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Annual overview


Message from the directors

We anticipate another year of ground-breaking research, innovative solutions, and meaningful impact on global health.

Dr Gregor Baertz,
President of the Board of Directors

Our excellent collaboration with our clinical partners in the neighbouring countries is allowing us to establish the interoperable infrastructure we need.

Prof Ulf Nehrbass,
Chief Executive Officer

Mission & Vision

Our mission is to leverage knowledge and technology arising from research on patient derived data, with the aim of having a direct and meaningful impact on people’s health.

Our vision is to become a leading European institute for precision medicine and precision health, transforming research excellence into tangible benefits for patients, with the long-term goal of preventing diseases.

Strategic developments reinforcing LIH’s impact and visibility

Strategic developments reinforcing LIH’s impact and visibility


European Research Council grant awarded to Dr Meiser

In November 2023, Dr Johannes Meiser, Director of the LIH Department of Cancer Research and leader of the Cancer Metabolism Group, secured a 2 million euro grant from the prestigious European Resea… Read more

Clinnova launch

Launched in Luxembourg on April 27th, 2023, the Clinnova project represents a collaborative effort among clinicians and researchers from Luxembourg, France, Germany, and Switzerland. The initiative… Read more

Luxembourg Institute of Health launches new nation-wide campaign

In February, the LIH communicated its repositioning as a leading European institute for precision health, dedicated to translating research findings into tangible benefits for patients. Born from t… Read more

The LIH and the LISER establish joint Socio-Economic and Environmental Health and Health Services (CARES) research group

In February 2023, Prof Ulf Nehrbass, CEO of the LIH, and Prof Aline Muller, CEO of the LISER, convened at the LIH’s premises in Strassen to finalise the framework agreement for the establishment … Read more

Fighting Cancer

Fighting Cancer


New possible cancer treatment by targeting one-carbon metabolism

In April 2023, a collaborative effort between the LIH Cancer Metabolism Group, the University of Sheffield and the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, unveiled an innovative strategy in the fight again… Read more

A new breakthrough in cancer treatment – Neutralising GDF-15

In August 2023, a collaborative effort led by Prof Michel Mittelbronn, Head of the National Centre of Pathology at the Laboratoire Nationale de Santé and the Luxembourg Centre of Neuropathology at… Read more

Blocking the activation of oncogenes to slow down leukaemia

In June 2023, the Tumour Stroma Interactions (TSI) group of the LIH Department of Cancer Research (DoCR) achieved a groundbreaking milestone in cancer treatment. Drs Jérôme Paggetti, Etienne Mous… Read more

New insights into chromosomal instability offer potential avenues for targeted cancer therapies

In December, a breakthrough study led by Dr Eric Van Dyck at the LIH uncovered a new role of the DAXX protein in preserving the integrity of our genetic material. This discovery has significant imp… Read more

Colive Cancer launch

In January, the LIH initiated Colive Cancer, a transformative study led by Dr Guy Fagherazzi from the LIH Department of Precision Health Deep Digital Phenotyping research unit. This project, conduc… Read more

A new European consortium to create a network of support for EU Mission on Cancer

In May 2023, the LIH proudly announced the initiation of the ECHoS project, “Establishing of Cancer Mission Hubs: Networks and Synergies.” This three-year European consortium aligns with the Ho… Read more

CraNE Joint Action: the newest European project in the field of cancer

The CraNE Joint Action-JA, funded under Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan (EBCP), aims to establish an EU Network of National Comprehensive Cancer Centres (CCCs) in every Member State by 2025. Aligned… Read more

LIH to lead European project on treatment resistance in glioblastoma: the PLASTIG project kicks off

The NORLUX Neuro-Oncology Laboratory at the LIH has secured funding from the EU-driven Horizon 2020 TRANSCAN-3 programme for the PLASTIG project. Titled “Tackling tumour heterogeneity and PLASTIc… Read more

Five LIH projects selected for funding under the 2023 Télévie call

In June 2023, the LIH celebrated the recognition of its cancer research initiatives with multiple projects securing funding through the 2023 call of the Télévie programme by the Belgian Fund for … Read more

Roche Pharma renews its funding to TIME research group

In 2023, the TIME research group at the LIH showcased important advancements in the modulation of hypoxia within solid tumours. Hypoxia, marked by decreased oxygen pressure, profoundly influences t… Read more

