc family chemokine scavenger receptor ackr2/d6 – 02/03/2021
Martyna Szpakowska et 11 autres auteurs -
COVID-19 pandemic – 01/03/2021
Oliver Pfaar et 77 autres auteurs -
CpG Adjuvant in Allergen-Specific Immunotherapy – 23/02/2021
Markus Ollert et 3 autres auteurs -
L-plastin Ser5 phosphorylation is modulated by the PI3K/SGK pathway and promotes breast cancer cell invasiveness – 22/02/2021
Elisabeth Schaffner-Reckinger et 6 autres auteurs -
Induction of IL-10-producing type 2 innate lymphoid cells by allergen immunotherapy is associated with clinical response – 09/02/2021
Korneliusz Golebski et 20 autres auteurs -
Marker allergens in Hymenoptera venom allergy — Characteristics and potential use in precision medicine – 01/02/2021
S. Blank et 5 autres auteurs -
IgE-Mediated Peanut Allergy – 28/01/2021
Annette Kuehn et 9 autres auteurs -
Specific ACKR2 modulators for use in therapy – 21/01/2021
Bassam Janji et 5 autres auteurs -
Increased estrogen to androgen ratio enhances immunoglobulin levels and impairs B cell function in male mice – 01/12/2020
Juan Antonio Aguilar-Pimentel et 16 autres auteurs -
The atypical chemokine receptor ACKR3/CXCR7 is a broad-spectrum scavenger for opioid peptides – 01/12/2020
Andy Chevigne et 12 autres auteurs -
Mitochondria interaction networks show altered topological patterns in Parkinson’s disease – 01/12/2020
Feng Q Hefeng et 15 autres auteurs -
Protocol for a prospective, longitudinal cohort of people with COVID-19 and their household members to study factors associated with disease severity – 23/11/2020
Guy Fagherazzi et 13 autres auteurs -
GigaSOM.jl – 01/11/2020
Miroslav Kratochvíl et 8 autres auteurs -
Challenges to achieving measles elimination, Georgia, 2013–2018 – 01/11/2020
Nino Khetsuriani et 11 autres auteurs -
Precision medicine in hymenoptera venom allergy – 22/10/2020
S. Blank et 3 autres auteurs -
Use of biologicals in allergic and type-2 inflammatory diseases during the current COVID-19 pandemic – 07/09/2020
Ludger Klimek et 93 autres auteurs -
In-vivo diagnostic test allergens in Europe – 01/09/2020
Ludger Klimek et 25 autres auteurs -
Accelerated epigenetic aging as a risk factor for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and decreased lung function in two prospective cohort studies – 31/08/2020
Cavin K. Ward-Caviness et 20 autres auteurs -
EAACI Research and Outreach Committee – 01/08/2020
Mohamed H. Shamji et 16 autres auteurs -
Glucocorticoid receptor signaling in leukocytes after early life adversity – 01/08/2020
Jonathan Turner et 12 autres auteurs -
Biotin interference can cause false-negative IgE test results in patients with anaphylaxis – 01/08/2020
N. Scheib et 7 autres auteurs -
Deep serum IgE-profiling in a Luxembourgish cohort of peanut-allergic children diagnosed by oral food challenge – 01/08/2020
Rebecca Czolk et 7 autres auteurs -
Effects of the neurotrophic factor Neurturin on epithelial barrier disruption in the context of asthma – 01/08/2020
Lucas Morel et 3 autres auteurs -
Mucus barrier erosion by the commensal gut microbiome leads to exacerbated food allergy sensitization – 01/08/2020
Amy Parrish et 5 autres auteurs -
Successful CpG/Fel d 1-based immunotherapy reduces Th2 effector and memory cell compartments in a mouse model of allergic asthma – 01/08/2020
Cathy Léonard et 3 autres auteurs -
Network and Systems Medicine – 06/07/2020
Blandine Comte et 20 autres auteurs -
Applying next-generation sequencing to unravel the mutational landscape in viral quasispecies – 02/07/2020
Feng Q Hefeng et 2 autres auteurs -
Anwendung von biologika bei allergischen und Typ-2-entzündlichen Erkrankungen in der aktuellen COVID-19-Pandemie – ein Positionspapier von AeDA, DGAKI, GPA, ÖGAI, LGAI, ÖGP, ARIA und EAACI – 01/07/2020
Ludger Klimek et 49 autres auteurs -
Anwendung von Biologika bei allergischen und Typ-2-entzündlichen Erkrankungen in der aktuellen Covid-19-Pandemiea, b, c – 01/06/2020
Ludger Klimek et 91 autres auteurs -
Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infection in the Luxembourgish population: the CON-VINCE study. – 18/05/2020
Rejko Krüger et 23 autres auteurs -
Glutathione Restricts Serine Metabolism to Preserve Regulatory T Cell Function – 05/05/2020
Dirk Brenner et 30 autres auteurs -
EAACI-Leitlinien zur allergen-spezifischen Immuntherapie – 01/05/2020
Antonella Muraro et 37 autres auteurs -
Shedding light on the venom proteomes of the allergy-relevant hymenoptera Polistes dominula (European paper wasp) and Vespula spp. (Yellow Jacket) – 01/05/2020
S. Blank et 10 autres auteurs -
Revisiting the Role of Neurotrophic Factors in Inflammation – 02/04/2020
Lucas Morel et 3 autres auteurs -
The role of mobile health technologies in allergy care – 01/02/2020
P. M. Matricardi et 47 autres auteurs -
Seroprevalence of anti-tetanus antibodies in mothers and cord blood and associated factors in health-care settings in Lao People’s Democratic Republic – 29/01/2020
Antony Black et 5 autres auteurs -
Homologous tropomyosins from vertebrate and invertebrate – 01/01/2020
Annette Kuehn et 10 autres auteurs -
FHR4-based immunoconjugates direct complement-dependent cytotoxicity and phagocytosis towards HER2-positive cancer cells – 01/12/2019
Xavier Dervillez et 8 autres auteurs -
The role of component-resolved diagnosis in Hymenoptera venom allergy – 01/12/2019
M. B. Bilò et 2 autres auteurs -
Cross-species transmission of poultry pathogens in backyard farms – 02/11/2019
Maude Pauly et 13 autres auteurs -
High prevalence of helminth infections in mother-child pairs from three central provinces of Lao People’s Democratic Republic – 01/11/2019
Antony Black et 4 autres auteurs -
FHR4-based complement-activating multimeric immunotherapeutic complexes (COMIX) inhibit tumor growth of HER2-expressing xenografts in nude mice – 01/10/2019
Carole Seguin-Devaux et 3 autres auteurs -
Prevalence of Hymenoptera venom allergy and sensitization in the population-representative German KORA cohort – 01/09/2019
S. Blank et 6 autres auteurs -
Investigations of the major horse allergen Equ C 1 derived from the presumably hypoallergenic curly horse – 08/08/2019
Bente Janssen-Weets et 7 autres auteurs -
Method development for allergen capture from allergenic sources using human IgE-antibodies – 08/08/2019
Julia Klueber et 12 autres auteurs -
Shedding light on the polistes dominula venom proteome-Identification and characterization of novel allergens – 08/08/2019
Johanna Grosch et 18 autres auteurs -
Allergooncology: Delayed glioblastoma progression in a mouse model of allergic airway inflammation – 01/08/2019
Aurélie Poli et 13 autres auteurs -
Effects of IL-4 receptor a blockade during allergen-specific immunotherapy in a murine model of allergic asthma – 01/08/2019
S. Heine et 10 autres auteurs -
Late reaction in Gal-Alpha-Gal allergy is reflected in serum levels after ingestion of pork kidney – 01/08/2019
Esben Eller et 3 autres auteurs -
Unbiased mass cytometry analysis method applied to high-dimensional single cell phenotyping deciphers tolerance induction in a model of allergen immunotherapy – 01/08/2019
Oliver Hunewald et 6 autres auteurs -
Identification of human parvovirus B19 among measles and rubella suspected patients from Cuba – 01/07/2019
María de los Angeles Ribas et 6 autres auteurs -
Effects of the 2014/2015 Ebola outbreak on malaria management in pregnant women: A comparative study of an Ebola affected and unaffected rural district of Guinea – 29/06/2019
Delphin Kolie et 10 autres auteurs -
Drugs of porcine origin—A risk for patients with α-gal syndrome? – 01/05/2019
Christiane Hilger et 10 autres auteurs -
