
The NutriHealth Group investigates the mechanisms by which nutrition influences health. 


The NutriHealth Group activities include scrutinising nutritional exposure through food patterns and (non-) nutrient characterisation, and modelling the diet-disease relationship, with a particular focus on metabolic and health related conditions. 

More specifically, the group seeks to provide the research, medical and general population communities with easy-to-use (bio-)markers to assess emerging risk factors of morbidities, such as oxidative stress, antioxidant status, inflammation, and body composition disturbances. This is achieved via in vitro/cellular modelling and human observational and intervention studies, exploring a variety of markers ranging from questionnaires/indices and individual compounds to -omics based tools, also studying factors resulting in inter-individual differences to dietary exposure, such as genetic background and microbiome. 

The NutriHealth goal is to expand our expertise to better understand the relationship between (non-) nutrients, dietary patterns and chronic and age-related health issues such as cardiometabolic diseases, cancer, frailty and cognitive aspects, and to contribute to improve the control and prevention of diseases via translational research. 

Some of the group’s research projects include: 

  • I2TRON – a translational research project exploring mechanisms link dietary fiber, markers of inflammation related to disease and the gut microbiota 
  • SUSTEATABLE – To assess the sustainability of the Luxembourgish food system 
  • Obesity & cardiometabolic issues in adult residents in Luxembourg (2007 – 2017) 
  • Dietary patterns in Luxembourg and relation to cardiometabolic diseases 
  • METHOOD – Investigating the relationships between the socio-economic and physical environmental characteristics of residential neighborhoods, behavioral CM risk factors with a focus on dietary habits and physical activity, and the metabolic syndrome.  
  • CAROFIBER – Revealing the influence of dietary fiber on the bioavailability of carotenoids, as well as studying Interactions of gut microbiota and carotenoids – UPCOMING
Watch – 📺 Diet and nutrition in the context of Precision Public Health


Projects & clinical trials

Featured team members

  • Torsten
    Group Leader
  • Miguel
    PhD Student
  • Bernadette
    Laboratory Technician
  • Guilherme
    Ramos Meyers
    PhD Student
  • Hanène
  • Anushka
    PhD Student
  • Farhad
    Postdoctoral Fellow

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