Metabolomics Platform
The METABO platform is dedicated to the study of small molecules, specifically polar metabolites and lipids.
The METABO platform is dedicated to the study of small molecules, specifically polar metabolites and lipids. Our work focuses on applying and advancing metabolomics approaches within biomedical research fields, particularly cancer research. Beyond utilising state-of-the-art metabolomics, we actively develop and implement novel analytical methods to expand metabolome coverage and support emerging research directions.
We conduct metabolomic analyses on a variety of sample types, including body fluids, cell extracts, and tissues. Our platform has established a diverse portfolio of methods that cover key metabolic pathways and offer extensive metabolome coverage. We specialise in mass spectrometry-based metabolomics and lipidomics, supported by two LC-MS (liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry) instruments utilising Orbitrap technology (Thermo):
- Vanquish Flex LC coupled to a Q Exactive Plus Orbitrap
- Used for routine detection of small polar metabolites, including glycolytic and TCA cycle intermediates, amino acids, and their ¹³C-labeled isotopologues.
- Vanquish Horizon LC coupled to an Exploris 480
- Supports a wide range of applications, including phospholipids quantification, short-chain fatty acids quantification, deuterium tracing experiments, and the quantification of polar metabolites and their ¹³C-labeled counterparts.
Our data processing capabilities include both targeted and untargeted approaches, ensuring robust and comprehensive metabolomic analysis.
Finally, fostering the next generation of researchers is a core mission of our platform. To this end, we provide comprehensive theoretical and practical training in metabolomics.

Head of Metabolomics Platform
Featured team members
Scientific publications
Metformin impacts the differentiation of mouse bone marrow cells into macrophages affecting tumour immunity – 30/09/2024
PKM2 diverts glycolytic flux in dependence on mitochondrial one-carbon cycle – 28/02/2024
Corrigendum: PHGDH is required for germinal center formation and is a therapeutic target in MYC-driven lymphoma – 15/02/2024
Proteomic analysis of horse hair extracts provides no evidence for the existence of a hypoallergenic Curly Horse breed – 01/02/2024
Phenotypic profiling of solute carriers characterizes serine transport in cancer – 26/10/2023
Cross-Talk between miRNAs from the Dlk1-Dio3 Locus and Histone Methylation to Protect Male Cerebellum from Methyl Donor Deficiency – 01/01/2023
Formate promotes invasion and metastasis in reliance on lipid metabolism – 30/08/2023
Quantification of 782 Plasma Peptides by Multiplexed Targeted Proteomics – 01/01/2022
Formate overflow drives toxic folate trapping in MTHFD1 inhibited cancer cells – 01/01/2023
Pyruvate dehydrogenase fuels a critical citrate pool that is essential for Th17 cell effector functions – 26/02/2023