Induction of allergen-specifi Tregs prior to oral or sublingual immunotherapy of food allergy – 25/04/2019
Reinhard Bredehorst et 3 autres auteurs -
Toxoplasma gondii seroprevalence and associated factors among pregnant women attending their first antennal care visit in rural Burkina Faso – 04/01/2025
Marc C. Tahita et 11 autres auteurs -
Latent tuberculosis prevalence in healthcare workers in Laos – 03/01/2025
Antony Black et 6 autres auteurs -
Hepatitis B Virus Exposure, Seroprotection Status, and Susceptibility in Health Care Workers From Lao People’s Democratic Republic – 17/12/2024
Siriphone Virachith et 7 autres auteurs -
Recurrent tick bites induce high IgG1 antibody responses to α-Gal in sensitized and non-sensitized forestry employees in Luxembourg – 14/10/2024
Christiane Hilger et 11 autres auteurs -
Environmental-based surveillance as complementary tool for epidemic monitoring under a One Health approach – 27/09/2024
Chantal Snoeck et 12 autres auteurs -
Evidence of exposure to SARS-CoV-2 and various neutralizing antibody profiles against variants of concerns in companion animals, Luxembourg – 27/09/2024
Chantal Snoeck et 7 autres auteurs -
Seroprevalence and Risk Factors of Trichinella spiralis infection among Pregnant Women in Rural Areas, Burkina Faso – 19/09/2024
Marc Christian Tahita et 9 autres auteurs -
Comparison of Extraction Methods for the Detection of Avian Influenza Virus RNA in Cattle Milk – 10/09/2024
Chantal Snoeck et 3 autres auteurs -
Challenges to Hepatitis C Virus Testing and Treatment in a Rural Setting of Lao People’s Democratic Republic – 01/09/2024
Phimpha Paboriboune et 6 autres auteurs -
Malaria diagnosis challenges and pfhrp2 and pfhrp3 gene deletions using pregnant women as sentinel population in Nanoro region, Burkina Faso – 01/01/2024
Irene Molina–de la Fuente et 9 autres auteurs -
Factors associated with hepatitis B vaccination in Laos – 01/05/2024
Trude Dekker et 5 autres auteurs -
High pathogenic avian influenza A(H5) viruses of clade in Europe – Why trends of virus evolution are more difficult to predict – 06/04/2024
Alice Fusaro et 57 autres auteurs -
The Identification of Enteric Fever-Specific Antigens for Population-Based Serosurveillance – 05/07/2023
Stephen Baker et 14 autres auteurs -
Creation of a pandemic memory by tracing COVID-19 infections and immunity in Luxembourg (CON-VINCE) – 09/02/2024
Olena Tsurkalenko et 30 autres auteurs -
Developing an integrated approach to assess the emergence threat associated with influenza D viruses’ circulating in Europe – 01/02/2024
Ignacio Alvarez et 20 autres auteurs -
Education as Risk Factor of Mild Cognitive Impairment – 01/01/2024
Matthias Klee et 136 autres auteurs -
Evidence of Exposure to Sars-Cov-2 and Various Neutralizing Antibody Profiles Against Variants of Concerns in Cats and Dogs, Luxembourg (P1.126) – 12/12/2023
Markus Ollert et 8 autres auteurs -
Dynamics of Influenza D Virus Diversity and Spread (P2.227) – 11/12/2023
Chantal Snoeck et 9 autres auteurs -
A novel array of real-time RT-PCR assays for the rapid pathotyping of type I avian paramyxovirus (APMV-1) – 16/09/2023
Valentina Panzarin et 33 autres auteurs -
Validation of a SARS-CoV-2 Surrogate Neutralization Test Detecting Neutralizing Antibodies against the Major Variants of Concern – 06/10/2023
Carole Seguin-Devaux et 13 autres auteurs -
Molecular characterization of measles viruses in Central African Republic, 2012–2016 – 03/08/2023
Joël Dote et 6 autres auteurs -
Estimation of prevalence of chronic HCV infection in EU/EEA countries using multiparameter evidence synthesis – 01/06/2023
Ilias Gountas et 42 autres auteurs -
Hepatitis B, C and D infections among nine high-risk populations in Burkina Faso, West Africa – 01/06/2023
Armel M. Sanou et 6 autres auteurs -
Low seroprotection against diphtheria and tetanus in Lao adolescents – 01/01/2023
Sonephet Vantava et 8 autres auteurs -
Wastewater-based detection of respiratory and enteric viruses in Luxembourg (Poster presentation n°95) – 01/06/2023
Manon Chassaing et 8 autres auteurs -
Human Seasonal Influenza Viruses in Swine Workers in Lagos, Nigeria – 23/05/2023
Chantal Snoeck et 5 autres auteurs -
Rubella virus infection in endothelial cells reduces angiogenesis via interferon beta-induced CXCL10 – 21/04/2023
Vivien Henschke et 10 autres auteurs -
Altered infective competence of the human gut microbiome in COVID-19 – 09/03/2023
Laura de Nies et 28 autres auteurs -
Systematic Review of the Key Factors Influencing the Indoor Airborne Spread of SARS-CoV-2 – 27/02/2023
Simon de Crane D’Heysselaer et 25 autres auteurs -
Low prevalence of hepatitis delta infection in Cuban HBsAg carriers – 01/02/2023
Licel de los Ángeles Rodríguez Lay et 9 autres auteurs -
Hepatitis E virus in Cuba – 01/01/2022
Maria C. Villalba et 7 autres auteurs -
Hepatitis B virus and other transfusion-transmissible infections in child blood recipients in Lao People’s Democratic Republic – 01/01/2022
Judith Hübschen et 9 autres auteurs -
Active circulation of varicella zoster virus among different age groups in Sudan – 01/01/2022
Judith Hübschen et 4 autres auteurs -
ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile – 01/12/2022
Annette Mankertz et 6 autres auteurs -
High exposure to hepatitis C virus in Saravan, southern Laos; identification of several risk practices – 01/12/2022
Antony Black et 5 autres auteurs -
Molecular Characterization of Measles Viruses in Central African Republic, 2012-2016 – 21/11/2022
Joël Dote et 6 autres auteurs -
Patients With Atopic Dermatitis Sensitized to Pet Dander Mount IgE and T-Cell Responses to Mammalian Cystatins, Including the Human Self-Protein – 03/09/2021
L. M. Roesner et 8 autres auteurs -
Update: circulation of active genotypes of measles virus and recommendations for use of sequence analysis to monitor viral transmission–Mise à jour sur la circulation des génotypes actifs du virus rougeoleux et recommandations d’utilisation de l’analyse de séquence pour surveiller la transmission virale – 30/09/2022
D. Williams et 17 autres auteurs -
Haemophilus influenzae serotype b seroprevalence in central Lao PDR before and after vaccine introduction – 15/09/2022
Lisa Hefele et 10 autres auteurs -
Evolutionary and temporal dynamics of emerging influenza D virus in Europe (2009–22) – 01/09/2022
Chantal Snoeck et 14 autres auteurs -
Pre-Omicron Vaccine Breakthrough Infection Induces Superior Cross-Neutralization against SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.1 Compared to Infection Alone – 12/07/2022
Danielle PerezBercoff et 12 autres auteurs -
Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Toward Liver Cancer and Liver Cancer Screening Among HBV and HCV Patients in Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic – 01/01/2021
Antony Black et 8 autres auteurs -
Prevalence of hepatitis E virus antibodies in cattle in Burkina Faso associated with swine mixed farming – 09/02/2022
Chantal Snoeck et 5 autres auteurs -
Usutu Virus Africa 3 Lineage, Luxembourg, 2020 – 01/05/2022
Chantal Snoeck et 5 autres auteurs -
Epidemiological and serological investigations of vaccine-preventable diseases and their implications for vaccination policy in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic – 28/04/2022
Lisa Hefele -
Primate Erythroparvovirus 1 Infection in Patients with Hematological Disorders – 21/04/2022
Stefka Krumova et 5 autres auteurs -
Combinatorial analysis reveals highly coordinated early-stage immune reactions that predict later antiviral immunity in mild COVID-19 patients – 01/01/2022
