Immunological disorders
LIH researchers aim to understand the early onset, impact of environmental factors and predisposition to diseases with a strong immunological component.
Understanding how exposures from personal and external sources, including e.g. diet, physical activity, pollutants etc. interact with our own unique characteristics over time, such as body composition, genetics, physiology, epigenetics, microbiome and auto-immune responses impact our health is a subject of great research interest at the LIH.
LIH builds on ongoing work in the fields of allergy, Cancer, Autoimmune Disorders (such as Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and Neurodegenerative diseases (such as MS and Parkinson’s disease) to study how immune competence or dysfunctions are shaped by long-term exposure to the so-called exposome, how autoimmunity is shaped by attack of the body cells by the immune system and how interventional or preventative approaches can result in health improvement.

Projects & clinical trials
Scientific publications
Early-life adversity leaves its imprint on the oral microbiome for more than 20 years and is associated with long-term immune changes – 24/11/2021
Dietary modulation alters susceptibility to listeria monocytogenes and salmonella typhimurium with or without a gut microbiota – 02/11/2021
Deprivation of dietary fiber in specific-pathogen-free mice promotes susceptibility to the intestinal mucosal pathogen Citrobacter rodentium – 18/09/2021
Concentrated raw fibers enhance the fiber‐degrading capacity of a synthetic human gut microbiome – 25/06/2021
Constructing a gnotobiotic mouse model with a synthetic human gut microbiome to study host–microbe cross talk – 18/06/2021
Quantitative assay to detect bacterial glycan-degrading enzyme activities in mouse and human fecal samples – 19/03/2021
Statistical and Machine Learning Techniques in Human Microbiome Studies – 22/02/2021
IgE-Mediated Peanut Allergy – 28/01/2021
Delayed reaction in alpha-gal allergy is reflected in serum levels after ingestion of pork kidney, and absorption is dependent on food processing – 01/01/2021
The History of Carbohydrates in Type I Allergy – 09/10/2020