Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Die Forschenden am LIH haben den Anspruch, bedeutsames und für Erkrankungen relevantes Wissen und entsprechende Ergebnisse für Patienten in Luxemburg und Europa hervorzubringen. Ihre Forschungsergebnisse werden regelmäßig in renommierten internationalen, von unabhängigen Gutachtern geprüften Fachzeitschriften publiziert. Dadurch vergrößern sie die Reichweite und Sichtbarkeit des Instituts und seine Bedeutung.
Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen
Personalized functional profiling using ex-vivo patient-derived spheroids points out the potential of an antiangiogenic treatment in a patient with a metastatic lung atypical carcinoid – 31/12/2022
ORFhunteR – 01/05/2022
Differences and Interactions in Placental Manganese and Iron Transfer across an In Vitro Model of Human Villous Trophoblasts – 18/03/2022
Noncoding RNAs in age-related cardiovascular diseases – 16/03/2022
Microglia phenotypes are associated with subregional patterns of concomitant tau, amyloid-β and α-synuclein pathologies in the hippocampus of patients with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia with Lewy bodies – 16/03/2022
Is vitamin A an antioxidant? – 16/03/2022
Wearable technology in orthopedic trauma surgery – An AO trauma survey and review of current and future applications – 15/03/2022
Chimpanzee exposure to pollution revealed by human biomonitoring approaches – 15/03/2022
The arginine methyltransferase PRMT7 promotes extravasation of monocytes resulting in tissue injury in COPD – 14/03/2022
Trained through generations – 11/03/2022
Consensus guidelines for the validation of qRT-PCR assays in clinical research by the CardioRNA consortium – 10/03/2022
Carbonic Anhydrase IX – 09/03/2022
A cholinergic neuroskeletal interface promotes bone formation during postnatal growth and exercise – 08/03/2022
Surgical simulation training should become a mandatory part of orthopaedic education – 28/02/2022
Comparison of Acetabular Labral Reconstruction With 7-mm Tibialis Anterior Allograft and 5-mm Iliotibial Band Autograft at Minimum 2-Year Follow-up – 28/02/2022
Tolerable upper intake level for dietary sugars – 28/02/2022
Safety of dried coffee husk (cascara) from Coffea arabica L. as a Novel food pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2015/2283 – 25/02/2022
Additive Effect of Dopaminergic Medication on Gait Under Single and Dual-Tasking Is Greater Than of Deep Brain Stimulation in Advanced Parkinson Disease With Long-duration Deep Brain Stimulation – 25/02/2022
Regulating Proteasome Activity – 23/02/2022
Editorial – 23/02/2022
Unspecific CTL Killing Is Enhanced by High Glucose via TNF-Related Apoptosis-Inducing Ligand – 21/02/2022
Enzymatic activity of glycosyltransferase GLT8D1 promotes human glioblastoma cell migration – 18/02/2022
Global change in hepatitis C virus prevalence and cascade of care between 2015 and 2020 – 15/02/2022
PINK1 Protects against Staurosporine-Induced Apoptosis by Interacting with Beclin1 and Impairing Its Pro-Apoptotic Cleavage – 15/02/2022
Measles – 12/02/2022
Stress hormone signalling inhibits Th1 polarization in a CD4 T-cell-intrinsic manner via mTORC1 and the circadian gene PER1 – 10/02/2022
Prevalence of hepatitis E virus antibodies in cattle in Burkina Faso associated with swine mixed farming – 09/02/2022
Retrograde Procedural Memory in Parkinson’s Disease – 09/02/2022
Editorial – 03/02/2022
Pharmacological targeting of MTHFD2 suppresses acute myeloid leukemia by inducing thymidine depletion and replication stress – 01/02/2022
Neurodegeneration and neuroinflammation are linked, but independent of alpha-synuclein inclusions, in a seeding/spreading mouse model of Parkinson’s disease – 29/01/2022
Analysis of the Origin and Dissemination of HIV-1 Subtype C in Bulgaria – 27/01/2022
COVID-19 – 27/01/2022
Spatiotemporal and Ground-Reaction Force Characteristics as Risk Factors for Running-Related Injury – 20/01/2022
Improving Diabetes-Related Biomedical Literature Exploration in the Clinical Decision-making Process via Interactive Classification and Topic Discovery – 18/01/2022
Editorial – 17/01/2022
Itaconate and derivatives reduce interferon responses and inflammation in influenza A virus infection – 13/01/2022
The role of serum 25 (OH) vitamin D level in the correlation between lipid profile, body mass index (BMI), and blood pressure – 13/01/2022