The immune system: unravelling its key role in health and disease

The immune system: unravelling its key role in health and disease


Targeting cellular metabolism to treat autoimmune diseases

In a study published in March 2023, researchers from the LIH and the University of Luxembourg delved into the manipulation of T cell metabolism to disrupt the function of autoreactive Th17 cells as… Read more

Maternal diet and gut bacteria influence offspring immune development

In August, a study featured as a cover story in the esteemed EMBO Molecular Medicine journal by the Nutrition, Microbiome, and Immunity Group at the Department of Infection & Immunity, unveiled the… Read more

Food allergies: more than a “gut feeling”

In September, the Nutrition, Microbiome, and Immunity research group at the LIH Department of Infection and Immunity unveiled compelling insights into the profound impact of a low-fiber diet on the… Read more

LIH detects allergies in almost half of Luxembourg’s adult population

In September a study addressing the escalating global challenge of allergies, was published. Under the leadership of Dr Annette Kuehn and Prof Markus Ollert, alongside Dr Maria Ruiz-Castell and Dr … Read more

COVID-19: a focus on risk factors and longer-term symptoms

COVID-19: a focus on risk factors and longer-term symptoms


Shifts in human gut microbiome due to COVID-19

In March 2020, the World Health Organisation declared COVID-19 a global pandemic, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. While some experienced severe illness, many reported mild-tomoderate symptoms. Late… Read more

Mental health issues prior to COVID-19 infection affect recovery

The COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly impacted global mental health, revealing both short and long-term psychological symptoms. The Digital Deep Phenotyping unit at the LIH conducted a pioneering st… Read more

A cardiovascular diagnostic test for the surveillance and care of long COVID-19 patients

The “COVIRNA” project, funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme and led by the Cardiovascular Research Unit (CVRU) of the LIH, aimed to predict COVID-19 severity and identif… Read more

Digital health

Digital health


Using machine learning to predict Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

In a study published by the Deep Digital Phenotyping research unit in January 2023, researchers demonstrated the use of deep neural networks to predict the onset of neurodegenerative diseases, addr… Read more

Deep Digital Phenotyping research group receives extended support for innovative projects

Both the “Société Francophone du Diabète” (SFD) and the “Société Luxembourgeoise de Diabétologie” (SLD) extended crucial support to the Deep Digital Phenotyping (DDP) research unit at… Read more

LIH to collaborate with LISER on the identification of vocal biomarkers of stress

Dr Guy Fagherazzi, Director of LIH’s Department of Precision Health and leader of the Deep Digital Phenotyping (DDP) unit, joined the team of the FragMent project led by Dr Camille Perchoux from … Read more

Harnessing the power of clinical data to improve patient care: the LIH joins the medical informatics network HiGHmed

In June, the LIH, through its Data Integration & Analysis (DIA) unit, joined the HiGHmed Consortium, a German medical informatics project uniting hospitals, academia, and industry partners. The pro… Read more

Establishing a digital health hub in Luxembourg: the LIH and Expon Capital sign a collaboration agreement

In July, the LIH and Expon Capital, a Luxembourg-based venture capital investment firm, joined forces to explore opportunities and synergies in scientific research and technological development wit… Read more

Preventive medicine & population health

Preventive medicine & population health


New study reveals average Luxembourger spends half the day sitting

In January 2023, the first comprehensive evaluation of physical activity (PA) in Luxembourg, conducted by the Physical Activity, Sport and Health (PASH) Research Group led by Dr Laurent Malisoux at… Read more

Unlocking the exposome: exploring our environmental exposure

In February, Dr Maria Ruiz-Castell from the Socio-Economic, Environmental Health & Health Services (CARES) group, together with Dr Brice Appenzeller from the Human Biomonitroing Research Unit (HBRU… Read more

Promoting personalized physical activity through a smartphone solution

In February 2023, the Luxembourg charity “OEuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte” generously supported the LIH’s PIANISSIMO project. Led by Drs Laurent Malisoux and Bernd Grimm… Read more

Launch of the HealthyW8 project

The HealthyW8 project, spearheaded by the LIH, was officially launched in June, marking a significant step towards advancing obesity prevention initiatives in Europe. Coordinated by the LIH, this H… Read more

MET’HOOD project delves into the connection between a residential neighbourhood and cardio-metabolic health

Cardio-metabolic diseases, including diabetes, heart attack, and stroke, are influenced by known risk factors such as obesity and high blood pressure, although lifestyle choices are also emerging a… Read more

The weight of pollution: exposure linked to obesity

Innovative research led by Dr Brice Appenzeller from the Human Biomonitoring research Unit (HBRU) discovered an association between chronic exposure to environmental pollutants and an increased ris… Read more

