🇬🇧 A role for serine and one-carbon metabolism in Cancer » Luxembourg Institute of Health
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🇬🇧 A role for serine and one-carbon metabolism in Cancer

06/10/2022 11:00 an 12:00
  • Lecture Series Cancer Research


Prof Karen


We have shown that many cancer cells depend on an exogenous supply of serine for optimal growth. Consequently, limiting circulating serine levels by dietary intervention can reduce the growth and progression of some tumours. Our further studies are exploring which pathways supported by serine and one-carbon metabolism are important to support cancer cell growth and migration. We have focused on the mitochondrial enzyme ALDH1L2, which can balance the production of mitochondrial NADPH and formate. ADLH1L2 activity can limit tumour cell migration and invasion by both limiting ROS signalling and restricting the production of formate and formyl-methionine. We are currently exploring the complex responses of cancer and surrounding stromal cells to ROS and formate during tumour development and metastasis.

//Marc Hennequart, Eric Cheung and Karen Vousden
The Francis Crick Institute, London, UK//

Responsible Scientist


Luxembourg Institute of Health

Room: Curie-Pasteur (3rd floor)

1A-B, rue Thomas Edison
L-1445 Strassen

LECTURE: 11:00am – 12:00pm

MEET & EAT: 12:00pm – 13:00pm

*Please note that registration is mandatory by sending an email to: florence.henry@lih.lu


Event Number: 2733 670 4205

Event Password: 4JKwPJHhA55

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