Precision Health Abteilung
Das DoPH arbeitet mit interdisziplinären Ansätzen an der Schnittstelle von Präzisionsmedizin, Prävention und öffentlichem Gesundheitswesen. Wir verbinden etablierte und neue Methoden mit innovativen digitalen Technologien für die epidemiologische und öffentliche Gesundheitsforschung. Durch die Umsetzung unserer Ergebnisse in die klinische Praxis und die Unterstützung von Gesundeitsbehörden wollen wir die Hauptursachen der Morbidität und Mortalität bekämpfen, die Lebensqualität verbessern und wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse für die personalisierte Krankheitsprävention und Intervention liefern.
Vision und Mission
Unser Fachwissen umfasst ein breites Spektrum von Disziplinen, darunter Epidemiologie, öffentliches und digitales Gesundheitswesen, Gesundheitsökonomie, (Neuro-)Psychologie, Molekularbiologie, Biochemie und Toxikologie. Wir untersuchen das Exposom (Umweltfaktoren, Ernährung, körperliche Aktivität) und seine Einflussfaktoren (z. B. soziodemografische Ungleichheiten), aber auch Omics (z. B. miRNA) und digitale Biomarker (elektronische Patientenfeedback-Fragebögen – ePROs, stimm- und bewegungsbasierte Signaturen, Daten von medizinischen und vernetzten Anwendungen).
Wir verwenden sowohl hypothesen- als auch datengesteuerte Ansätze zur Analyse großer multidimensionaler Datensätze (Beobachtungsstudien, epidemiologische und klinische Kohortenstudien, Real-World-Daten, Gesundheitsregister, elektronische Gesundheitsakten usw.). Dabei nutzen wir sowohl konventionelle als auch innovative Methoden (z.B. digitale Werkzeuge, webbasierte Anwendungen, künstliche Intelligenz -KI). Dieses umfassende Fachwissen erlaubt es uns, eine 360°-Sicht über eine Person im Forschungsfokus zu erhalten. Dies ermöglicht vor allem eine detailliertere Unterteilung von Patienten und Bevölkerungsgruppen auf der Grundlage unterschiedlicher biologischer, klinischer, umwelt- und lebensstilbezogener Informationen.

Das Ziel unseres interdisziplinären Teams ist es, die Integration digitaler Technologien und den Real-World-Daten in das öffentliche Gesundheitswesen, die translationale Forschung und die klinische Praxis zum Nutzen aller zu fördern. Um dies zu erreichen, entwickeln wir Forschungsprojekte in Zusammenarbeit mit nationalen und internationalen Forschungsinstituten, Krankenhäusern, Unternehmen, Patientenverbänden und politischen Entscheidungsträgern. Wir arbeiten an verschiedenen Krankheiten, darunter Krebs, kardiometabolische und neurodegenerative Erkrankungen. Außerdem unterstützen wir Gesundheitseinrichtungen bei der Einrichtung und Führung von Krankheitsregistern, Durchführung nationaler Datenerhebungen und Entwicklung von Strategien.
Unser langfristiges Ziel ist es, unsere Erkenntnisse für die Personalisierung von Prävention, Behandlung und Pflege zu nutzen, um die richtigen Maßnahmen für die richtige Person oder Bevölkerungsgruppe zum richtigen Zeitpunkt zu ergreifen.

- Abteilung für Kardiovaskuläre Forschung
- Brain Imaging & Neuro-Epidemiology Gruppe (BraINE), DoPH
- Expertise im Bereich öffentliche Gesundheit
- Forschungseinheit Human-Biomonitoring
- Forschungseinheit für Eingehende Digitale Phänotypisierung
- Forschungsgruppe Alterung, Krebs und Ungleichheiten – ACADI
- Körperliche Aktivität, Sport und Gesundheit
- Menschliche Bewegung, Orthopädie, Sportmedizin und digitale Methoden
- NutriHealth
- Sozioökonomische und ökologische Gesundheit und Gesundheitsdienste
Im interdisziplinären Forschungsfokkus der DoPH-Abteilung stehen Themen rund um die Vision von Precision Health. Dazu gehören die Aspekte von Precison Public Health, innovative Expositionsmessung (Haaranalyse, neue Biomarker usw.), Präzisionsprävention, Lebensstil, Gesundheitsökonomie und Digital Health. Oberstes Ziel der Abteilung ist es, mit der Forschungsergebnissen die Entwicklung von personalisierter Prävention und Behandlung zu unterstützen. Um dies in der heutigen digitalen und datengesteuerten Welt zu erreichen, können sich die Forscher auf eine zunehmende Menge von Bevölkerung- und Patientendaten stützen. Die DoPH engagiert sich stark in die patientenorientierte Forschung mit Einsatz von neuen Technologien und Big Data.
Die thematischen Videos geben Überblick über die Forschungsaktivitäten des DoPH im Bereich Precision Health. Die Vorträge wurden im Rahmen einer DOPH-Webinarreihe zum Thema Precision Public Health im Jahr 2021 aufgezeichnet.
