Hypertension : découvrez ce que cachent les chiffres » Luxembourg Institute of Health
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Hypertension: know what is behind your numbers 

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08 février 2021 2minutes

Le CVRU publie une brochure d’information à l’intention du grand public

La tension artérielle élevée, appelée hypertension (HT), est souvent qualifiée de « tueur silencieux », en raison de l’absence de symptômes qui permettraient de la déceler. Il est donc important d’être capable de contrôler soi-même sa tension artérielle et de comprendre comment interpréter les mesures. À cette fin, l’Unité de recherche Cardiovasculaire (CVRU) du Département de la santé de la population (DoPH) du LIH a récemment publié une brochure d’information afin d’aider à faire la lumière sur la santé cardiovasculaire.

The Cardiovascular Research Unit, led by Dr Yvan Devaux, is deeply involved in the characterisation of the mechanisms of cardiovascular diseases, with the aim of developing novel diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to treat these conditions in a personalised and gender-specific way.

In addition to its participation in large European-funded consortia, notably the EU-CardioRNA COST Action CA17129 and the COVIRNA innovation action financed by COST association (Cooperation in Science and Technology) and the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, CVRU is also actively engaged in the dissemination of its research results to tangibly improve patient health.

In this context, Dr Amela Jusic, postdoctoral fellow of the CVRU team, released a practical brochure to inform about the risks associated with hypertension and her research activities dedicated to improving the understanding of the significance of this disease. The brochure explains some of the key factors that may lie behind the onset of high blood pressure, reviews novel approaches in the diagnosis of hypertension, brings forward some of the potential consequences that may result from this condition and suggests concrete steps to prevent its onset.

The brochure, which will be widely disseminated to the public, is endorsed by the Luxembourg Ministry of Health and the Fondation du Coeur Daniel Wagner, and is available here.


  • Dr Amela
    Postdoctoral Fellow, Cardiovascular Research Unit

    Department of Population Health Luxembourg Institute of Health


  • Dr Yvan
    Group Leader, Cardiovascular Research Unit Chair of EU-CardioRNA COST Action

    Department of Population Health Luxembourg Institute of Health


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