molecular and translational allergoloGy
The Molecular and Translational Allergology (MTA) team focuses on patient-centered research aiming to address and solve unmet medical needs in allergy diagnosis and prevention.
The MTA group specialises in isolation and characterization of allergens from their native source, as well as in the production of recombinant proteins in diverse expression systems. We use state of the art technologies and have long-term experience in purification of high quality proteins.
Protein identification and characterization methods are crucial to our research. Complex mixtures are resolved by 1-D as well as 2-D Difference Gel Electrophoresis (DIGE) techniques. N-terminal sequencing and mass spectrometry allow the identification of new immunoreactive proteins. Protein secondary structure and heat stability are monitored by circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy.
Microarray technology proves to be one of the most powerful tools in the field of diagnostics and high-throughput analysis. We provide:
- High-multiplex and high-throughput immunoassays
- Exploration of novel immunological targets
- Functional immune profiling
- Adopted antigen panels for biomarker discovery
The platform is compatible with arrays from a variety of commercial providers in the field of cancer, neuropathies, inflammation and autoimmune disease. It uses very low sample volumes and aims to offer a full analysis pipeline.
The platform is temporarily managed as an annex to the Molecular & Translational Allergology (MTA) group.