Hair as a “witness” to exposure to fast-elimination chemicals

In November, a collaborative study conducted by the French National Health and Safety Agency (ANSES), the LIH, and the French National Institute for the Industrial Environment and Risks (Ineris) re… Read more

A novel blood serum assay for the diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases

In May, an international collaboration between researchers from Japan and Luxembourg, led by Professor Nobutaka Hattori from Juntendo University, resulted in the publication of a significant breakt… Read more

Closing the translational cycle – from research excellence to excellent care

In September 2023, Luxembourg marked a significant step in neurodegenerative disease care with the launch of the Réseau de compétences maladies neurodégénératives “ParkinsonNet Luxembourg”… Read more

Immune cell markers for early Parkinson’s detection with particular relevance to women

In an innovative study recently published in “Nature Communications,” scientists from the LIH and the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB) have unveiled noninvasive cellular immune … Read more

Awards & Prizes

Plooscther project renews LIH support

On January 21st, 2023, the Luxembourgish non-profit association Plooschter Projet reaffirmed its commitment to supporting leukaemia research in Luxembourg. The association made a generous donation of EUR 30,000 to the Tumour Stroma Interactions (TSI) group at the Department of Cancer Research (DoCR). This marks the fourth consecutive donation by Plooschter Projet, following contributions in 2021, 2020, and 2019. The TSI group, led by Dr Etienne Moussay and Dr Jérôme Paggetti, focuses on investigating mechanisms promoting cancer progression, with a specific emphasis on chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL). The research project supported by Plooschter Projet aims to meticulously characterise the cellular microenvironment of CLL patients’ lymph nodes. The researchers will employ high-throughput imaging techniques such as Imaging Mass Cytometry and CyTOF analysis of T cells in collaboration with Sorbonne University (Paris, France). The goal is to gain insights into cellular localisation and understand how functions are subverted by tumour immune escape mechanisms, providing potential targets for innovative immunotherapies.

Think Pink Lux ‘Marian Aldred Award’ to Clément Thomas and Diogo Pereira Fernandes

On January 13th, 2023, Diogo Pereira Fernandes, a Master’s student in the Cytoskeleton and Cancer Progression group at the LIH, and Dr Clément Thomas, the group leader, received the ‘Marian Aldred Award’ from Think Pink Lux (TPL). The €25,000 award will support Diogo’s research project focused on exploring signalling pathways responsible for tumour immune resistance. This knowledge is crucial for developing strategies to enhance antitumour immune responses in patients and improve the efficacy of current immunotherapies.

Fighting cancer in Luxembourg: Legs Kanning Prize 2022 to Pablo Morande

On January 17th, 2023, Dr Pablo Morande, a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Senior Post-doctoral Fellow in the Tumour Stroma Interactions (TSI) group at the LIH Department of Cancer Research, received the “Legs Kanning Prize” from the association “Action Lions Vaincre le Cancer.” The prize, amounting to EUR 7,500, was awarded in recognition of Dr Morande’s outstanding research achievements in cancer. Dr Morande discussed evolutionary approaches in understanding cancer progression and their implications for future therapeutic applications. He highlighted the significance of perceiving cancer relapse as a Darwinian process and shared insights into ongoing projects by the TSI group at the LIH.

Luxembourg’s COVID-19 task force awarded prize

The Research Luxembourg COVID-19 Task Force, initiated by the LIH, has been honoured with the 2022 Science for Society Prize by the Science for Society Foundation under the Fondation de Luxembourg. Recognised for its pivotal role in coordinating national research support during the pandemic, the Task Force played a crucial part in disseminating COVID-related research findings to the public and assisting the government in vital decisions, such as the implementation of a large-scale testing program. The OECD praised Luxembourg’s pandemic response, specifically acknowledging the Task Force’s creation at the crisis onset. The World Health Organization (WHO) highlighted Luxembourg’s lowest rate of excess mortality among European countries throughout the pandemic, attributing this success to the Task Force’s commendable efforts. The Science for Society Prize, awarded by an independent jury, includes a 5,000 EUR prize to be presented at an upcoming ceremony, with Prof Paul Wilmes from the University of Luxembourg accepting the award on behalf of the Task Force.

Ministry of Higher Education and Research honours Dr Christiane Hilger

On Monday June 19, the Ministry of Higher Education and Research (MESR) awarded 12 researchers in Luxembourg with the Grand Ducal Order of the Oak Crown for their years of service and continued commitment to education and research.