Projekte und klinische Versuche
Ausgewählte Teammitglieder
Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen
Association of LEF1-AS1 with cardiovascular and neurological complications of COVID-19 – 22/12/2024
Yvan Devaux und 8 weitere autoren -
Investigating the relationship between unmet need and utilisation of health care in European countries – 20/01/2025
Valerie Moran und 3 weitere autoren -
Structural Cerebellar and Lateral Frontoparietal Networks are altered in CUD – 01/03/2025
Elena Lacomba Arnau und 2 weitere autoren -
The International Society of Geriatric Oncology (SIOG) Methods Working Group – 28/02/2025
Sophie Pilleron und 11 weitere autoren -
Clinical phenotyping of people living with type 1 diabetes according to their levels of diabetes-related distress – 24/02/2025
Guy Fagherazzi und 15 weitere autoren -
Models of care and associated targeted implementation strategies for cancer survivorship support in Europe – 16/02/2025
Gillian Prue und 38 weitere autoren -
Epidemiology of cancer in older adults – 01/01/2025
Esther Bastiaannet und 1 weiterer autor -
Age-related differences in staging, treatment and net survival in relation to frailty in adults with colon cancer in England – 02/02/2025
Sophie Pilleron und 4 weitere autoren -
Readiness of adults with type 1 diabetes and diabetes caregivers for diabetes distress monitoring using a voice-based digital health solution – 02/01/2025
Gloria Aguayo und 8 weitere autoren -
EDITORIAL for BJP themed issue „noncoding RNA therapeutics“ – 21/11/2024
Yvan Devaux und 2 weitere autoren -
The effect of automated insulin delivery system use on diabetes distress in people with type 1 diabetes and their caregivers – 26/12/2024
Gloria Aguayo und 7 weitere autoren -
A voice-based algorithm can predict type 2 diabetes status in USA adults – 19/12/2024
Guy Fagherazzi und 8 weitere autoren -
Moving beyond studying mere association – 01/01/2024
Sophie Pilleron -
Estimated Dietary Intakes of Vitamin A5 – 22/11/2024
Ralph Rühl und 3 weitere autoren -
Blood CD45
+ lymphocyte-released extracellular vesicles and mortality in hospitalized patients with coronavirus disease 2019. – 01/01/2024
Rosa Suades und 12 weitere autoren -
The role of healthcare professionals‘ attitudes in treatment decision-making for older adults with cancer – 01/01/2024
India Pinker und 3 weitere autoren -
The Imperative of Voice Data Collection in Clinical Trials – 13/11/2024
Guy Fagherazzi und 1 weiterer autor -
Worldwide trends in diabetes prevalence and treatment from 1990 to 2022 – 13/11/2024
Bin Zhou und 49 weitere autoren -
Running shoe cushioning properties at the rearfoot and forefoot and their relationship to injury – 11/10/2024
Laurent Malisoux und 4 weitere autoren -
Digital voice-based biomarker for monitoring respiratory quality of life – 01/10/2024
Vladimir Despotovic und 6 weitere autoren -
Dopamine Pathway and Parkinson’s Risk Variants Are Associated with Levodopa-Induced Dyskinesia – 01/01/2024
Ziv Gan-Or und 49 weitere autoren -
Prediction of COVID-19 severity using machine learning – 01/10/2024
Yvan Devaux und 29 weitere autoren -
Sex inequalities in cardiovascular risk factors and their management in primary prevention in adults living with type 1 diabetes in Germany and France – 16/09/2024
Emmanuel Cosson und 9 weitere autoren -
Co-design of a voice-based app to monitor long COVID symptoms with its end-users – 09/09/2024
Aurélie Fischer und 8 weitere autoren -
Can we screen for type 2 diabetes using voice? – 01/09/2024
Guy Fagherazzi und 8 weitere autoren -
Multimodal Fusion for Vocal Biomarkers Using Vector Cross-Attention – 01/09/2024
Vladimir Despotovic und 3 weitere autoren -
The transformative role of artificial intelligence in diabetes care and research – 27/07/2024
Guy Fagherazzi und 4 weitere autoren -
General and abdominal adiposity and hypertension in eight world regions – 31/08/2024
Majid Ezzati und 50 weitere autoren -
Digital Vocal Biomarker of Smoking Status Using Ecological Audio Recordings – 03/07/2024
Guy Fagherazzi und 3 weitere autoren -
Heterogeneity of glycaemic phenotypes in type 1 diabetes – 23/05/2024
Guy Fagherazzi und 29 weitere autoren -
The impact of patient registration on utilisation and quality of care – 12/07/2024
Valerie Moran und 6 weitere autoren -
Cardiovascular history and risk of idiopathic Parkinson’s disease – 08/07/2024
Shubhra Acharya und 46 weitere autoren -
Smartphone use and cerebro-cardio-vascular health – 01/07/2024
Yvan Devaux und 2 weitere autoren -
Assessment of the Impact of Subcutaneous Catheter Change on Glucose Control in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes Treated by Insulin Pump in Open- and Closed-Loop Modes – 01/01/2024
J. P. Riveline und 9 weitere autoren -
A Voice-Based AI Algorithm Can Predict Type 2 Diabetes Status-Findings from the Colive Voice Study on US Adult Participants – 14/06/2024
Abir Elbeji und 8 weitere autoren -
Converging peripheral blood microRNA profiles in Parkinson’s disease and progressive supranuclear palsy – 31/05/2024
Lukas Pavelka und 125 weitere autoren -
Development of a long noncoding RNA-based machine learning model to predict COVID-19 in-hospital mortality – 20/05/2024
Yvan Devaux und 34 weitere autoren -
