Weiterentwicklung der personalisierten Krebstherapie für Patienten mit Gehirntumor. Helfen Sie mit, die Zukunft der Gehirntumor-Therapie zu verändern!
Die wichtigsten Veröffentlichungen, die die PRECISION-PDX-Patientenavatarsammlung beschreiben:
Golebiewska A*, Hau A-C*, Oudin A*, Stieber D, Yabo Y A, Baus V, Barthelemy V, Klein E, Bougnaud S, Keunen O, Wantz M, Michelucci A, Neirinckx V, Muller A, Kaoma T, Nazarov P V, Azuaje F, de Falco A, Flies B, Poovathingal S, Arns T, Grzyb K, Mock A, Herold-Mende C, Steino A, Brown D, May P, Miletic H, Noushmehr H, Kwon Y-J, Jahn W, Klink B, Tanner G, Stead LF, Mittelbronn M, Skupin A, Hertel F, Bjerkvig R and Niclou SP; Patient-derived organoids and orthotopic xenografts of primary and recurrent gliomas represent relevant patient avatars for precision oncology. Acta Neuropathologica, Oct 2020. | Link
Oudin A, Baus V, Barthelemy V, Fabian C, Klein E, Dieterle M, Wantz M, Hau AC, Dording C, Bernard A, Michelucci A, Yabo YA, Kanli G, Keunen O, Bjerkvig R, Niclou SP, Golebiewska A. Protocol for derivation of organoids and patient-derived orthotopic xenografts from glioma patient tumors. STAR Protoc. 2021 May 12;2(2):100534. doi: 10.1016/j.xpro.2021.100534 | Link
Yabo YA, Moreno-Sanchez PM, Pires-Afonso Y, Kaoma T, Nosirov B, Scafidi A, Ermini L, Lipsa A, Kyriakis D, Grzyb K, Poovathingal SK, Poli A, Muller A, Toth R, Oudin A, Klink B, Berchem G, Berthold C, Hertel F, Mittelbronn M, Heiland DH, Skupin A, Nazarov PV, Niclou SP, Michelucci A, Golebiewska A; Glioblastoma-instructed microglia transition to heterogeneous phenotypic states with phagocytic and dendritic cell-like features in patient tumors and patient-derived orthotopic xenografts; Genome Medicine 2024. | Link
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