Research Projects and Clinical Trials
Research projects and clinical trials are at the very essence of the translational vision of LIH, enabling excellent research findings to be generated and, subsequently, translated from the “bench” to the patient’s bed in the clinical practice.
Our actively recruiting Research projects & Clinical trials
LIH aims to perform patient-centric research placing patients at its heart, so as to be able to effectively generate and use knowledge and technology arising from outstanding research to have a direct and meaningful impact on people’s health. To this end, clinical studies and trials are crucial in order to develop new diagnostic and therapeutic solutions and test their efficacy directly on patients.
Close collaborations with healthcare providers and clinicians, as well as the active involvement of their patients, are the key in this context. Indeed, clinical studies depend significantly on the quality of the patient-derived biological samples and data used. Ensuring that patients contribute to such studies by providing samples and data, and that researchers have the necessary tools and expertise to effectively use such resources to generate accurate patient-derived models allowing them to investigate disease mechanisms and test drug efficacy, lie at the core of LIH’s approach.
We therefore actively encourage the participation of patients and clinicians in our ongoing studies by conducting targeted and specific patient recruitment campaigns, in collaboration with national and international hospitals and healthcare providers. We invite you to consult the list of all our currently recruiting research projects and clinical trials here.
You can play an active role in shaping the future of healthcare by joining (or encouraging someone to join) the Luxembourg Volunteer Database!

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All our Research projects & Clinical trials
These projects span the institute’s key priority research areas, from cancer and immune-related disorders to neurodegeneration, and leverage LIH’s cutting-edge technologies and support infrastructure. You can access the full list of ongoing research projects here.