Christophe Capelle et 23 autres auteurs -
Susceptibility to Vaccine-Preventable Diseases in Four Districts of Xaysomboun Province, Lao People’s Democratic Republic – 17/03/2022
Antony Black et 7 autres auteurs -
Measles – 12/02/2022
Judith Hübschen et 2 autres auteurs -
Rubella vaccine–induced granulomas are a novel phenotype with incomplete penetrance of genetic defects in cytotoxicity – 01/01/2021
Stephan Ehl et 43 autres auteurs -
Unexpectedly High Prevalence of Hepatitis C Virus Infection, Southern Laos – 01/01/2022
Antony Black et 6 autres auteurs -
An age-stratified serosurvey against purified Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi antigens in the Lao People´s Democratic Republic – 01/12/2021
Stephen Baker et 12 autres auteurs -
Analyses of blood donor samples from eight provinces in Lao PDR suggest considerable variation concerning HBV exposure and carriage – 01/12/2021
Judith Hübschen et 9 autres auteurs -
First expert elicitation of knowledge on drivers of emergence of influenza D in Europe – 01/01/2020
Claude Saegerman et 6 autres auteurs -
Waning of maternal antibodies against measles suggests a large window of susceptibility in infants in lao people’s Democratic republic – 13/10/2021
Judith Hübschen et 8 autres auteurs -
Rubella epidemiology in the Central African Republic, 2015-2016 and molecular characterization of virus strains from 2008-2016 – 01/10/2021
Judith Hübschen et 6 autres auteurs -
Systems and Longitudinal Analysis Reveals Early-Stage and Highly Coordinated Immune Responses in Mild COVID-19 Patients – 30/09/2021
Christophe Capelle et 22 autres auteurs -
Deep immune profiling reveals early-stage and highly coordinated immune responses in mild COVID-19 patients – 02/09/2021
Feng Q Hefeng et 22 autres auteurs -
The evolution and social determinants of mental health during the first wave of the COVID-19 outbreak in Luxembourg – 01/09/2021
Fabiana Ribeiro et 10 autres auteurs -
Epidemiology of acute respiratory viral infections in children in Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic – 01/08/2021
Chantal Snoeck et 10 autres auteurs -
Low seroprevalence of COVID-19 in Lao PDR, late 2020 – 01/08/2021
Antony Black et 18 autres auteurs -
High seroprevalence of Foot and Mouth Disease in Laos – 01/01/2020
Kinnaly Xaydalasouk et 11 autres auteurs -
Molecular and virological characterization of the first poultry outbreaks of Genotype VII.2 velogenic avian orthoavulavirus type 1 (NDV) in North-West Europe, BeNeLux, 2018 – 01/01/2020
Mieke Steensels et 11 autres auteurs -
Seroprevalence of measles and rubella antibodies in vaccinated and unvaccinated infants in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic – 01/07/2021
Antony Black et 8 autres auteurs -
Diagnostic challenges and pockets of susceptibility identified during a measles outbreak, Luxembourg, 2019 – 03/06/2021
Judith Hübschen et 5 autres auteurs -
Age-stratified seroprevalence of vaccine-preventable infectious disease in Saravan, Southern Lao People’s Democratic Republic – 01/06/2021
Antony Black et 6 autres auteurs -
Epidemiology and genetic characterization of respiratory syncytial virus in children with acute respiratory infections – 01/06/2021
Giscard F. Komoyo et 7 autres auteurs -
Adverse life trajectories are a risk factor for sars-cov-2 iga seropositivity – 17/05/2021
Jonathan Turner et 5 autres auteurs -
Emerging Influenza D virus infection in European livestock as determined in serology studies – 01/05/2021
Maria Gaudino et 13 autres auteurs -
Evaluation de la séroprévalence de l’hépatite E chez les bovins à Bobo-Dioulasso au Burkina Faso (Oral presentation) – 01/05/2021
Dieudonné Tialla et 6 autres auteurs -
SARS-CoV-2 transmission risk from asymptomatic carriers – 01/05/2021
Paul Wilmes et 14 autres auteurs -
Seroprevalence of torch pathogens in southeast asia – 11/03/2021
Judith Hübschen et 3 autres auteurs -
Epidémiologie du virus de l’hépatite E chez l’humain et le porc à Bobo-Dioulasso au Burkina Faso (Oral presentation n°20) – 01/03/2021
Dieudonné Tialla et 8 autres auteurs -
Comprehensive surveillance data suggest a prominent role of parvovirus B19 infection in Belarus and the presence of a third subtype within subgenotype 1a – 13/01/2021
Marina A. Yermalovich et 6 autres auteurs -
Timeliness of immunisation with the pentavalent vaccine at different levels of the health care system in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic – 01/12/2020
Lisa Hefele et 13 autres auteurs -
Challenges to achieving measles elimination, Georgia, 2013–2018 – 01/11/2020
Nino Khetsuriani et 11 autres auteurs -
Hepatitis A virus in Lao People’s Democratic Republic – 01/07/2020
Antony Black et 7 autres auteurs -
Risk assessment for influenza D in Europe – 18/05/2020
Chiara Chiapponi et 20 autres auteurs -
Risk assessment for influenza D in Europe – 04/06/2020
Chiara Chiapponi et 20 autres auteurs -
Pertussis in Lao PDR – 01/06/2020
Antony Black et 9 autres auteurs -
Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infection in the Luxembourgish population: the CON-VINCE study. – 18/05/2020
Rejko Krüger et 23 autres auteurs -
Lasting benefit of infant hepatitis B vaccination in adolescents in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic – 01/04/2020
Lisa Hefele et 8 autres auteurs -
Pluripotent Stem Cell-Based Models – 26/02/2020
C. Claus et 2 autres auteurs -
Serological evidence of swine exposure to pandemic H1N1/2009 influenza A virus in Burkina Faso – 01/02/2020
Chantal Snoeck et 8 autres auteurs -
Seroprevalence of measles, mumps, and rubella and genetic characterization of mumps virus in Khartoum, Sudan – 01/02/2020
Judith Hübschen et 5 autres auteurs -
Detection and Discovery of Coronaviruses in Wild Bird Populations – 01/01/2020
Chantal Snoeck et 1 autre auteur -
Vaccination of healthcare personnel in Europe – 10/12/2019
Helena C. Maltezou et 46 autres auteurs -
Seroprotection at Different Levels of the Healthcare System after Routine Vaccination with Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis whole cell-Hepatitis B-Haemophilus influenzae Type B in Lao People’s Democratic Republic – 27/11/2019
Lisa Hefele et 13 autres auteurs -
Cross-species transmission of poultry pathogens in backyard farms – 02/11/2019
Maude Pauly et 13 autres auteurs -
High prevalence of helminth infections in mother-child pairs from three central provinces of Lao People’s Democratic Republic – 01/11/2019
Antony Black et 4 autres auteurs -
Epidemiological, clinical and laboratory characteristics of the measles resurgence in the Republic of Serbia in 2014-2015 – 01/10/2019
Snežana Medić et 8 autres auteurs -
Updated unified phylogenetic classification system and revised nomenclature for Newcastle disease virus – 01/10/2019
Kiril M. Dimitrov et 39 autres auteurs -
Better care for babies – 15/08/2019
Oluwakemi F. Ogundipe et 8 autres auteurs -
Identification of human parvovirus B19 among measles and rubella suspected patients from Cuba – 01/07/2019
María de los Angeles Ribas et 6 autres auteurs -
Varicella zoster and fever rash surveillance in Lao People’s Democratic Republic – 08/05/2019
Claude Muller et 10 autres auteurs -
Hepatitis E Virus and Antibody Prevalence in Pigs at Slaughter in Luxembourg (Oral presentation) – 01/05/2019
Chantal Snoeck et 5 autres auteurs -
Livestock diseases threatening smallholder farmers in Lao people’s Democratic Republic – 01/02/2019
Martje Pauly et 7 autres auteurs -
Detection of a low level and heterogeneous B cell immune response in peripheral blood of acute borreliosis patients with high throughput sequencing – 01/01/2019