The use of an automated insulin delivery system is associated with a reduction in diabetes distress and improvement in quality of life in people with type 1 diabetes – 01/01/2024
Yves Reznik und 7 weitere autoren -
Comprehensive blood metabolomics profiling of Parkinson’s disease reveals coordinated alterations in xanthine metabolism – 19/03/2024
Elisa Gómez De Lope und 132 weitere autoren -
Worldwide trends in underweight and obesity from 1990 to 2022 – 01/01/2024
Majid Ezzati und 50 weitere autoren -
ALTRUIST – 05/02/2024
Guy Fagherazzi und 3 weitere autoren -
Who sleeps well in Canada? – 15/11/2023
Saverio Stranges und 10 weitere autoren -
Education as Risk Factor of Mild Cognitive Impairment – 01/01/2024
Matthias Klee und 136 weitere autoren -
Development and validation of a Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes-specific patient-reported experience measure e-questionnaire – 01/01/2024
Coline Hehn und 11 weitere autoren -
Relationship between multimorbidity, functional limitation, and quality of life among middle-aged and older adults – 01/01/2023
Piotr Wilk und 10 weitere autoren -
Author Correction – 18/12/2023
Sinthuja Pachchek und 45 weitere autoren -
The role of multimorbidity and socio-economic characteristics as potential risk factors for Long Covid – 01/12/2023
Piotr Wilk und 6 weitere autoren -
Novel, computational IgE-clustering in a population-based cross-sectional study: Mapping the allergy burden – 01/12/2023
Rebecca Czolk und 10 weitere autoren -
Accurate long-read sequencing identified GBA1 as major risk factor in the Luxembourgish Parkinson’s study – 23/11/2023
Sinthuja Pachchek und 130 weitere autoren -
Construction and validation of the area level deprivation index for health research – 16/11/2023
Ishor Sharma und 7 weitere autoren -
Association between endometriosis and risk of type 2 diabetes – 28/07/2023
Marina Kvaskoff und 5 weitere autoren -
Validation of a SARS-CoV-2 Surrogate Neutralization Test Detecting Neutralizing Antibodies against the Major Variants of Concern – 06/10/2023
Carole Seguin-Devaux und 13 weitere autoren -
Mixed-methods study protocol to identify expectations of people with type 1 diabetes and their caregivers about voice-based digital health solutions to support the management of diabetes distress – 13/09/2023
Gloria Aguayo und 5 weitere autoren -
Catheter changes lead to increased hyperglycaemia in both open and closed loop modes: real-life evidence from pump users with type 1 diabetes – 04/09/2023
Jean-Baptiste Julla und 10 weitere autoren -
Substituting device-measured sedentary time with alternative 24-hour movement behaviours: compositional associations with adiposity, cardiometabolic risk and arterial stiffness in the ORISCAV-LUX 2 study – 01/09/2023
Paul J Collings und 4 weitere autoren -
Novel, computational IgE-clustering in a population-based cross-sectional study – 27/07/2023
Annette Kuehn und 10 weitere autoren -
O.3.2-2 Substituting device-measured sedentary time with alternative 24-hour movement behaviours – 01/09/2023
Paul James Collings und 4 weitere autoren -
The relationship between sleep health and multimorbidity in community dwelling populations – 15/07/2023
P. Nistor und 4 weitere autoren -
The Long COVID experience from a patient’s perspective – 17/08/2023
Guy Fagherazzi und 4 weitere autoren -
Association of diet quality indices with serum and metabolic biomarkers in participants of the ORISCAV-LUX-2 study – 01/01/2023
Farhad Vahid und 28 weitere autoren -
Interaction between plasma phospholipid odd-chain fatty acids and GAD65 autoantibodies on the incidence of adult-onset diabetes – 10/06/2023
Anna Maria Lampousi und 22 weitere autoren -
School nutrition policy and diet quality of children and youth – 28/03/2023
Sisira Sarma und 3 weitere autoren -
An investigation of media reports of digital surveillance within the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic – 24/07/2023
Leigha Comer und 13 weitere autoren -
Technologies will not make diabetes disappear – 01/07/2023
Guy Fagherazzi -
The double burden of malnutrition among women of reproductive age and preschool children in low- and middle-income countries – 31/03/2023
Jason Mulimba Were und 6 weitere autoren -
Co-Design of a Voice-Based Digital Health Solution to Monitor Persisting Symptoms Related to COVID-19 (UpcomingVoice Study) – 19/06/2023
Aurélie Fischer und 6 weitere autoren -
Investigating Health Inequality Using Trend, Decomposition and Spatial Analyses – 02/06/2023
Shehzad Ali und 4 weitere autoren -
Profiles of Glycemic Control in People with Type 1 Diabetes Using CGM—A Clustering Approach in the SFDT1 Study – 01/06/2023
Emmanuel Cosson und 6 weitere autoren -
Does the place of residence influence your risk of being hypertensive? A study-based on Nepal Demographic and Health Survey – 08/03/2023
Ishor Sharma und 6 weitere autoren -
Prevalence and description of skin reactions associated with adhesives in diabetes technology devices in an adult population – 24/05/2023
J. P. Riveline und 14 weitere autoren -
Sleep Problems and Psychological Well-Being – 21/11/2022
Kelly K. Anderson und 5 weitere autoren -
Burden of HIV and treatment outcomes among TB patients in rural Kenya – 30/05/2023
Moses Ngari und 8 weitere autoren -