Single-cell transcriptomics of human iPSC differentiation dynamics reveal a core molecular network of Parkinson’s disease – 13/01/2022
A Hot Topic – 12/01/2022
Dairy Intake and Parkinson’s Disease – 08/01/2022
Burden of non-communicable disease studies in Europe – 07/01/2022
DYT6 mutated THAP1 is a cell type dependent regulator of the SP1 family – 07/01/2022
Clinical and biological risk factors associated with inflammation in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus – 06/01/2022
Unexpectedly High Prevalence of Hepatitis C Virus Infection, Southern Laos – 01/01/2022
Safety of hydrothermally treated kernels from edible Jatropha curcas L. (Chuta) as a novel food pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2015/2283 – 01/01/2022
Guidance for establishing and applying tolerable upper intake levels for vitamins and essential minerals – 01/01/2022
AllergoOncology – 01/01/2022
Determinants of Self-Stigma in People with Parkinson’s Disease – 01/01/2022
Prevalence and Cost of Care for Parkinson’s Disease in Luxembourg – 01/01/2022
Lower impact forces but greater burden for the musculoskeletal system in running shoes with greater cushioning stiffness – 01/01/2022
Das Knie im Spitzensport – 01/01/2022
Allgemeinärzte raten nach einer Gesundheitskampagne nicht zu mehr körperlicher Aktivität – 01/01/2022
A Specific CD44lo CD25lo Subpopulation of Regulatory T Cells Inhibits Anti-Leukemic Immune Response and Promotes the Progression in a Mouse Model of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia – 01/01/2022
Brominated flame retardants, a cornelian dilemma – 01/01/2022
DJ-1 depletion prevents immunoaging in T-cell compartments – 01/01/2022
Safety of oil from Schizochytrium sp. (strain ATCC 20889) for use in infant and follow-on formula as a novel food pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2015/2283 – 01/01/2022
Wearable gait analysis systems – 01/01/2022
Ungewöhnliche Ursache für lumbale Beschwerden im Leistungssport – 01/01/2022
Machine learning and conventional statistics – 01/01/2022
Eine ausführliche Analyse des Side Hop Tests bei Patienten 9 Monate nach Rekonstruktion des vorderen Kreuzbandes – 01/01/2022
Introgressive hybridisation between domestic pigs (Sus scrofa domesticus) and endemic Corsican wild boars (S. s. meridionalis) – 01/01/2022
Mendelian Randomisation Study of Smoking, Alcohol, and Coffee Drinking in Relation to Parkinson’s Disease – 01/01/2022
Gonadotropins as novel active partners in vascular diseases – 01/01/2022
Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on (Health) Care Situation of People with Parkinson’s Disease in Germany (Care4PD) – 31/12/2021
Surgical resection of glioblastomas induces pleiotrophin-mediated self-renewal of glioblastoma stem cells in recurrent tumors – 29/12/2021
Patient-oriented perspective on chemokine receptor expression and function in glioma – 28/12/2021
Association between Dietary Factors and Constipation in Adults Living in Luxembourg and Taking Part in the ORISCAV-LUX 2 Survey – 28/12/2021
Safety of Eurycoma longifolia (Tongkat Ali) root extract as a novel food pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2015/2283 – 22/12/2021
The european prevalence of resistance associated substitutions among direct acting antiviral failures – 22/12/2021
Safety of Wolffia globosa powder as a Novel food pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2015/2283 – 22/12/2021
Safety of tetrahydrocurcuminoids from turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) as a novel food pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2015/2283 – 22/12/2021
Cancer cell heterogeneity and plasticity – 21/12/2021
Leveraging non-coding RNAs to fight cardiovascular disease – 21/12/2021
Multimorbidity in large Canadian urban centres: A multilevel analysis of pooled 2015–2018 cross-sectional cycles of the Canadian Community Health Survey – 20/12/2021
Exercise-Based Injury Prevention in High-Level and Professional Athletes – 17/12/2021
Critical Assessment of MetaProteome Investigation (CAMPI) – 15/12/2021
Editorial – 15/12/2021
Examining the double burden of malnutrition for preschool children and women of reproductive age in low-income and middle-income countries – 14/12/2021
Associations Between Device-Measured Physical Activity and Glycemic Control and Variability Indices Under Free-Living Conditions – 14/12/2021
Safety of iron hydroxide adipate tartrate as a novel food pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2015/2283 and as a source of iron in the context of Directive 2002/46/EC – 10/12/2021