Claude Muller et 7 autres auteurs -
True measles cases undetected by reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) – 01/01/2019
Julia Dina et 8 autres auteurs -
High circulation of Hepatitis E virus in pigs and professionals exposed to pigs in Laos – 01/12/2018
Maude Pauly et 12 autres auteurs -
Mumps epidemiology in Cuba between 2004 and 2015 – 01/11/2018
María de los Angeles Ribas et 7 autres auteurs -
Etiology of viral respiratory infections in Northern Lao People’s Democratic Republic – 01/10/2018
Chantal Snoeck et 8 autres auteurs -
Rubella viruses shift cellular bioenergetics to a more oxidative and glycolytic phenotype with a strain-specific requirement for glutamine – 01/09/2018
C. Claus et 9 autres auteurs -
Evidence of increased Hepatitis E virus exposure in Lao villagers with contact to ruminants – 01/09/2018
Maude Pauly et 11 autres auteurs -
Widespread circulation of Influenza D virus in Luxembourg (Oral presentation 77) – 01/08/2018
Chantal Snoeck et 8 autres auteurs -
High-throughput sequencing of murine immunoglobulin heavy chain repertoires using single side unique molecular identifiers on an Ion Torrent PGM – 01/07/2018
Jean-Philippe Bürckert et 8 autres auteurs -
Epidemiology and molecular characterization of influenza viruses in Burkina Faso, sub-Saharan Africa – 01/07/2018
Chantal Snoeck et 11 autres auteurs -
Influenza D virus circulation in cattle and swine, Luxembourg, 2012–2016 – 01/07/2018
Chantal Snoeck et 7 autres auteurs -
Measles virus genotype D4 strains with nonstandard length M-F non-coding region circulated during the major outbreaks of 2011-2012 in Spain – 01/07/2018
Horacio Gil et 7 autres auteurs -
Immunity levels to poliovirus in Lao children and adults before the vaccine-derived poliovirus outbreak – 01/05/2018
Maude Pauly et 11 autres auteurs -
Prevalence of Hepatitis B virus and Hepatitis D virus Coinfection in Western Burkina Faso and molecular characterization of the detected virus strains – 01/05/2018
Armel M. Sanou et 9 autres auteurs -
The role of extended and whole genome sequencing for tracking transmission of measles and rubella viruses – 09/02/2018
Judith Hübschen et 1 autre auteur -
Hepatitis B, C and D virus genotypes detected in HBsAg- or anti-HCV-positive people from the Republic of Moldova – 01/02/2018
Judith Hübschen et 9 autres auteurs -
IgG antibody prevalence suggests high immunization needs in newcomers to Luxembourg, 2012 – 01/02/2018
Judith Hübschen et 3 autres auteurs -
Rubella and Congenital Rubella – 01/01/2018
Judith Hübschen et 1 autre auteur -
Maria C. Villalba et 14 autres auteurs -
Infección oculta por el virus de la hepatitis B en grupos de riesgo cubanos – 01/01/2018
Marité B. Corredor et 18 autres auteurs -
Functionally convergent B cell receptor sequences in transgenic rats expressing a human B cell repertoire in response to tetanus toxoid and measles antigens – 22/12/2017
Jean-Philippe Bürckert et 7 autres auteurs -
Transcription-associated mutational pressure in the Parvovirus B19 genome – 21/12/2017
Vladislav Victorovich Khrustalev et 3 autres auteurs -
Novel alphacoronaviruses and paramyxoviruses cocirculate with type 1 and severe acute respiratory system (SARS)-related betacoronaviruses in synanthropic bats of luxembourg – 01/09/2017
Maude Pauly et 6 autres auteurs -
Ongoing mumps outbreak in Israel, January to August 2017 – 31/08/2017
V. Indenbaum et 11 autres auteurs -
Hepatitis B virus infection assessed 3 to 18 years after vaccination in Cuban children and adolescents born to HBsAg-positive mothers – 01/08/2017
Licel de los Angeles Rodríguez Lay et 10 autres auteurs -
Challenges of measles and rubella laboratory diagnostic in the era of elimination – 01/08/2017
Judith Hübschen et 6 autres auteurs -
Molecular surveillance of measles and rubella in the WHO European Region – 01/08/2017
Sabine Santibanez et 15 autres auteurs -
Molecular epidemiology of Avian Rotaviruses Group A and D shed by different bird species in Nigeria – 12/06/2017
Maude Pauly et 7 autres auteurs -
Identification of a CD4 T-cell epitope in the hemagglutinin stalk domain of pandemic H1N1 influenza virus and its antigen-driven TCR usage signature in BALB/c mice – 01/06/2017
I-Na Lu et 3 autres auteurs -
A sensitive one-step TaqMan amplification approach for detection of rubella virus clade I and II genotypes in clinical samples – 01/02/2017
C. Claus et 5 autres auteurs -
Rubella and Congenital Rubella – 01/01/2017
Judith Hübschen et 1 autre auteur -
Prevalence and genetic diversity of avian coronaviruses in Luxembourg, The Netherlands and Nigeria – 14/12/2016
Chantal Snoeck et 6 autres auteurs -
Epidemiological and molecular investigation of a rubella outbreak, Romania, 2011 to 2012 – 22/09/2016
Mihaela Lazar et 12 autres auteurs -
Reply to may newly defined genotypes XVII and XVIII of newcastle disease virus in poultry from west and central Africa be considered a single genotype (XVII)? – 01/09/2016
Claude Muller et 1 autre auteur -
High-resolution analysis of the B cell repertoire before and after polyethylene glycol fusion reveals preferential fusion of rare antigen-specific B cells – 08/06/2016
Claude Muller et 5 autres auteurs -
Epidemiologic and laboratory surveillance of the measles outbreak in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, February 2014–April 2015 – 01/06/2016
I. Salimović-Besic et 11 autres auteurs -
Focussing reduced representation CpG sequencing through judicious restriction enzyme choice – 01/04/2016
Jonathan Turner et 5 autres auteurs -
Resurgence of measles in Serbia 2010-2011 highlights the need for supplementary immunization activities – 01/04/2016
Claude Muller et 6 autres auteurs -
Insights into epidemiology of human parvovirus B19 and detection of an unusual genotype 2 variant, Bulgaria, 2004 to 2013 – 28/01/2016
S. K. Ivanova et 6 autres auteurs -
Rubella and Congenital Rubella – 01/01/2016
Judith Hübschen et 1 autre auteur -
Integration of Ixodes ricinus genome sequencing with transcriptome and proteome annotation of the naïve midgut – 28/10/2015
Claude Muller et 5 autres auteurs -
A mumps outbreak in vojvodina, serbia, in 2012 underlines the need for additional vaccination opportunities for young adults – 23/10/2015
Jasminka Nedeljkovi et 6 autres auteurs -
Genetic diversity of the hepatitis B virus strains in Cuba – 15/05/2015
Licel de los Angeles Rodríguez Lay et 9 autres auteurs -
Serosurveillance of vaccine preventable diseases and hepatitis C in healthcare workers from Lao PDR – 14/04/2015
Antony Black et 5 autres auteurs -
Serological evidence of pandemic (H1N1) 2009 virus in pigs, West and Central Africa – 23/03/2015
Claude Muller et 6 autres auteurs -
Long-term transmission of measles virus in Central and continental Western Europe – 01/02/2015
Sabine Santibanez et 9 autres auteurs -
Rubella and Congenital Rubella – 01/01/2015
Judith Hübschen et 1 autre auteur -
Etiology of maculopapular rash in measles and rubella suspected patients from belarus – 30/10/2014
Marina A. Yermalovich et 5 autres auteurs -
High prevalence of mumps in Lao People’s Democratic Republic – 01/10/2014
Claude Muller et 16 autres auteurs -
Reemergencia de sarampión en la provincia de Guadalajara. ¿es el momento de establecer nuevas estrategias para su eliminación? – 01/10/2014
Mariela Martínez-Ramírez et 6 autres auteurs -
Mumps outbreak in the federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina with large cohorts of susceptibles and genetically diverse strains of genotype G, Bosnia and Herzegovina, December 2010 to September 2012 – 21/08/2014
M. Hukic et 10 autres auteurs -