Do dietary practices and household environmental quality mediate socioeconomic inequalities in child undernutrition risk in West Africa? – 19/10/2022
A Kofi Amegah und 5 weitere autoren -
A nutritional biomarker score of the Mediterranean diet and incident type 2 diabetes – 27/04/2023
Nita G. Forouhi und 33 weitere autoren -
Patients‘ and caregivers‘ perceptions of bariatric surgery – 18/04/2023
Sébastien Czernichow und 10 weitere autoren -
Substituting device-measured sedentary time with alternative 24-hour movement behaviours – 04/04/2023
Laurent Malisoux und 4 weitere autoren -
Prevalence and Description of the Skin Reactions Associated with Adhesives in Diabetes Technology Devices in an Adult Population – 24/02/2023
J. P. Riveline und 14 weitere autoren -
Association between use of psychotropic medications prior to SARS-COV-2 infection and trajectories of COVID-19 recovery – 16/03/2023
Gloria Aguayo und 5 weitere autoren -
Altered infective competence of the human gut microbiome in COVID-19 – 09/03/2023
Laura de Nies und 28 weitere autoren -
Characterizing the adult exposome in men and women from the general population – 26/01/2023
Maria Ruiz und 8 weitere autoren -
Influence of the Social Environment on Ideal Cardiovascular Health – 21/02/2023
Stephanie J. Frisbee und 4 weitere autoren -
Breakfast Consumption and Diet Quality of Teens in Southwestern Ontario – 01/02/2023
Jason A. Gilliland und 7 weitere autoren -
COVID-19 vaccine inequity and Big Pharma – 15/11/2022
Shehzad Ali und 2 weitere autoren -
Diabetes registries and high-quality diabetes care – 01/02/2023
Kamlesh Khunti und 18 weitere autoren -
Correction – 31/01/2023
Gloria Aguayo und 10 weitere autoren -
Machine learning for predicting neurodegenerative diseases in the general older population – 11/01/2023
Gloria Aguayo und 10 weitere autoren -
PRODIAB – 01/01/2023
Nicolas Naïditch und 6 weitere autoren -
Les réseaux sociaux au service de la recherche sur le diabète – 01/01/2023
Charline Bour und 1 weiterer autor -
Strategies to improve health status among adults with multimorbidity – 14/09/2022
Kathryn Nicholson und 4 weitere autoren -
Towards a European “Cohort Moonshot” – 01/01/2023
Guy Fagherazzi -
Associations Between Wearable-Specific Indicators of Physical Activity Behaviour and Insulin Sensitivity and Glycated Haemoglobin in the General Population – 12/12/2022
Anne Backes und 29 weitere autoren -
Nutrition and health – 03/10/2022
Saverio Stranges und 1 weiterer autor -
The relationship between sleep and multimorbidity in community dwelling populations: a global perspective – 01/12/2022
P. Nistor und 4 weitere autoren -
Long COVID Classification – 30/11/2022
Aurélie Fischer und 8 weitere autoren -
Identifying Profiles and Symptoms of Patients With Long COVID in France – 22/11/2022
Amélia Déguilhem und 10 weitere autoren -
Vocal biomarker predicts fatigue in people with COVID-19 – 22/11/2022
Guy Fagherazzi und 7 weitere autoren -
Association of miR-144 levels in the peripheral blood with COVID-19 severity and mortality – 21/11/2022
Fabio Martelli und 17 weitere autoren -
Recommendations for Successful Implementation of the Use of Vocal Biomarkers for Remote Monitoring of COVID-19 and Long COVID in Clinical Practice and Research – 15/11/2022
Aurélie Fischer und 3 weitere autoren -
Discovery and Analytical Validation of a Vocal Biomarker to Monitor Anosmia and Ageusia in Patients with COVID-19 – 07/09/2022
Guy Fagherazzi und 6 weitere autoren -
A voice-based biomarker for monitoring symptom resolution in adults with COVID-19 – 20/10/2022
Guy Fagherazzi und 8 weitere autoren -
Global diabetes burden – 01/10/2022
Guy Fagherazzi und 5 weitere autoren -
Association between functional limitation and quality of life among older adults with multimorbidity in Luxembourg – 01/10/2022
Piotr Wilk und 9 weitere autoren -
How multimorbidity and socio-economic factors affect Long COVID: Evidence from European Countries – 01/10/2022
Piotr Wilk und 6 weitere autoren -
Analysing breast cancer survivors’ acceptance profiles for using an electronic pillbox connected to a smartphone application using Seintinelles, a French community-based research tool – 27/09/2022
Catherine Goetzinger und 6 weitere autoren -
Publisher Correction – 02/09/2022
Lukas Pavelka und 46 weitere autoren -
Association between endometriosis and risk of type 2 diabetes: results of the E3N prospective cohort study – 01/09/2022
P. Vaduva und 4 weitere autoren -
Associations between Major Health Behaviors and Sleep Problems – 01/01/2021
Piotr Wilk und 4 weitere autoren -
Associations between sleep patterns, smoking, and alcohol use among older adults in Canada – 01/09/2022
Kelly K. Anderson und 6 weitere autoren -
Precision Health – 01/09/2022
Guy Fagherazzi und 11 weitere autoren -
Precision Health – 01/09/2022
Guy Fagherazzi und 11 weitere autoren -
Precision Health – 01/09/2022
Guy Fagherazzi und 11 weitere autoren -
Residential greenness and substance use among youth and young adults – 24/03/2022
Jamie A. Seabrook und 4 weitere autoren -
Secular trends in low birth weight and child undernutrition in West Africa – 01/09/2022
A Kofi Amegah und 6 weitere autoren -
Does Shiftwork Impact Cognitive Performance? Findings from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA) – 16/08/2022
Saverio Stranges und 6 weitere autoren -