Intraoperative discrimination of native meningioma and dura mater by Raman spectroscopy – 08/12/2021
Dietary intake of adult residents in luxembourg taking part in two cross-sectional studies—oriscav-lux (2007–2008) and oriscav-lux 2 (2016–2017) – 07/12/2021
Clustering of obesity-related characteristics – 01/12/2021
Analyses of blood donor samples from eight provinces in Lao PDR suggest considerable variation concerning HBV exposure and carriage – 01/12/2021
An age-stratified serosurvey against purified Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi antigens in the Lao People´s Democratic Republic – 01/12/2021
Novel Advances in Allergy Diagnosis and Treatment – 01/12/2021
Estimated visceral adiposity is associated with risk of cardiometabolic conditions in a population based study – 01/12/2021
Only limited correlations between patient-reported outcomes and objectively monitored physical activity 10-years after THA – 01/12/2021
Methods to Generate Innovative Research Ideas and Improve Patient and Public Involvement in Modern Epidemiological Research – 01/12/2021
Outcome of revised metal-on-metal hip arthroplasties – 30/11/2021
The Th17 cell – IL22 axis depends on glutathione upon intestinal inflammation – 29/11/2021
Tert promoter mutations increase sense and antisense transcription from the tert promoter – 26/11/2021
Randomised crossover trial comparing algorithms and averaging times for automatic oxygen control in preterm infants – 24/11/2021
Early-life adversity leaves its imprint on the oral microbiome for more than 20 years and is associated with long-term immune changes – 24/11/2021
The antioxidant glutathione as a regulator of natural killer cell immunity – 21/11/2021
DNA Repair and Innate Immune Response in Glioblastoma – PROJECT REPORT, November 2021 – 19/11/2021
Unravelling data for rapid evidence-based response to COVID-19 – 18/11/2021
Impact of small extracellular vesicles on anti-tumor immunity in chronic lymphocytic leukemia in vivo – 17/11/2021
Special issue “microglia heterogeneity and its relevance for translational research” – 16/11/2021
Impact of epithelial to mesenchymal transition on the regulation of anti-tumour immune response in breast cancer – 16/11/2021
Effect of creatine and EDTA supplemented diets on European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) allergenicity, fish muscle quality and omics fingerprint – 16/11/2021
Comparison of three galenic forms of lamivudine in young West African children living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus – 16/11/2021
Safety of water lentil powder from Lemnaceae as a Novel Food pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2015/2283 – 15/11/2021
Personalized drug screening for functional tumor profiling – 15/11/2021
High nevirapine levels in breast milk and consequences in HIV-infected child when initiated on antiretroviral therapy – 15/11/2021
(Eco)toxicological tests for assessing impacts of chemical stress to aquatic ecosystems – 15/11/2021
Extension of use of nicotinamide riboside chloride as a novel food pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2015/2283 – 12/11/2021
Impact of chromatin dynamics and dna repair on genomic stability and treatment resistance in pediatric high‐grade gliomas – 12/11/2021
Relevance of Frequency-Domain Analyses to Relate Shoe Cushioning, Ground Impact Forces and Running Injury Risk – 11/11/2021
IL-33-induced metabolic reprogramming controls the differentiation of alternatively activated macrophages and the resolution of inflammation – 09/11/2021
Gene-corrected p.A30P SNCA patient-derived isogenic neurons rescue neuronal branching and function – 09/11/2021
Food-allergic patients: from phenotype to endotype for biomarker discovery – 09/11/2021
Biomarkers for detection of lung cancer – 04/11/2021
Signaling, function and modulation of CXCR3 variants – 03/11/2021
Dietary modulation alters susceptibility to listeria monocytogenes and salmonella typhimurium with or without a gut microbiota – 02/11/2021
Mondo-A Maintains Aggressiveness in Common Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (B-All) by Modulating the Metabolic Stress Response and can be Targeted by a Designer Drug – 01/11/2021
Multiomic single nucleus RNA- and ATACSEQ profiling reveals regulators of glioma cell state diversity – 01/11/2021
Detection of COVID-19 from voice, cough and breathing patterns – 01/11/2021