Identification of congenital rubella syndrome in Sudan – 04/06/2014
Claude Muller et 3 autres auteurs -
Hepatitis B virus in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic – 01/01/2014
Claude Muller et 12 autres auteurs -
Rubella and Congenital Rubella – 01/01/2014
Judith Hübschen et 1 autre auteur -
E.O. Rubalskii et 5 autres auteurs -
High genetic diversity of newcastle disease virus in poultry in west and central Africa – 01/07/2013
Claude Muller et 9 autres auteurs -
Cross-sectional study of hepatitis B virus infection in rural communities, Central African Republic – 24/06/2013
Narcisse P. Komas et 6 autres auteurs -
Rubella seroprevalence among pregnant women in Burkina Faso – 04/04/2013
Marc C. Tahita et 7 autres auteurs -
Prevalence of Tick-Borne Pathogens in Ixodes ricinus and Dermacentor reticulatus Ticks from Different Geographical Locations in Belarus – 29/01/2013
Anna Reye et 6 autres auteurs -
Characterization of newcastle disease viruses in wild and domestic birds in Luxembourg from 2006 to 2008 – 01/01/2013
Claude Muller et 6 autres auteurs -
Rubella and Congenital Rubella – 01/01/2013
Judith Hübschen et 1 autre auteur -
HCV genotype determination in monoinfected and HIV co-infected patients in Cuba – 01/12/2012
Licel de los Angeles Rodríguez Lay et 12 autres auteurs -
Influenza Virus – 17/04/2012
Chantal Snoeck et 4 autres auteurs -
Pathogen prevalence in ticks collected from the vegetation and livestock in Nigeria – 01/04/2012
Claude Muller et 3 autres auteurs -
An outbreak of rubella in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina between December 2009 and May 2010 indicates failure to vaccinate during wartime (1992-1995) – 01/03/2012
Claude Muller et 8 autres auteurs -
A high variability of mixed infections and recent recombinations of hepatitis B virus in laos – 22/02/2012
Iris Andernach et 6 autres auteurs -
Rubella and Congenital Rubella – 01/01/2012
Judith Hübschen et 1 autre auteur -
High genetic diversity including potential new subtypes of hepatitis C virus genotype 6 in Lao People’s Democratic Republic – 01/12/2011
Claude Muller et 7 autres auteurs -
Ongoing large mumps outbreak in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, December 2010 to July 2011 – 01/09/2011
M. Hukic et 6 autres auteurs -
Detection of new Francisella-like tick endosymbionts in Hyalomma spp. and Rhipicephalus spp. (Acari: Ixodidae) from Bulgaria – 01/08/2011
Claude Muller et 7 autres auteurs -
Global distribution of measles genotypes and measles molecular epidemiology – 01/07/2011
P. A. Rota et 33 autres auteurs -
Reassortant low-pathogenic avian influenza H5N2 viruses in African wild birds – 01/05/2011
Chantal Snoeck et 7 autres auteurs -
Detection of babesia Sp. EU1 and members of spotted fever group rickettsiae in ticks collected from migratory birds at curonian spit, North-Western Russia – 01/01/2011
Alexandru Movila et 7 autres auteurs -
Detection of a new subgenotype of hepatitis B virus genotype A in Cameroon but not in neighbouring Nigeria – 01/01/2011
Claude Muller et 6 autres auteurs -
Rubella and Congenital Rubella – 01/01/2011
Judith Hübschen et 1 autre auteur -
Phylogenetic analysis of rubella viruses involved in congenital rubella infections in France between 1995 and 2009 – 01/07/2010
Christelle Vauloup-Fellous et 8 autres auteurs -
Prevalence and seasonality of tick-borne pathogens in questing ixodes ricinus ticks from luxembourg – 01/05/2010
Anna Reye et 3 autres auteurs -
Molecular epidemiology of parvovirus infection in Belarus – 01/01/2010
M. A. Yermolovich et 4 autres auteurs -
Phylogenetic analysis of human parvovirus B19 sequences from eleven different countries confirms the predominance of genotype 1 and suggests the spread of genotype 3b – 01/11/2009
Judith Hübschen et 21 autres auteurs -
Exceptional genetic variability of hepatitis B virus indicates that Rwanda is east of an emerging African genotype E/A1 divide – 01/03/2009
Judith Hübschen et 7 autres auteurs -
Newcastle disease virus in West Africa – 01/01/2009
Chantal Snoeck et 11 autres auteurs -
Characterization of a new genotype and serotype of infectious bronchitis virus in Western Africa – 01/01/2009
Claude Muller et 9 autres auteurs -
Hepatitis B virus – 01/01/2009
Claude Muller et 2 autres auteurs -
Ongoing rubella outbreak in Bosnia and Herzegovina, March-July 2009–preliminary report. – 01/01/2009
A. Novo et 4 autres auteurs -
Profile of Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C markers in asymptomatic chronic HBV infection in an endemic population – 01/01/2009
J.A. Otegbayo et 4 autres auteurs -
Hepatitis B virus genotype E variability in Africa – 01/12/2008
Claude Muller et 2 autres auteurs -
Avian metapneumovirus subtype A in China and subtypes A and B in Nigeria – 01/09/2008
A. A. Owoade et 6 autres auteurs -
A multiplex TaqMan PCR assay for the detection of measles and rubella virus – 01/05/2008
Claude Muller et 3 autres auteurs -
Molecular Diagnostics of Virus-vector Nematodes – 01/01/2008
R. Neilson et 2 autres auteurs -
Острая парвовирусная инфекция в Республике Беларусь – 01/01/2008
M.A. Yermalovich et 6 autres auteurs -
Co-circulation of multiple rubella virus strains in Belarus forming novel genetic groups within clade 1 – 01/07/2007
Claude Muller et 6 autres auteurs -
Ribosomal and mitochondrial DNA analyses of Xiphinema americanum-group populations – 01/12/2006
Stela S. Lazarova et 4 autres auteurs -
Bridging the gap with multispecific immune cell engagers in cancer and infectious diseases – 01/01/2024
Camille Rolin et 2 autres auteurs -
Adoptive T Regulatory Cell Therapy Takes an Important Step – 01/06/2024
Jacques Zimmer et 1 autre auteur -
Solving the antibacterial resistance in Europe – 17/02/2024
Carole Seguin-Devaux et 9 autres auteurs -
Two hits are better than one – 30/04/2024
Jacques Zimmer et 2 autres auteurs -
Direct-acting antiviral therapies for hepatitis C infection – 01/04/2024
Alison D. Marshall et 49 autres auteurs -
Flow cytometry conjugate formation assay between natural killer cells and their target cells – 11/03/2024
Jacques Zimmer et 2 autres auteurs -
HIV and people who inject drugs – 01/01/2024
Carole Seguin-Devaux -
Prevalence of chronic HCV infection in EU/EEA countries in 2019 using multiparameter evidence synthesis – 01/01/2024
Georgios Nikolopoulos et 64 autres auteurs -
The Role of Late Presenters in HIV-1 Transmission Clusters in Europe – 13/12/2023
Mafalda N.S. Miranda et 13 autres auteurs -
Multimeric immunotherapeutic complexes activating natural killer cells towards HIV-1 cure – 07/11/2023
Carole Seguin-Devaux et 10 autres auteurs -
Incarceration history is associated with HIV infection among community-recruited people who inject drugs in Europe – 03/08/2023
Anneli Uusküla et 49 autres auteurs -
Validation of a SARS-CoV-2 Surrogate Neutralization Test Detecting Neutralizing Antibodies against the Major Variants of Concern – 06/10/2023
Carole Seguin-Devaux et 13 autres auteurs -
Global prevalence, cascade of care, and prophylaxis coverage of hepatitis B in 2022 – 27/07/2023
Devin Razavi-Shearer et 49 autres auteurs -
Estimation of prevalence of chronic HCV infection in EU/EEA countries using multiparameter evidence synthesis – 01/06/2023
Ilias Gountas et 42 autres auteurs -
Microtubules and viral infection – 03/04/2023
Mojgan H. Naghavi et 1 autre auteur -
Multifunctional Heteromultimeric Constructs – 27/04/2023
Xavier Dervillez et 2 autres auteurs -
Cohort Profile – 23/04/2023
Barbara Rossetti et 9 autres auteurs -