Age at onset as stratifier in idiopathic Parkinson’s disease – effect of ageing and polygenic risk score on clinical phenotypes – 09/08/2022
Lukas Pavelka und 49 weitere autoren -
Long COVID Symptomatology After 12 Months and Its Impact on Quality of Life According to Initial Coronavirus Disease 2019 Disease Severity – 05/08/2022
Guy Fagherazzi und 8 weitere autoren -
Examining the prevalence and correlates of multimorbidity among community-dwelling older adults – 02/08/2022
Kathryn Nicholson und 5 weitere autoren -
An individualized functional magnetic resonance imaging protocol to assess semantic congruency effects on episodic memory in an aging multilingual population – 22/07/2022
Magali Perquin und 8 weitere autoren -
Extraction of Explicit and Implicit Cause-Effect Relationships in Patient-Reported Diabetes-Related Tweets From 2017 to 2021 – 19/07/2022
Adrian Ahne und 8 weitere autoren -
Emulating a virtual digital cohort study based on social media data as a complementary approach to traditional epidemiology – 24/05/2022
Guy Fagherazzi und 2 weitere autoren -
The Nutri-Score nutrition label – 27/07/2021
Serge Hercberg und 6 weitere autoren -
Dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 spreading under the influence of environmental factors and strategies to tackle the pandemic – 01/06/2022
Zunaira Asif und 8 weitere autoren -
An individualized fMRI-based protocol to assess semantic memory in a heterogeneous multilingual population – 22/05/2022
Magali Perquin und 8 weitere autoren -
Association of neighbourhood disadvantage and individual socioeconomic position with all-cause mortality – 01/05/2022
Ana Isabel Ribeiro und 49 weitere autoren -
Prevalence and Cost of Care for Parkinson’s Disease in Luxembourg – 01/01/2022
Michel Vaillant und 7 weitere autoren -
Small steps, strong shield – 01/05/2022
Jon Patricios und 9 weitere autoren -
Associations between physical activity prior to infection and COVID-19 disease severity and symptoms – 29/04/2022
Laurent Malisoux und 5 weitere autoren -
Impact of intra-category food substitutions on the risk of type 2 diabetes – 01/01/2021
Moufidath Adjibade und 7 weitere autoren -
Identification of vocal biomarkers for screening diabetes and monitoring health of people with diabetes: preliminary results from the COLIVE voice study – 25/04/2022
Abir Elbeji und 3 weitere autoren -
Combinatorial analysis reveals highly coordinated early-stage immune reactions that predict later antiviral immunity in mild COVID-19 patients – 01/01/2022
Christophe Capelle und 23 weitere autoren -
Interim analysis of COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness against Severe Acute Respiratory Infection due to laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 among individuals aged 30 years and older, ECDC multi-country study – second update – 14/03/2022
Nassera Aouali und 4 weitere autoren -
Attitudes and Expectations of Clinical Research Participants Toward Digital Health and Mobile Dietary Assessment Tools – 09/03/2022
Florent Schäfer und 6 weitere autoren -
Associations Between Device-Measured Physical Activity and Glycemic Control and Variability Indices Under Free-Living Conditions – 14/12/2021
Douae El Fatouhi und 7 weitere autoren -
Comparison of Deep Neural Networks and Regularised Cox Regression Models in the Prediction of Neurodegenerative Diseases in the General Older Population – 01/03/2022
Gloria Aguayo und 10 weitere autoren -
The prevalence of physical multimorbidity among people with non-affective psychotic disorders 10 years after first diagnosis – 01/01/2021
Kelly K. Anderson und 3 weitere autoren -
Examining Variations in the Prevalence of Diagnosed Mood or Anxiety Disorders Among Migrant Groups in Ontario, 1995-2015 – 01/02/2022
Jordan Edwards und 5 weitere autoren -
Global Vaccine Equity to End the COVID-19 Pandemic – 27/01/2022
Michael Clarke und 3 weitere autoren -
Association between Dietary Factors and Constipation in Adults Living in Luxembourg and Taking Part in the ORISCAV-LUX 2 Survey – 28/12/2021
Maurane Rollet und 17 weitere autoren -
Advanced analytical methods to assess physical activity behavior using accelerometer time series – 01/01/2021
Anne Backes und 4 weitere autoren -
Improving Diabetes-Related Biomedical Literature Exploration in the Clinical Decision-making Process via Interactive Classification and Topic Discovery – 01/01/2022
Adrian Ahne und 4 weitere autoren -
Objective and subjective sleep measures are associated with HbA1c and insulin sensitivity in the general population – 20/05/2021
Gloria Aguayo und 10 weitere autoren -
Secular trends of ischaemic heart disease, stroke, and dementia in high-income countries from 1990 to 2017 – 01/01/2021
Negar Morovatdar und 11 weitere autoren -
Cardiometabolic Health Associated with Exposures to Mixtures of Chemical Pollutants: Results from the EHES-LUX Study – 01/01/2022
Giovana M. Ciprián und 6 weitere autoren -
Long COVID Classification: Findings from a Clustering Analysis in the Predi-COVID Cohort Study – 01/01/2022
Aurélie Fischer und 8 weitere autoren -
Multimorbidity in large Canadian urban centres: A multilevel analysis of pooled 2015–2018 cross-sectional cycles of the Canadian Community Health Survey – 20/12/2021
Piotr Wilk und 7 weitere autoren -
