public health expertise
Public Health Expertise focuses on monitoring the health status of the Luxembourgish population.
The “Public Health Expertise” (PHE) group is the first supplier of public health information in Luxembourg, enabling public authorities to make decisions based on scientific data and to communicate validated data to international institutions. In addition, PHE provides public health consultancies for national working groups and committees. PHE also supplies medico-economic support for national hospitals (Health services workload measurements; budget estimations…) for the National Health Fund (CNS).
PHE activities
First supplier of public health information in Luxembourg
PHE focuses on the monitoring and evaluating of the health status of the Luxembourgish population to identify major diseases, risk factors and their evolution over time via the implementation of public health registries (cancer, injuries and perinatal), and large-scale health surveys in the general population (EHES, EHIS and ORISCAV).
Public health registries
- the national cancer registry (RNC),
- the national injury and accident registry (RETRACE),
- the national perinatal registry (SUSANA).
Large-scale surveys
- European Health Interview Survey (EHIS-LUX),
- European Health Examination Survey (EHES-LUX),
- Observation of Cardiovascular Risk Factors Survey (ORISCAV-LUX1).
- A 2nd wave of ORISCAV-LUX1 (ORISCAV-LUX2).
Public Health Consultancies
PHE acts as an expert for national working groups and committees such as National Cancer Plan, National Rare Diseases Plan, National Cancer Institute, “Commission des Normes (CNO)”, scientific and technical committee for the Colorectal Cancer Screening Program,…
Medico-economic support for hospitals (SASSS)
PHE provides medico-economic support for the National Health Fund (CNS) in analysing annually the workloads of all the services of all Luxemburgish hospitals. The analysis service, offered by the PHE, is entitled SASSS (Service d’Analyse des Systèmes et Services de Santé). It is a necessary step for the calculation of annual budgets allocated to hospitals in Luxembourg.

Projects & clinical trials
Featured team members
Scientific publications
Rapport National – Evaluation du programme de dépistage organisé du cancer du sein au Luxembourg – 01/10/2024
Incidence des cancers de l’enfant au Luxembourg: Données du Registre National du Cancer, 2014-2022. – 01/09/2023
Association of diet quality indices with serum and metabolic biomarkers in participants of the ORISCAV-LUX-2 study – 01/01/2023
European Health Interview Survey (EHIS): Accessibilité des services de santé – 3ème vague – 2019 (Factsheet) – 01/07/2023
European Health Interview Survey (EHIS): Utilisation des services de santé – 3ème vague – 2019 (Factsheet) – 01/07/2023
European Health Interview Survey (EHIS): Etat de santé – 3ème vague – 2019 (Factsheet) – 01/05/2023
Associations Between Wearable-Specific Indicators of Physical Activity Behaviour and Insulin Sensitivity and Glycated Haemoglobin in the General Population – 12/12/2022
Surveillance de la santé périnatale au Luxembourg: 2017–2019 – 01/12/2022
Does the definition of preventable emergency department visit matter? An empirical analysis using 20 million visits in Ontario and Alberta – 01/01/2022
Association between functional limitation and quality of life among older adults with multimorbidity in Luxembourg – 01/10/2022
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Job vacancies
Student Summer Jobs for students in a medicine/nursing degree (00371)
Department of Precision Health – Public Health Expertise
Epidemiologist for the National Cancer Registry (JA/ERNC0225/CN/EPICA)
Department of Precision Health – Public Health Expertise – Cancer Epidemiology & Prevention