Sozioökonomische und ökologische Gesundheit und Gesundheitsdienste


The LIH and LISER have created the inter-institutional CARES research group with the aim of increasing research synergies between the two institutes towards the advancement of scientific knowledge in the areas of health economics, health services research, public health, and environmental health.

Organised within the LIH Department of Precision Health, CARES will stimulate and facilitate joint research projects, including but not limited to: the study of the impact of the socio-economic, natural and physical environments on health, health system performance, and socio-economic consequences regarding health. CARES will also organise joint events and seminars.

The CARES group team is jointly led by Dr Maria Ruiz-Castell, Group Leader and Research Scientist from the DoPH, and Prof Marc Suhrcke, Program Leader of the cross-departmental Research Programme on ‘Health and Health Systems’ at the LISER. The team also currently includes a Research Scientist, Dr Valerie Moran, who has a joint position between the two institutes. The CARES group is open to collaborations with researchers in both institutes with complementary research interests.


Projekte und klinische Versuche

Ausgewählte Teammitglieder

  • Claudia
    Gutierrez Ortiz
    PhD Student
  • Babul
    Postdoctoral Fellow
  • Valerie
  • Maria
    Group Leader

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