Welcome back to another ACADI newsletter! We have a few updates to share.
Hosted Talks
On the 12th of October, ACADI hosted Professor Florence Canouï-Poitrine to speak about the excellent work of her team on the ELCAPA cohort in Paris. We enjoyed an interesting discussion about the potential of this cohort and hope to collaborate very soon!
Dr India Pinker was officially nominated as the co-chair of the Research Division of the International Association of Communication in Healthcare (EACH). Please, join us to congratulate her!
On the 14th to 16th of November Dr Sophie Pilleron, supported by FNR, attended a course on Self-leadership for women scientists hosted by EMBO in Heidelberg, Germany.
ACADI team meeting
ACADI has now officially hosted its first meetings as a full team to go over the goals and progress of the team going forward. We hope these meetings can inspire new ideas to address challenges for older adults with cancer and further collaborations.
PhD CET formed
Gladys Langue’s CET has been formed for her PhD journey. It is comprised of Dr Anja Leist from University of Luxembourg and Prof. Yoryos Lyratzopoulos from University College London. We are excited to follow your progress!
SIOG Conference
ACADI loved attending the SIOG conference in Valencia from the 9th to the 11th of November. It was great to connect with so many like-minded researchers and to make some fruitful collaborations. Dr Sophie Pilleron gave an insightful presentation on Ageing and Cancer in Low and Middle Income Countries, as well as two poster presentations covering her latest work. This conference sparked great discussion and collaborations with an international group of allied health professionals and researchers at the forefront of geriatric oncology. If you are interested to learn more about SIOG, have a look at their website and consider becoming a member!
Until next time, keep well!
The ACADI Team