Impact of COVID-19 & Response Measures on HIV-HCV Prevention Services and Social Determinants in People Who Inject Drugs in 13 Sites with Recent HIV Outbreaks in Europe, North America and Israel – 01/01/2022
Lucas Wiessing et 31 autres auteurs -
Identification of evolutionary mutational pathways from multi-drug resistant HIV genotypes – 01/03/2023
Martin Pirkl et 10 autres auteurs -
Vaccine- and Breakthrough Infection-Elicited Pre-Omicron Immunity More Effectively Neutralizes Omicron BA.1, BA.2, BA.4 and BA.5 Than Pre-Omicron Infection Alone – 19/02/2023
Danielle PerezBercoff et 7 autres auteurs -
The anti-caspase 1 inhibitor VX-765 reduces immune activation, CD4+ T cell depletion, viral load, and total HIV-1 DNA in HIV-1 infected humanized mice – 17/02/2023
Carole Seguin-Devaux et 5 autres auteurs -
Dimeric protein complexes and uses thereof – 12/01/2023
Xavier Dervillez et 5 autres auteurs -
Virologic Failure Following Low-level Viremia and Viral Blips During Antiretroviral Therapy – 14/09/2022
Olof Elvstam et 9 autres auteurs -
Analysis of mutational history of multi-drug resistant genotypes with a mutagenetic tree model – 09/12/2022
Martin Pirkl et 11 autres auteurs -
HIV/AIDS surveillance in Europe 2022 – 2021 data – 30/11/2022
Carole Seguin-Devaux -
Natural Killer activating multimeric immunotherapeutic complexes (NaMiX) induce cytotoxic activity and killing of HIV-1 infected cells – 13/11/2022
Rafaëla Schober et 9 autres auteurs -
Liver Disease and Treatment Needs of Asymptomatic Persons Living With Hepatitis B in Senegal – 01/11/2022
Adrià Ramírez Mena et 15 autres auteurs -
Continuum of HIV care. Monitoring implementation of the Dublin Declaration on partnership to fight HIV/AIDS in Europe and Central Asia – 01/11/2022
Carole Seguin-Devaux et 1 autre auteur -
Vaccine-and BTI-elicited pre-Omicron immunity more effectively neutralizes Omicron sublineages BA. 1, BA. 2, BA. 4 and BA. 5 than pre-Omicron infection alone – 24/10/2022
Danielle PerezBercoff et 7 autres auteurs -
Effectiveness of integrase strand transfer inhibitors in HIV-infected treatment-experienced individuals across Europe – 24/02/2022
B. Rossetti et 27 autres auteurs -
Imprint of Initial Education and Loss of Ly49C/I in Activated Natural Killer Cells of TAP1-KO and C57BL/6 Wildtype Mice – 24/05/2022
Jacques Zimmer et 10 autres auteurs -
Pre-Omicron Vaccine Breakthrough Infection Induces Superior Cross-Neutralization against SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.1 Compared to Infection Alone – 12/07/2022
Danielle PerezBercoff et 12 autres auteurs -
A 4 year multi-centre study of persons who inject drugs in Luxembourg, looking at hepatitis C virus seroprevalence, treatment uptake and reinfection rates – 01/07/2022
Madiha Sharaf et 4 autres auteurs -
Monitoring of responses to the hepatitis B and C epidemics in EU/EEA countries – 2020 data – 15/06/2022
Carole Seguin-Devaux -
Characteristics of hepatitis C virus resistance in an international cohort after a decade of direct-acting antivirals – 01/05/2022
Anita Y.M. Howe et 50 autres auteurs -
Global change in hepatitis C virus prevalence and cascade of care between 2015 and 2020 – 15/02/2022
S. Blach et 49 autres auteurs -
Trends of Transmitted and Acquired Drug Resistance in Europe From 1981 to 2019 – 13/04/2022
Mafalda N.S. Miranda et 9 autres auteurs -
Analysis of the Origin and Dissemination of HIV-1 Subtype C in Bulgaria – 27/01/2022
Ivailo Alexiev et 8 autres auteurs -
The European prevalence of resistance associated substitutions among direct acting antiviral failures – 22/12/2021
Stephanie Popping et 16 autres auteurs -
Comité de surveillance du SIDA: Rapport d’activité 2021 – 01/01/2022
Carole Seguin-Devaux et 13 autres auteurs -
HIV/AIDS surveillance in Europe 2021 – 2020 data – 30/11/2021
Carole Seguin-Devaux -
Tert promoter mutations increase sense and antisense transcription from the tert promoter – 26/11/2021
Danielle PerezBercoff et 3 autres auteurs -
Comparison of three galenic forms of lamivudine in young West African children living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus – 16/11/2021
Claire Pressiat et 14 autres auteurs -
High nevirapine levels in breast milk and consequences in HIV-infected child when initiated on antiretroviral therapy – 15/11/2021
Claire Pressiat et 8 autres auteurs -
Declining incidence of HIV multidrug resistance in Europe – 01/10/2021
J. Dewandre et 10 autres auteurs -
Effectiveness of integrase strand transfer inhibitor-based regimens in HIV-infected treatment-naive individuals – 01/09/2021
Barbara Rossetti et 27 autres auteurs -
SHARED – 01/08/2021
Anita Y.M. Howe et 12 autres auteurs -
Determinants of hiv-1 late presentation in patients followed in europe – 02/07/2021
Mafalda N.S. Miranda et 12 autres auteurs -
Validation of molecular clock inferred HIV infection ages – 01/07/2021
Dimitrios Paraskevis et 12 autres auteurs -
Active components from cassia abbreviata prevent hiv-1 entry by distinct mechanisms of action – 10/05/2021
Carole Seguin-Devaux et 9 autres auteurs -
Chemical constituents of cassia abbreviata and their anti-hiv-1 activity – 23/04/2021
Carole Seguin-Devaux et 7 autres auteurs -
Sustained high expression of multiple APOBEC3 cytidine deaminases in systemic lupus erythematosus – 12/04/2021
Danielle PerezBercoff et 13 autres auteurs -
Cytotoxic CD8+ T Cells Expressing CXCR5 Are Detectable in HIV-1 Elite Controllers After Prolonged In Vitro Peptide Stimulation – 24/02/2021
Philipp Adams et 5 autres auteurs -
CD32+CD4+ memory T cells are enriched for total HIV-1 DNA in tissues from humanized mice – 22/01/2021
Carole Seguin-Devaux et 11 autres auteurs -
Molecular epidemiological analysis of the origin and transmission dynamics of the hiv-1 crf01_ae sub-epidemic in Bulgaria – 16/01/2021
Ivailo Alexiev et 12 autres auteurs -
Could the COVID-19 crisis help eradicate chronic homelessness? – 01/01/2021
Lucas Wiessing et 2 autres auteurs -
Country Level Diversity of the HIV-1 Pandemic between 1990 and 2015 – 01/01/2021
Joris Hemelaar et 49 autres auteurs -
The case for simplifying and using absolute targets for viral hepatitis elimination goals – 01/01/2021
Homie Razavi et 49 autres auteurs -
Comité de surveillance du SIDA: Rapport d’activité 2020 – 01/01/2021
Carole Seguin-Devaux et 15 autres auteurs -
HIV/AIDS surveillance in Europe 2020 – 2019 data – 26/11/2020
Carole Seguin-Devaux -
Global and regional epidemiology of HIV-1 recombinants in 1990–2015 – 01/11/2020
Joris Hemelaar et 49 autres auteurs -
Combination disease prevention in prisons: a comprehensive programme in Luxembourg – 27/07/2020
Patrick Hoffmann et 10 autres auteurs -
HIV outbreaks among people who inject drugs in Europe, North America, and Israel – 01/06/2020
D. C. Des Jarlais et 19 autres auteurs -
A Class of Potent Inhibitors of the HIV-1 Nucleocapsid Protein Based on Aminopyrrolic Scaffolds – 14/05/2020
Yves Mély et 9 autres auteurs -
Drug-related infectious diseases in Europe. Update from the EMCDDA expert network, 2020 – 01/05/2020
EMCDDA expert network et 1 autre auteur -
(Thia)calixarenephosphonic Acids as Potent Inhibitors of the Nucleic Acid Chaperone Activity of the HIV-1 Nucleocapsid Protein with a New Binding Mode and Multitarget Antiviral Activity – 10/04/2020
Yves Mély et 18 autres auteurs -
Molecular epidemiology of the HIV-1 subtype B sub-epidemic in Bulgaria – 01/04/2020
Ivailo Alexiev et 10 autres auteurs -
The Solo Play of TERT Promoter Mutations – 19/03/2020
François Hafezi et 1 autre auteur -
Exploring biomarkers of the viral reservoir and anti-viral CD8+ T cell responses – towards a functional cure of HIV-1 – 12/02/2020
Philipp Adams -
Comité de surveillance du SIDA: Rapport d’activité 2019 – 01/01/2020