Dr Christiane Hilger, Group leader of the Molecular and Translational Allergology Group was one of those selected and awarded by Minister Claude Meisch due to her 30 years of service at the LIH.

Picture: ©MESR


LIH scientists triumph at the 2023 FNR awards

At the 2023 FNR Awards, the Immuno-Pharmacology and Interactomics group at the LIH received the Outstanding Scientific Achievement award for their groundbreaking research on the novel opioid receptor ACKR3. This receptor, identified as a “scavenger receptor,” has the potential to revolutionise the treatment of opioid-related disorders by modulating its function and restoring natural analgesic opioid peptide levels. The research, led by Dr Andy Chevigne and Dr Martyna Szpakowska, addresses the limitations and side effects associated with conventional painkillers, offering a promising solution to the ongoing opioid crisis.

Rosalind Franklin Society Award bestowed to LIH researcher

In July 2023, Kathleen Mommaerts, a researcher in the Biospecimen Science Research group at the Integrated Biobank of Luxembourg (IBBL), received the Rosalind Franklin Society Award in Science for her article on induced pluripotent stem cells published in the journal “Biopreservation and Biobanking” in February 2022. The award, launched by Mary Ann Liebert Inc. in partnership with the Rosalind Franklin Society, honours the best paper of the year by a woman or underrepresented minority in science across the publisher’s 100 peer-reviewed journals in science, medicine, and biotechnology. Dr Mommaerts’ winning article outlines a method for processing skin biopsies, specifically isolating, culturing, and cryopreserving skin-derived fibroblasts that can be reprogrammed into induced pluripotent stem cells.

LIH scientist Dr Torsten Bohn again among the world’s most highly cited researchers

On November 15th, Clarivate™ released its annual “Highly Cited Researchers” report, acknowledging pioneers in science and technology with multiple top-cited papers. In the 2023 edition, four Luxembourg researchers, including Dr Torsten Bohn, Leader of the Nutrition and Health Research (NutriHealth) group at the LIH, were featured. Dr Bohn has been selected for the fifth consecutive year in the Agricultural Sciences category. Over the past decade, he has published 224 papers focusing on nutrition’s health impact, bioavailability of micronutrients, and dietary patterns’ relation to inflammation and associated diseases, and has been cited over 12,000 times.

ASH award bestowed to LIH researcher

In July 2023, Dr Pablo Elias Morande, a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Tumour Stroma Interactions (TSI) group at the LIH Department of Cancer Research (DoCR), was awarded the 2023 Global Research Award by the American Society of Hematology (ASH). The award supports international haematology leaders during the transition to independent careers. Dr Morande, one of 12 recipients, will explore the role of Histones 1 in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia and Richter transformation. The ASH grant, spanning three years, facilitates collaboration between LIH and the IMEX-CONICET Institute in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Mentored by Dr Etienne Moussay locally and Dr Jan Burger globally, Dr Morande expressed gratitude for the prestigious award and emphasised its motivational impact.

Dr Claudine Backes elected President of the GRELL

Dr Claudine Backes, Epidemiologist and Scientific Director of the Luxembourg National Cancer Registry at the LIH, was elected as the new President of the Group for Cancer Epidemiology and Registration in Latin Language Countries (GRELL). GRELL, one of the oldest and most prestigious cancer research associations worldwide, has over 300 members from 20+ countries, specialising in cancer epidemiology and data collection. Dr Backes’ leadership role will continue to contribute significantly to advancing cancer research globally, focusing on understanding cancer, improving prevention, enhancing treatment, and supporting healthcare planning. As the first Luxembourgish cancer epidemiologist to assume this role, Dr Backes’ appointment is a milestone for Luxembourg’s visibility and excellence in international cancer research.

Key facts


Number of participant inclusions and follow-ups in collaborative research projects


Total samples collected and aliquots created (IBBL)


Number of employees


Number of researchers


Total samples distributed (IBBL)


Mio€ Third party income


Number of LIH press mentions (national and international)


Number of patent applications filed


Number of scientific publications




new projects, total funding 16 M EUR


Number of ongoing projects

Additional highlights

January 2023

Launch Of The National Centres Of Excellence In Research (NCER)

On January 24, the Minister of Higher Education and Research, Claude Meisch, along with the FNR President of the Board of Directors, Martine Reicherts, and the FNR General Secretary, Marc Schiltz, presented a new funding programme, the National Centres of Excellence in Research (NCER). NCER builds on the pilot project NCER-PD, launched in 2015. One of the main beneficiaries of this new funding instrument is Clinnova, an international program focused on digitalisation in healthcare and precision medicine.