Raman spectroscopy as a diagnostic tool in neuropathology – 01/11/2021
The role of IDH1 R132H mutation in glioma an investigation by genome-editing in human induced pluripotent stem cells – 01/11/2021
EntropyHub – 01/11/2021
A DNA Damage Repair Signature in Pediatric High-Grade Gliomas: XRCC1 and PARP1, Key Biomarkers – 01/11/2021
Inhibition of GBM invasion by the α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) glutamate receptor antagonist Perampanel – 01/11/2021
Investigating T cells in the context of Neuroimmunology: Molecular and cellular mechanisms during a stress response and a patient-based study in Parkinson’s disease – 01/11/2021
European Health Interview Survey (EHIS): Obésité, Nutrition et Activité physique – 3 ème vague – 2019 (Fact sheet) – 01/11/2021
Relevance of N6-methyladenosine regulators for transcriptome – 01/11/2021
New section on carbohydrate epitopes in the WHO/IUIS allergen nomenclature website – 01/11/2021
Vicilin IgE-cross-reactivity is responsible for in vitro allergenicity to cowpea in patients with legume allergy – 01/11/2021
Validation of a sensor-based gait analysis system with a gold-standard motion capture system in patients with parkinson’s disease – 01/11/2021
Raman spectroscopy as a tool in neurosurgery – 01/11/2021
Allergy burden in luxembourg: A population-based, cross-sectional health survey paralleled by component-resolved-IgE-diagnosis – 01/11/2021
Exploring the contribution of the mitochondrial disulfide relay system to Parkinson’s disease – 01/11/2021
Whey-and soy protein isolates added to a carrot-tomato juice alter carotenoid bioavailability in healthy adults – 31/10/2021
Intérêt d’une approche géostatistique pour analyser les disparités géographiques de la couverture vaccinale contre les papillomavirus humains en France – 30/10/2021
Digital technology and disease surveillance in the COVID-19 pandemic – 29/10/2021
An adaptive network model of the role of the gut-brain axis in parkinson’s disease – 29/10/2021
Safety of the extension of use of galacto-oligosaccharides as a Novel food pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2015/2283 – 27/10/2021
Transcriptional cooperation of PBX1 and PAX6 in adult neural progenitor cells – 25/10/2021
Advanced analytical methods to assess physical activity behavior using accelerometer time series – 25/10/2021
The Moderating Role of Resilience in the Personality-Mental Health Relationship During the COVID-19 Pandemic – 21/10/2021
Safety of mung bean protein as a novel food pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2015/2283 – 20/10/2021
Organic foods and contribution to the protection of body cells and molecules (lipids and DNA) from oxidative damage: evaluation of a health claim pursuant to Article 14 of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 – 20/10/2021
The Parkinson’s-disease-associated mutation LRRK2-G2019S alters dopaminergic differentiation dynamics via NR2F1 – 19/10/2021
Current landscape and future perspectives in preclinical MR and PET imaging of brain metastasis – 14/10/2021
Peripheral blood RNA biomarkers for cardiovascular disease from bench to bedside – 14/10/2021
Waning of maternal antibodies against measles suggests a large window of susceptibility in infants in lao people’s Democratic republic – 13/10/2021
Parkinson’s Disease Phenotypes in Patient Neuronal Cultures and Brain Organoids Improved by 2-Hydroxypropyl-β-Cyclodextrin Treatment – 12/10/2021
In silico approach for validating and unveiling new applications for prognostic biomarkers of endometrial cancer – 09/10/2021
Gastric lipase can significantly increase lipolysis and carotenoid bioaccessibility from plant food matrices in the harmonized INFOGEST static in vitro digestion model – 04/10/2021
Differentiation of primary CNS lymphoma and glioblastoma using Raman spectroscopy and machine learning algorithms – 04/10/2021
DECONbench – 02/10/2021
Maraviroc prevents hcc development by suppressing macrophages and the liver progenitor cell response in a murine chronic liver disease model – 01/10/2021
Management of anaphylaxis due to COVID-19 vaccines in the elderly – 01/10/2021
Global, regional, and national burden of stroke and its risk factors, 1990-2019 – 01/10/2021
Unraveling the concepts of distress, burnout, and depression in type 1 diabetes – 01/10/2021
Does prevention pay off? – 01/10/2021