Carole Seguin-Devaux et 15 autres auteurs -
Less cytotoxic protoflavones as antiviral agents – 02/12/2019
Attila Hunyadi et 11 autres auteurs -
Ensuring On-site Ebola Patient Monitoring and Follow-up – 01/12/2019
Anita Williams et 4 autres auteurs -
FHR4-based immunoconjugates direct complement-dependent cytotoxicity and phagocytosis towards HER2-positive cancer cells – 01/12/2019
Xavier Dervillez et 8 autres auteurs -
Combattre l’hépatite C chez les usagers de drogues injectables au Luxembourg : illustration d’une approche intersectorielle – 01/12/2019
Nadine Berndt et 2 autres auteurs -
HIV-1 diversity and antiretroviral resistance among bulgarian citizens infected abroad and foreigners registered with HIV/AIDS in bulgaria from 2012 to 2017 (preliminary analysis) – 01/11/2019
I. Alexiev et 14 autres auteurs -
Increased frequency of cytotoxic CXCR5+effector memory CD8+T cells during natural control of HIV-1 infection – 01/11/2019
Philipp Adams et 13 autres auteurs -
Inhibition of caspase 1 reduces viral load, CD4 T cell depletion and immune activation in HIV-1 infected humanized mice – 01/11/2019
Philipp Adams et 4 autres auteurs -
Prevalence of InSTI resistance and effectiveness of InSTI-based regimens in HIV-infected patients: results from a European cohort study – 01/11/2019
B. Rossetti et 11 autres auteurs -
Estimating the ‘PrEP Gap’ – 10/10/2019
Rosalie Hayes et 49 autres auteurs -
FHR4-based complement-activating multimeric immunotherapeutic complexes (COMIX) inhibit tumor growth of HER2-expressing xenografts in nude mice – 01/10/2019
Carole Seguin-Devaux et 3 autres auteurs -
Genotype misclassification negatively impact the choice of regimens and treatment outcomes in the management of hepatitis C – 01/10/2019
Anita Y.M. Howe et 35 autres auteurs -
HCV resistance patterns in a worldwide network of cohorts of GT-3a infected patients – 01/10/2019
Slim Fourati et 36 autres auteurs -
The global prevalence of resistance associated substitutions (RASS) in « unusual » HCV subtypes – 01/10/2019
Stephanie Popping et 35 autres auteurs -
Predominance of the heterozygous CCR5 delta-24 deletion in African individuals resistant to HIV infection might be related to a defect in CCR5 addressing at the cell surface – 01/09/2019
Carole Seguin-Devaux et 10 autres auteurs -
Monitoring the elimination of viral hepatitis as a public health threat among people who inject drugs in Europe: the elimination barometer – 01/09/2019
Carole Seguin-Devaux -
EMCDDA Case study 5 — Expanding HCV screening and hepatitis treatment and care for PWID to harm reduction centres – 01/07/2019
Carole Seguin-Devaux et 1 autre auteur -
Drug-related infectious diseases: Update from the EMCDDA expert network – 01/06/2019
Carole Seguin-Devaux -
Injection of cocaine is associated with a recent HIV outbreak in people who inject drugs in Luxembourg – 01/05/2019
Carole Seguin-Devaux et 10 autres auteurs -
Multicenter evaluation of the cobas® HIV-1 quantitative nucleic acid test for use on the cobas® 4800 system for the quantification of HIV-1 plasma viral load – 01/05/2019
Carole Seguin-Devaux et 10 autres auteurs -
Genotype 4 RAS patterns in a European hepatitis C cohort – 01/04/2019
Stephanie Popping et 13 autres auteurs -
In-vitro viral suppressive capacity correlates with immune checkpoint marker expression on peripheral CD8+ T cells in treated HIV-positive patients – 01/03/2019
Pieter Pannus et 9 autres auteurs -
Earlier initiation of antiretroviral treatment coincides with an initial control of the HIV-1 sub-subtype F1 outbreak among men-having-sex-with-men in Flanders, Belgium – 01/03/2019
Kristel Van Laethem et 24 autres auteurs -
HIV Drug Resistance – clinical and public health implications – 28/02/2019
Laura-Marije Hofstra -
Global and regional molecular epidemiology of HIV-1, 1990–2015 – 01/02/2019
Joris Hemelaar et 49 autres auteurs -
Comité de surveillance du SIDA: Rapport d’activité 2018 – 01/01/2019
Carole Seguin-Devaux et 14 autres auteurs -
HIV-1 Infection in Cyprus, the Eastern Mediterranean European Frontier – 01/12/2018
Andrea Clemencia Pineda-Peña et 36 autres auteurs -
Impact of UGT1A1 polymorphisms on Raltegravir and its glucuronide plasma concentrations in a cohort of HIV-1 infected patients – 01/12/2018
Leïla Belkhir et 8 autres auteurs -
HIV in Europe and central Asia – 29/11/2018
Alison E. Brown et 49 autres auteurs -
De l’idée de recherche à la conception d’un traitement – 01/10/2018
Carole Seguin-Devaux -
Heteromultimeric immunoconjugates direct complement-dependent cytotoxicity and phagocytosis towards HER2+tumour cell lines – 01/10/2018
Jean-Marc Plesseria et 4 autres auteurs -
Prevalence of NS3 and NS5A Resistance Associated Substitutions through European Daa- Failures – 01/10/2018
Stephanie Popping et 14 autres auteurs -
The Prevalence of Hepatitis C Virus NS5A Polymorphisms in Europe – 01/10/2018
Stephanie Popping et 14 autres auteurs -
Development of Mimokines, chemokine N terminus-based CXCR4 inhibitors optimized by phage display and rational design – 01/08/2018
Andy Chevigne et 10 autres auteurs -
Malnutrition, Growth Response and Metabolic Changes Within the First 24 Months After ART Initiation in HIV-infected Children Treated Before the Age of 2 Years in West Africa – 01/08/2018
Julie Jesson et 13 autres auteurs -
The need for a European hepatitis C programme monitoring resistance to direct-acting antiviral agents in real life to eliminate hepatitis C – 01/07/2018
Stephanie Popping et 6 autres auteurs -
Global prevalence, treatment, and prevention of hepatitis B virus infection in 2016 – 01/06/2018
Devin Razavi-Shearer et 49 autres auteurs -
Immune-escape mutations and stop-codons in HBsAg develop in a large proportion of patients with chronic HBV infection exposed to anti-HBV drugs in Europe – 01/06/2018
Luna Colagrossi et 38 autres auteurs -
Santé publique au Grand-Duché: naissance de la Luxembourg Public Health Association – 01/03/2018
Anna Chioti et 5 autres auteurs -
Restrictions for reimbursement of interferon-free direct-acting antiviral drugs for HCV infection in Europe – 01/02/2018
Alison D. Marshall et 40 autres auteurs -
Multifunctional heteromultimeric constructs – 30/11/2017
J. H.M. Cohen et 2 autres auteurs -
T cell immunosenescence after early life adversity – 17/10/2017
Jonathan Turner et 13 autres auteurs -
Human CD56dimCD16dimCells As an Individualized Natural Killer Cell Subset – 19/06/2017
Jacques Zimmer et 11 autres auteurs -
Hepatitis C virus prevalence and level of intervention required to achieve the WHO targets for elimination in the European Union by 2030 – 01/05/2017
Homie Razavi et 49 autres auteurs -
Efavirenz-based simplification after successful early lopinavir-boosted-ritonavir-based therapy in HIV-infected children in Burkina Faso and Côte d’Ivoire – 24/04/2017
Désiré Lucien Dahourou et 49 autres auteurs -
Global prevalence and genotype distribution of hepatitis C virus infection in 2015 – 01/03/2017
S. Blach et 49 autres auteurs -
Transmission of HIV-1 drug resistance – 01/01/2017
Annemarie M.J. Wensing et 2 autres auteurs -
Virological response and resistances over 12 months among HIV-infected children less than two years receiving first-line lopinavir/ritonavir-based antiretroviral therapy in Cote D’Ivoire and Burkina Faso – 01/01/2017
Valériane Leroy et 17 autres auteurs -
The envelope cytoplasmic tail of HIV-1 Subtype C contributes to poor replication capacity through low viral infectivity and cell-To-cell transmission – 01/09/2016
Eveline Santos Da Silva et 9 autres auteurs -