March 2023

Empowering Cancer Patients: NCTCR Patient Training

The LIH conducted a successful training session for 12 cancer patients, introducing them to research processes and encouraging active participation in projects at the National Centre for Translational Cancer Research (NCTCR). This initiative is part of Luxembourg’s Plan National Cancer 2 (PNC2), focusing on involving patients in research collaborations. The session highlighted successful partnerships between patients and researchers, showcasing activities such as understanding research processes, ensuring the readability of patient materials, and making research results more accessible.
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March 2023

Prof Dirk Brenner Invited To Join The Scientific Advisory Board Of The Vib Center For Inflammation Research

Prof Dirk Brenner, Deputy Director of the Department of Infection and Immunity (Strategy & Research), was appointed as Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board of the VIB Center for Inflammation Research, one of Europe’s most prestigious biomedical research institutions located in Belgium.
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May 2023

Best Poster Presentation Award To Dr Mafra

Dr Allini Mafra, postdoctoral fellow of the Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention Group (EPI CAN), received the Best Poster Presentation Award at the GRELL (Group for Epidemiology and Cancer Registry in Latin Language Countries) 2023 Conference (31 May – 2 June 2023) in Mont Saint-Michel, France for the poster entitled “Cancer Mortality Trends Over Time in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg”.

June 2023

Hereditary Grand Duke Visit To LCTR

On Tuesday, June 20th, the LIH and the Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg (CHL) welcomed H.R.H. Prince Guillaume, Hereditary Grand Duke of Luxembourg, Mr Franz Fayot, Minister of Economy, and Mr Claude Meisch, Minister of Higher Education and Research, for a visit of the Luxembourg Clinical and Translational Research Centre (LCTR Fuerschungsklinik Lëtzebuerg), which aimed to illustrate its operations and role in promoting societal and economic development in the Grand Duchy.
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June 2023

MSCA Grant For Vincent Martin

Dr Vincent Martin was awarded the European Commission’s “Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships” to conduct the two-year research project MATER. The project focuses on monitoring of mental health in breast cancer patients. Dr Martin will conduct his research in the Deep Digital Phenotyping Group of the DoPH under the supervision of Dr Guy Fagherazzi. The project started in September 2023 and will end in August 2025.

June 2023

LIH Researchers Shine At The 27th Meeting Of The Society For Hair Testing

The LIH team attended the 27th meeting of the Society of Hair Testing (SoHT), in Lisbon, during which Paul Palazzi received the award of the best oral communication of the congress. Additionally, Dr Brice Appenzeller was re-elected member of the Board of SoHT, and appointed vice-president of the society.

June 2023

Prize For Outstanding Session Presentation At EAACI

Naphisabet Wanniang, PhD student in Dr Annette Kuehn’s allergy research group, received a prize for outstanding session presentation at the annual European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI), that was held in Hamburg, 9-11th June 2023. Her research is the first study of its kind that leveraged a population based survey (EHES-LUX) and deepimmune profiling along with computational approach to assess the allergy burden in Luxembourg adults.

June 2023

RESCOM Grant To Claudine Backes

The Luxembourg National Research Fund awarded Dr Claudine Backes, Leader of the Cancer Epidemiology group (EPICAN), a grant within the RESCOM funding scheme to support a lecture series dedicated to Epidemiology & Prevention, with a particular focus on cancer. Between December 2023 and November 2024, the Lecture Series – coordinated by Dr Allini Mafra from the EPICAN) led by Dr Backes – will host eight renowned international speakers.

July 2023

ERNEST “Short Term Scientific Mission Grant” For Dii Phd Candidate

PhD student Giulia D’Uonnolo from the Immuno-Pharmacology and Interactomics research group at the Department of Infection and Immunity received a EUR 2,300 scholarship from ERNEST. This enables her to undertake a 6-week Short Term Scientific Mission at the University Hospital Jena, Germany, focusing on the molecular characterisation of the chemokine receptor CXCR3. The research explores its trafficking, crucial for the efficacy of anti-PD-1 immunotherapy.

July 2023

Minister Lenert Stops By The LIH To Present Nutri-Score Study

Minister Paulette Lenert presented positive results from a monitoring study on the Nutri-Score in Luxembourg, emphasising its success in promoting informed dietary choices. Dr Torsten Bohn, who provided scientific advice to the Ministry on the development and implementation of these indicators in the country, highlighted the Nutri-Score’s criteria and consumer awareness. Despite challenges, the Minister expressed satisfaction with the Nutri-Score’s positive impact on transparency and health in the food sector.