Examining the double burden of malnutrition for preschool children and women of reproductive age in low-income and middle-income countries – 14/12/2021
Jason Mulimba Were und 4 weitere autoren -
Clustering of obesity-related characteristics – 01/12/2021
Laura N. Anderson und 8 weitere autoren -
Estimated visceral adiposity is associated with risk of cardiometabolic conditions in a population based study – 01/12/2021
Maria Ruiz und 5 weitere autoren -
Methods to Generate Innovative Research Ideas and Improve Patient and Public Involvement in Modern Epidemiological Research – 01/12/2021
Gloria Aguayo und 9 weitere autoren -
Allergy burden in luxembourg: A population-based, cross-sectional health survey paralleled by component-resolved-IgE-diagnosis – 15/11/2021
Rebecca Czolk und 13 weitere autoren -
Identifying causal associations in tweets using deep learning: Use case on diabetes-related tweets from 2017-2021 – 01/11/2021
Adrian Ahne und 8 weitere autoren -
Intérêt d’une approche géostatistique pour analyser les disparités géographiques de la couverture vaccinale contre les papillomavirus humains en France – 30/10/2021
L. Ribassin-Majed und 6 weitere autoren -
Detection of COVID-19 from voice, cough and breathing patterns – 01/11/2021
Vladimir Despotovic und 4 weitere autoren -
Digital technology and disease surveillance in the COVID-19 pandemic – 29/10/2021
Lorie Donelle und 15 weitere autoren -
Global, regional, and national burden of stroke and its risk factors, 1990-2019 – 01/10/2021
Saverio Stranges -
Self-perceived acute psychological stress and risk of mortality, recurrence and disability after stroke – 01/01/2021
Mahmoud Reza Azarpazhooh und 12 weitere autoren -
The associations of the Palaeolithic diet alone and in combination with lifestyle factors with type 2 diabetes and hypertension risks in women in the E3N prospective cohort – 01/01/2021
Sanam Shah und 8 weitere autoren -
Unraveling the concepts of distress, burnout, and depression in type 1 diabetes – 01/10/2021
Gloria Aguayo und 7 weitere autoren -
Systems and Longitudinal Analysis Reveals Early-Stage and Highly Coordinated Immune Responses in Mild COVID-19 Patients – 30/09/2021
Christophe Capelle und 22 weitere autoren -
Worldwide trends in hypertension prevalence and progress in treatment and control from 1990 to 2019 – 11/09/2021
Bin Zhou und 49 weitere autoren -
BMI in the Associations of Plant-Based Diets with Type 2 Diabetes and Hypertension Risks in Women – 04/09/2021
Nasser Laouali und 7 weitere autoren -
Deep immune profiling reveals early-stage and highly coordinated immune responses in mild COVID-19 patients – 02/09/2021
Feng Q Hefeng und 22 weitere autoren -
Digital Health Interventions among People Living with Frailty – 01/01/2021
Gloria Aguayo und 5 weitere autoren -
Musculoskeletal disorders in type 1 diabetes – 01/09/2021
S. Picard und 2 weitere autoren -
The circadian clock remains intact, but with dampened hormonal output in heart failure – 01/09/2021
Sandra Crnko und 14 weitere autoren -
The conundrum of low covid-19 mortality burden in sub-saharan africa – 01/09/2021
Michael Silverman und 10 weitere autoren -
Author Correction – 25/08/2021
Maria Ruiz und 5 weitere autoren -
Towards precision cardiometabolic prevention – 06/08/2021
Guy Fagherazzi und 10 weitere autoren -
Association of lewy bodies, hippocampal sclerosis and amyloid angiopathy with dementia in community-dwelling elderly – 01/08/2021
Mahmoud Reza Azarpazhooh und 8 weitere autoren -
Regular physical activity postpones age of occurrence of first-ever stroke and improves long-term outcomes – 01/01/2020
Mahmoud Reza Azarpazhooh und 11 weitere autoren -
Erratum to – 28/07/2021
Hugo Vicente Miranda und 31 weitere autoren -
Dietary copper/zinc ratio and type 2 diabetes risk in women – 22/07/2021
Marie Christine Boutron-Ruault und 6 weitere autoren -
Association of Migraine With Incident Hypertension After Menopause – 06/07/2021
Conor James Macdonald und 6 weitere autoren -
Is the Consensual Threshold for Defining High Glucose Variability Implementable in Clinical Practice? – 07/06/2021
Jean Baptiste Julla und 12 weitere autoren -
Identification of chemical mixtures to which women are exposed through the diet – 01/07/2021
Francesca Romana Mancini und 4 weitere autoren -
Type 2 diabetes and its characteristics are associated with poor oral health – 23/06/2021
Guy Fagherazzi und 6 weitere autoren -
Examining the correlates of adolescent food and nutrition knowledge – 15/06/2021
Jason A. Gilliland und 7 weitere autoren -
Voice for Health – 01/06/2021
Guy Fagherazzi und 3 weitere autoren -
Deep digital phenotyping in type 1 diabetes – 01/06/2021
Guy Fagherazzi -
The use of social media for health research purposes – 27/05/2021
Guy Fagherazzi und 4 weitere autoren -
N6-Methyladenine in Eukaryotic DNA – 24/05/2021
Jonathan Turner und 12 weitere autoren -
SARS-CoV-2 transmission in educational settings during an early summer epidemic wave in Luxembourg, 2020 – 04/05/2021
Joël Mossong und 8 weitere autoren -
SARS-CoV-2 transmission risk from asymptomatic carriers – 01/05/2021
Paul Wilmes und 14 weitere autoren -
The long-run effects of war on health – 01/05/2021
Julia Mink und 2 weitere autoren -
Associations of physical activity level and variability with 6-month weight change among 26,935 users of connected devices – 15/04/2021