Improved sensitivity of a dual-target HIV-1 qualitative test for plasma and dried blood spots – 01/07/2016
Sergio Carmona et 5 autres auteurs -
A microfluidics-based in vitro model of the gastrointestinal human-microbe interface – 11/05/2016
Paul Wilmes et 11 autres auteurs -
Human CD56bright NK cells – 01/04/2016
Jacques Zimmer et 6 autres auteurs -
The herpes simplex virus latency-associated transcript gene is associated with a broader repertoire of virus-specific exhausted CD8+ T cells retained within the trigeminal ganglia of latently infected HLA transgenic rabbits – 01/04/2016
Lbachir BenMohamed et 13 autres auteurs -
Transmission of HIV drug resistance and the predicted effect on current first-line regimens in Europe – 01/03/2016
Laura-Marije Hofstra et 49 autres auteurs -
Isolation of an HIV-1 neutralizing peptide mimicking the CXCR4 and CCR5 surface from the heavy-chain complementary determining region 3 repertoire of a viremic controller – 28/01/2016
Andy Chevigne et 9 autres auteurs -
Combined analysis of the prevalence of drug-resistant Hepatitis B virus in antiviral therapy-experienced patients in Europe (CAPRE) – 01/01/2016
Annemarie M.J. Wensing et 36 autres auteurs -
Identification of an African medicinal plant by DNA barcoding and study of its anti-HIV component – 03/12/2015
Yue Zheng -
Characteristics and spread to the native population of HIV-1 non-B subtypes in two European countries with high migration rate – 16/11/2015
Chris Verhofstede et 8 autres auteurs -
Primary resistance to integrase strand-transfer inhibitors in Europe – 01/10/2015
M. Casadellà et 49 autres auteurs -
Near full-length characterization and population dynamics of the human immunodeficiency virus type i circulating recombinant form 42 (CRF42-BF) in Luxembourg – 01/05/2015
Daniel Struck et 10 autres auteurs -
Anti-HIV activity of fucoidans from three brown seaweed species – 22/01/2015
Thanh Thi Thu Thuy et 8 autres auteurs -
Historical epidemiology of hepatitis C virus (HCV) in select countries – Volume 2 – 01/01/2015
V. Saraswat et 93 autres auteurs -
Strategies to manage hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection disease burden – Volume 2 – 01/01/2015
E. Gane et 93 autres auteurs -
The present and future disease burden of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections with today’s treatment paradigm – Volume 2 – 01/01/2015
Angelos Hatzakis et 93 autres auteurs -
Efficacy of tenofovir and efavirenz in combination with lamivudine or emtricitabine in antiretroviral-naive patients in Europe – 12/11/2014
Annemarie M.J. Wensing et 21 autres auteurs -
COMET – 13/10/2014
Daniel Struck et 4 autres auteurs -
Closing the ring – 02/09/2014
Andy Chevigne et 2 autres auteurs -
Structure prediction of GPCRs using piecewise homologs and application to the human CCR5 chemokine receptor – 03/08/2014
Karthik Arumugam et 4 autres auteurs -
Virological and immunological outcomes of elvitegravir-based regimen in a treatment-naïve HIV-2-infected Patient – 01/01/2014
Yue Zheng et 3 autres auteurs -
Erratum – 02/07/2013
Martin Mulinge et 9 autres auteurs -
The frantic play of the concealed HIV envelope cytoplasmic tail – 24/05/2013
Danielle PerezBercoff et 2 autres auteurs -
HIV-1 Tropism Determination Using a Phenotypic Env Recombinant Viral Assay Highlights Overestimation of CXCR4-Usage by Genotypic Prediction Algorithms for CRRF01_AE and CRF02_AG – 10/05/2013
Martin Mulinge et 9 autres auteurs -
Novel CYP2B6 Enzyme Variants in a Rwandese Population – 01/05/2013
Kathrin Klein et 8 autres auteurs -
Simultaneous quantification of zidovudine, stavudine, lamivudine and nevirapine by Micellar Electrokinetic Capillary Chromatography – 01/01/2013
Alain Gras et 5 autres auteurs -
Automated sequence analysis and editing software for HIV drug resistance testing – 01/05/2012
Danielle PerezBercoff et 13 autres auteurs -
High correlation between the Roche COBAS ® AmpliPrep/COBAS ® TaqMan ® HIV-1, v2.0 and the Abbott m2000 RealTime HIV-1 assays for quantification of viral load in HIV-1 B and non-B subtypes – 01/11/2011
Jean-Claude Karasi et 8 autres auteurs -
Efavirenz and efavirenz metabolite quantification in human serum using LC-MS/MS and correlation with neurological and psychiatric symptoms – 01/08/2011
Tina M. Binz et 5 autres auteurs -
Evaluation of saliva as an alternative matrix for monitoring plasma Zidovudine, Lamivudine and Nevirapine concentrations in Rwanda – 01/06/2011
Alain Gras et 9 autres auteurs -
Chemokine receptor 5 polymorphism in myocardial infarction patients from Luxembourg. – 01/01/2011
Sophie Rodius et 5 autres auteurs -
Polymorphisms of HIV-2 integrase and selection of resistance to raltegravir – 29/11/2010
Jean Ruelle et 8 autres auteurs -
Impact on replicative fitness of the G48E substitution in the protease of HIV-1 – 01/07/2008
Jean Marie Zimmer et 13 autres auteurs -
Hepatitis C virus genotypes distribution and transmission risk factors in Luxembourg from 1991 to 2006 – 28/02/2008
Francois Roman et 10 autres auteurs -
A novel 24-base pair deletion in the coding region of CCR5 in an African population [1] – 01/01/2007
Cécile Masquelier et 13 autres auteurs -
Longitudinal use of a line probe assay for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 protease predicts phenotypic resistance and clinical progression in patients failing highly active antiretroviral therapy – 01/01/2002
Jean-Yves Servais et 9 autres auteurs -
Longitudinal use of phenotypic resistance testing to HIV-1 protease inhibitors in patients developing HAART failure – 01/01/2002
Jean-Yves Servais et 9 autres auteurs -
Prevalence of HIV co-receptor polymorphisms in HIV-infected patients and uninfected volunteers in Luxembourg – 01/01/2002
Francois Roman et 9 autres auteurs -
Resistance testing in children changing human immunodeficiency virus type 1 protease inhibitor – 01/01/2002
Jean-Yves Servais et 10 autres auteurs -
HIV-associated hematologic disorders are correlated with plasma viral load and improve under highly active antiretroviral therapy – 01/11/2001
R. Hemmer et 8 autres auteurs -
Indinavir hair concentration in highly active antiretroviral therapy-treated patients – 04/05/2001
Jean-Yves Servais et 7 autres auteurs -
A new CX 3CR1 genotype with implications for HIV disease progression [3] – 30/03/2001
Francois Roman et 5 autres auteurs -
Genotypic correlates of resistance to HIV-1 protease inhibitors on longitudinal data – 01/01/2001
Jean-Yves Servais et 9 autres auteurs
Actualités associées

NextImmune est un programme de formation doctorale conçu pour relever les principaux défis en matière de recherche et d’innovation liés au déclenchement, au diagnostic et au traitement des maladies à médiation immunitaire.
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TTM joue un rôle de premier plan dans la coordination d’i2TRON, une unité de formation doctorale (UDF) axée sur le développement de la nouvelle génération de scientifiques translationnels, capables de transformer les observations faites en laboratoire, en milieu clinique ou dans la communauté en interventions qui améliorent la santé des individus grâce à des diagnostics ou des traitements innovants.
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Postes à pourvoir
Post-Doctoral Fellow: Gut microbiome and mucosal immunology (JA/PDGMMI0424/MD/DII)
Department of Infection & Immunity – Nutrition, Microbiome & Immunity unit
Director of Department of Immune Mediated Diseases (MC/DDIMD1124/MO/DII)
Department of Infection & Immunity
16 PhD positions in Doctoral Training Unit (MICRO-PATH) (MC/DTUMP0125/UNI)
Department of Infection & Immunity