October 2023

The RNC Celebrates Its 10th Anniversary

On Thursday, October 5th, the National Cancer Registry of Luxembourg (Registre National du Cancer – RNC) at the LIH celebrated the 10th anniversary of its implementation. The scientific conference, which was hosted by Dr Sophie Couffignal, Operational Director of the RNC, and Dr Claudine Backes, Scientific Director of the RNC, featured several prominent speakers, providing an opportunity to discuss the latest developments in the field of cancer care in Luxembourg, with a particular focus on breast and childhood cancer.
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October 2023

Launch Of The PPI Initiative At LIH

The LIH launches the Patient and Public Involvement program, aiming to include diverse perspectives, accelerating progress and making research resonate with real-world needs.
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October 2023

Yvan Devaux Appointed As A Working Group Member Of The European Heart Failure Mission Of The HFPN

In the continuous fight against preventable hospitalisations, the Heart Failure Policy Network is dedicated to enhancing patient outcomes through strategic collaboration with stakeholders. As a working group member of the European Heart Failure Mission of the HFPN, Dr Yvan Devaux will play a pivotal role in advancing the prioritisation of heart failure prevention in European policies.
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October 2023

Top Ranking Abstract Award Attributed To TSI Group At IWCLL 2023

The Tumor Stroma Interactions study, “Targeting Translation Initiation as Novel Therapeutic in CLL,” earned them the prestigious Top-Ranking Abstract award at the International Workshop on Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, while their research on extracellular vesicles in the CLL microenvironment was also recognised, showcasing their innovative contributions to CLL research.

November 2023

DII Paper On Diet, Microbes And Food Allergy Captures The Interest Of Renowned Magazine “Der Spiegel”

The German weekly news magazine published a comprehensive article in its “Medicine” section, covering the latest prestigious publication of the Nutrition, Microbiome and Immunity research group of the LIH Department of Infection and Immunity (DII) in the journal Nature Microbiology on the relationship between dietary fibre intake, mucus-degrading gut bacteria and food allergy.
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November 2023

LIH Recognized For Outstanding Quality Management Project

The LIH was honoured with the “PROJET COUP DE COEUR DE MLQE – 2023” award for its innovative approach in the management of non-conformities.
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November 2023

LIH At The Science Festival!

At the Science Festival held at Abbaye Neumünster from November 9th to 12th, the LIH featured in four booths where researchers engaged attendees, including children, in the world of science.

November 2023

EATRIS Next Gen Scientist Award To Anuja Lipsa

Dr Anuja Lipsa, a Postdoctoral Fellow in the NORLUX Neuro-Oncology Laboratory, received the inaugural EATRIS Next Gen Scientist Award at the EATRIS@10 conference in The Hague on November 21st. The award, introduced to celebrate the 10th anniversary of EATRIS, aims to showcase early-stage translational researchers’ work through creative media. Dr Lipsa’s winning submission was a video illustrating NORLUX’s efforts to advance glioblastoma treatment using patientderived preclinical models.

December 2023

Minister For Higher Education And Research Visits The LCTR

The LIH welcomed the newly elected Minister for Higher Education and Research Mrs Stéphanie Obertin for a guided tour of the LCTR Fuerschungsklinik.
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December 2023

FNR 2023 CORE Call

The Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) announced the final results of its 2023 CORE Call. A total of 42 out of the 188 eligible proposals were retained for funding, corresponding to an FNR financial commitment of over EUR 29 million. An additional two LIH projects were confirmed for funding, on top of the four previously announced in November 2023, bringing the total of funded projects involving the LIH to six. This corresponds to a total financial support of just under EUR 3.7 million.
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December 2023

Excellent Doctoral Thesis Awards 2023 In Science To Mohaned Benzarti

Dr Mohaned Benzarti, former PhD student in the Cancer Metabolism Group (CMG) at LIH’s Department of Cancer Research, was awarded the Excellent Doctoral Thesis Awards 2023 in Science from the University of Luxembourg for his PhD thesis “Elucidating the metabolic flexibility and plasticity of one-carbon cycle in cancer cells under stressful metabolic environments” during a dedicated ceremony on December 15th 2023. Dr Benzarti is among the 10 doctoral candidates recognised by the Doctoral School of Science and Engineering (DSSE) for their outstanding doctoral research.

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