Isomaltulose and normal energy-yielding metabolism: evaluation of a health claim pursuant to Article 13(5) of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 – 01/10/2021
Rubella epidemiology in the Central African Republic, 2015-2016 and molecular characterization of virus strains from 2008-2016 – 01/10/2021
Declining incidence of HIV multidrug resistance in Europe – 01/10/2021
Non-coding RNAs and stem cells – 01/10/2021
Systems and Longitudinal Analysis Reveals Early-Stage and Highly Coordinated Immune Responses in Mild COVID-19 Patients – 30/09/2021
Injuries in the European Union 2009-2018 – 30/09/2021
Synthetic retinoids as potential therapeutics in prostate cancer—An update of the last decade of research – 29/09/2021
A new brain organoid model to study Parkinson’s Disease – 28/09/2021
Proficiency testing program celebrates its 10th anniversary – 28/09/2021
A dangeROS liaison: the metabolism-dependent regulation of B lymphocytes – 28/09/2021
Population birth data and pandemic readiness in Europe – 27/09/2021
XAB2 promotes Ku eviction from single-ended DNA double-strand breaks independently of the ATM kinase – 27/09/2021
Integrative genomics analysis of nasal intestinal-type adenocarcinomas demonstrates the major role of CACNA1C and paves the way for a simple diagnostic tool in male woodworkers – 25/09/2021
Computationally designed GPCR quaternary structures bias signaling pathway activation – 23/09/2021
TGF-β promotes microtube formation in glioblastoma through thrombospondin 1 – 20/09/2021
Deprivation of dietary fiber in specific-pathogen-free mice promotes susceptibility to the intestinal mucosal pathogen Citrobacter rodentium – 18/09/2021
An antigen microarray protocol for COVID-19 serological analysis – 17/09/2021
Commentary – 16/09/2021
Multi-omics analysis to decipher the molecular link between chronic exposure to pollution and human skin dysfunction – 15/09/2021
IMproving Preclinical Assessment of Cardioprotective Therapies (IMPACT) criteria – 13/09/2021
Worldwide trends in hypertension prevalence and progress in treatment and control from 1990 to 2019 – 11/09/2021
Inhibition of GBM invasion by the A-Amino-3-Hydroxy-5-Methyl-4-Isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) Glutamate receptor antagonist Perampanel – 09/09/2021
Tumour Immune Evasion is Promoted by Actin Cytoskeleton-Driven Polarization of Inhibitory Signals to the Immunological Synapse – 09/09/2021
The tumor microenvironment-dependent transcription factors ahr and hif-1α are dispensable for leukemogenesis in the eµ-tcl1 mouse model of chronic lymphocytic leukemia – 08/09/2021
“Suffocating” tumors by blocking adaptation to hypoxia – 07/09/2021
Epigenetic regulation via PRMT7 controls monocyte migration and COPD pathogenesis – 05/09/2021
BMI in the Associations of Plant-Based Diets with Type 2 Diabetes and Hypertension Risks in Women – 04/09/2021
Atopic Dermatitis Patients with Pet Dander Sensitization Mount IgE and T cell Responses to Mammalian Cystatins Including the Human Self-Protein – 03/09/2021
Deep immune profiling reveals early-stage and highly coordinated immune responses in mild COVID-19 patients – 02/09/2021
Phenotypic heterogeneity and plasticity as resistance mechanisms in glioblastoma – 01/09/2021
The gut commensal Bacteroides vulgatus mpk reduces Candida albicans pathogenicity towards epithelial cells – 01/09/2021
Effectiveness of integrase strand transfer inhibitor-based regimens in HIV-infected treatment-naive individuals – 01/09/2021
Non-invasive, neurotoxic surgery reduces seizures in a rat model of temporal lobe epilepsy – 01/09/2021
Novel thioridazine derivates: antiproliferative and apoptosis-inducing activity on glioblastoma cells in vitro – 01/09/2021
The circadian clock remains intact, but with dampened hormonal output in heart failure – 01/09/2021
Metastatic potential of systemic glioblastoma stem cell lines in vivo – 01/09/2021
Troubles musculosquelettiques au cours du diabète de type 1 – 01/09/2021
Loss of williams syndrome transcription factor (WSTF) leads to improved temozolomide sensitivity in human glioblastoma cells irrespective of MGMT expression – 01/09/2021
Allergic airway inflammation impacts tumor take and delays experimental glioblastoma progression – 01/09/2021
La traduction et la synthèse des positions de consensus du CIO – 01/09/2021
Visceral Fat Calculator – 01/09/2021
La traduction et la synthèse des positions de consensus du CIO – 01/09/2021
The conundrum of low covid-19 mortality burden in sub-saharan africa – 01/09/2021