After completing medical school in Zürich and Lausanne, Dr. Hess trained for his M.D. and Ph.D. at the University of Basel in Switzerland, before starting his clinical education in Basel and at Imperial College in London. Subsequently, he moved to Boston, Massachusetts, where he worked on T cell migration at Harvard Medical School. Returning to Switzerland in 2004, Dr. Hess started his own research group in the Department of Biomedicine at the University of Basel. In 2009, he became Professor of Medicine and Head of the Medical Outpatient Division and the Clinical Immunology Service at the University Hospital in Basel. Since 2019 he has a second senior academic appointment at the University of Cambridge. Dr. Hess’s research is focused on the translational aspects of lymphocyte function and its metabolic basis. The goal of his work is to understand patients suffering from disorders of immunometabolic regulation.
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