Guy Fagherazzi und 6 weitere autoren -
Systematic review and network meta-analysis of the efficacy of existing treatments for patients with recurrent glioblastoma – 09/04/2021
Anna Schritz und 6 weitere autoren -
Factors associated with the spatial heterogeneity of the first wave of COVID-19 in France – 01/04/2021
Jean Gaudart und 12 weitere autoren -
Gonadal hormonal factors before menopause and incident type 2 diabetes in women: A 22-year follow-up of 83 799 women from the E3N cohort study – 01/04/2021
Guy Fagherazzi und 7 weitere autoren -
Interplay between social media use, sleep quality, and mental health in youth – 01/04/2021
Kelly K. Anderson und 3 weitere autoren -
Risk factors for hypertension in rheumatoid arthritis patients–A systematic review – 18/02/2021
Lillian Barra und 2 weitere autoren -
Heterogeneous contributions of change in population distribution of body mass index to change in obesity and underweight – 09/03/2021
Maria L.C. Iurilli und 49 weitere autoren -
Patterns of sequelae in women with a history of localized breast cancer – 08/03/2021
Olivia Pérol und 16 weitere autoren -
Body mass index, waist circumference, waist-to-hip ratio, and body fat in relation to health care use in the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging – 01/03/2021
Laura N. Anderson und 7 weitere autoren -
The Long Noncoding RNA Landscape of Cardiac Regeneration in Zebrafish – 01/03/2021
Yvan Devaux und 4 weitere autoren -
Scoping review protocol on the use of social media for health research purposes – 11/02/2021
Guy Fagherazzi und 4 weitere autoren -
Epidémiologie des cancers – 01/02/2021
Alaa Al Kerwi und 8 weitere autoren -
Prévention primaire – 01/02/2021
Jessica Barré-Scholving und 25 weitere autoren -
Rapport national du cancer au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg 2020 – 01/02/2021
Institut National du Cancer und 11 weitere autoren -
Vivre pendant et après un cancer – 01/02/2021
Marc Karim Bendiane und 5 weitere autoren -
A comparison of COVID-19 epidemiological indicators in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Finland – 01/02/2021
Erica A. Yarmol-Matusiak und 2 weitere autoren -
Exposure of wild mammals to glyphosate, AMPA, and glufosinate – 23/01/2025
Clémentine Fritsch und 11 weitere autoren -
Comprehensive analysis, comprehensive understanding – 17/12/2024
Brice Appenzeller und 1 weiterer autor -
Cardiovascular risk factors in relation to hair polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the NESCAV study – 27/11/2024
Brice Appenzeller und 9 weitere autoren -
Exposure assessment of the European adult population to deoxynivalenol – Results from the HBM4EU Aligned Studies – 01/12/2024
Sónia Namorado und 24 weitere autoren -
Cross-Sectional Examination of Thyroid Hormones and Environmental Exposure to Multiclass Pesticides in Women of Reproductive Age in China – 18/10/2024
Brice Appenzeller und 6 weitere autoren -
Exposure to pesticides, persistent and non − persistent pollutants in French 3.5-year-old children – 07/07/2024
Florence Zeman und 5 weitere autoren -
PBPK modeling to support risk assessment of pyrethroid exposure in French pregnant women – 08/03/2024
Florence Zeman und 7 weitere autoren -
Glucocorticoid hormones in relation to environmental exposure to bisphenols and multiclass pesticides among middle aged-women – 22/03/2024
Brice Appenzeller und 6 weitere autoren -
Hair-Derived Exposome Exploration of Cardiometabolic Health – 24/03/2024
Marc Chadeau-Hyam und 13 weitere autoren -
A meta-analysis highlighting the increasing relevance of the hair matrix in exposure assessment to organic pollutants – 01/02/2024
Muhammad Junaid und 7 weitere autoren -
Publisher Correction – 29/01/2024
Federica Laguzzi und 35 weitere autoren -
Association of hair polychlorinated biphenyls and multiclass pesticides with obesity, diabetes, hypertension and dyslipidemia in NESCAV study – 27/09/2023
Brice Appenzeller und 10 weitere autoren -
Association between Environmental Exposure to Multiclass Organic Pollutants and Sex Steroid Hormone Levels in Women of Reproductive Age – 07/11/2023
Brice Appenzeller und 6 weitere autoren -
Determinants of exposure to acrylamide in European children and adults based on urinary biomarkers – 02/12/2023
Laguzzi Federica und 35 weitere autoren -
Time Patterns in Internal Human Exposure Data to Bisphenols, Phthalates, DINCH, Organophosphate Flame Retardants, Cadmium and Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons in Europe – 28/09/2023
Laura Rodriguez Martin und 61 weitere autoren -
Chemical Exposure Highlighted without Any A Priori Information in an Epidemiological Study by Metabolomic FT-ICR-MS Fingerprinting at High Throughput and High Resolution – 28/02/2023
Estelle Rathahao-Paris und 8 weitere autoren -
Advancing in hair testing – 01/01/2023
Donata Favretto und 3 weitere autoren -
Environmental tobacco smoke at home and in public places prior to smoking ban enforcement – 23/12/2022
Brice Appenzeller und 5 weitere autoren -
The Society of Hair Testing consensus on general recommendations for hair testing and drugs of abuse testing in hair – 01/01/2023
Donata Favretto und 14 weitere autoren -
Association of diet quality indices with serum and metabolic biomarkers in participants of the ORISCAV-LUX-2 study – 01/01/2023
