The Data Protection Office ensures LIH compliance with national and international data protection regulations.
LIH is committed to the protection of personal data in accordance with data protection legislation, especially the General Data Protection Regulation EU 2016/679 (the “GDPR”). This is particularly relevant given the institute’s focus on performing research based on real-life and patient-derived data, which requires the exchange of data between hospitals, patients and its computational infrastructure to take place in a safe and reliable data environment.
In this context, LIH set up a Data Protection Office to ensure compliance with the requirements of the GDPR and guarantee patient safety and confidentiality by promoting transparency, building trust and ensuring secure data sharing for research purposes.
Specifically, the main missions of the Data Protection Office are to:
- Foster a culture of data protection compliance and privacy awareness at LIH
- Embed and monitor data protection processes across LIH’s activities
- Inform, advise and train employees to help them comply with the GDPR and other data protection laws
- Review contracts when personal data are processed
- Review Participant/Patient Information notices and Consent forms
- Advise and validate Data Protection Impact Assessments
- Maintain records of all data processing activities (GDPR register)
- Deal with Data breaches
- Manage queries regarding data protection rights of the Data subject (access to data, consent withdrawal, the right to be forgotten, etc.)

Following his PhD in Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology at the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM) within the “Cell Death and Cancer” unit, Dr. Laurent Prévotat joined SEDIAG in 2007 (SME specialized in Phytopathogen detection) as International Product Manager. In 2010, he took over the responsibilities of Head of Laboratory and Quality Manager, supervising the laboratory and developing the quality management system mainly focused on ISO 17025 and ISO 9001 standards. From 2016 to 2019, Dr. Laurent Prévotat undertook the role of Head of the LIH Quality Health & Safety Unit. He has been acting as the appointed Data Protection Officer of LIH and Head of the Data Protection Office since April 2019.