Farhad Vahid und 28 weitere autoren -
Transcriptomic profiling reveals differential cellular response to copper oxide nanoparticles and polystyrene nanoplastics in perfused human placenta – 07/06/2023
Tina Buerki-Thurnherr und 10 weitere autoren -
Skin microbiome differentiates into distinct cutotypes with unique metabolic functions upon exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons – 01/06/2023
Patrick K.H. Lee und 13 weitere autoren -
Incorporation of Fast-Elimination Chemicals in Hair Is Governed by Pharmacokinetics-Implications for Exposure Assessment – 01/01/2022
Brice Appenzeller und 7 weitere autoren -
Harmonized human biomonitoring in European children, teenagers and adults – 09/02/2023
Eva Govarts und 110 weitere autoren -
Characterizing the adult exposome in men and women from the general population – 26/01/2023
Maria Ruiz und 8 weitere autoren -
Skin microbiome differentiates into distinct cutotypes with unique metabolic functions upon exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons – 09/02/2023
Patrick K.H. Lee und 10 weitere autoren -
Associations Between Wearable-Specific Indicators of Physical Activity Behaviour and Insulin Sensitivity and Glycated Haemoglobin in the General Population – 12/12/2022
Anne Backes und 29 weitere autoren -
Measurement of hair thyroid and steroid hormone concentrations in the rat evidence endocrine disrupting potential of a low dose mixture of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons – 15/09/2022
Brice Appenzeller und 3 weitere autoren -
Pervasive exposure of wild small mammals to legacy and currently used pesticide mixtures in arable landscapes – 23/09/2022
Clémentine Fritsch und 18 weitere autoren -
Cadmium exposure in adults across Europe – 01/09/2022
Janja Snoj Tratnik und 26 weitere autoren -
Comprehensive Assessment of Local Population Chemical Exposome by Combination of Organic Pollutant- and Metal-Multi-Residue Analysis in Hair – 01/01/2021
Alba Iglesias Gonzalez und 6 weitere autoren -
Hormonal profile changes induced by pesticide mixture exposure in female rats revealed by hair analysis – 26/05/2022
Brice Appenzeller und 3 weitere autoren -
Precision Health – 01/09/2022
Guy Fagherazzi und 11 weitere autoren -
Precision Health – 01/09/2022
Guy Fagherazzi und 11 weitere autoren -
Precision Health – 01/09/2022
Guy Fagherazzi und 11 weitere autoren -
Time Trends of Acrylamide Exposure in Europe – 17/08/2022
Michael Poteser und 28 weitere autoren -
Trends of Exposure to Acrylamide as Measured by Urinary Biomarkers Levels within the HBM4EU Biomonitoring Aligned Studies (2000–2021) – 02/08/2022
Michael Poteser und 29 weitere autoren -
Biomonitoring of children exposure to pollutants based on hair analysis – 13/07/2022
Alba Iglesias Gonzalez -
Investigating children’s chemical exposome – Description and possible determinants of exposure in the region of Luxembourg based on hair analysis – 11/06/2022
Alba Iglesias Gonzalez und 6 weitere autoren -
Harmonization of Human Biomonitoring Studies in Europe – 01/06/2022
Liese Gilles und 60 weitere autoren -
Differences and Interactions in Placental Manganese and Iron Transfer across an In Vitro Model of Human Villous Trophoblasts – 18/03/2022
Julia Bornhorst und 7 weitere autoren -
Profiling steroid and thyroid hormones with hair analysis in a cohort of women aged 25 to 45 years old – 18/03/2022
Brice Appenzeller und 5 weitere autoren -
Chimpanzee exposure to pollution revealed by human biomonitoring approaches – 15/03/2022
Sabrina Krief und 8 weitere autoren -
Association between Dietary Factors and Constipation in Adults Living in Luxembourg and Taking Part in the ORISCAV-LUX 2 Survey – 28/12/2021
Maurane Rollet und 17 weitere autoren -
Cardiometabolic Health Associated with Exposures to Mixtures of Chemical Pollutants: Results from the EHES-LUX Study – 01/01/2022
Giovana M. Ciprián und 6 weitere autoren -
Linking Macroinvertebrates and Physicochemical Parameters for Water Quality Assessment in the Lower Basin of the Volta River in Ghana – 01/01/2021
Paul J. Van den Brink und 3 weitere autoren -
(Eco)toxicological tests for assessing impacts of chemical stress to aquatic ecosystems – 15/11/2021
Lara M. Schuijt und 4 weitere autoren -
Nexus between perfluoroalkyl compounds (PFCs) and human thyroid dysfunction – 01/01/2020
Weiping Xie und 5 weitere autoren -
Multi-omics analysis to decipher the molecular link between chronic exposure to pollution and human skin dysfunction – 15/09/2021
Namita Misra und 13 weitere autoren -
Population-based biomonitoring of exposure to persistent and non-persistent organic pollutants in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg – 01/08/2021
Brice Appenzeller und 6 weitere autoren -
Biomonitoring of fast-elimination endocrine disruptors – Results from a 6-month follow up on human volunteers with repeated urine and hair collection – 15/07/2021
Brice Appenzeller und 5 weitere autoren -
Novel Strategies for the assessment of exposure to fast elimination endocrine disruptors with non-invasive biological sampling – 13/07/2021
François Fays -
Hair versus urine for the biomonitoring of pesticide exposure – 01/07/2021
Brice Appenzeller und 7 weitere autoren -
Impact of protein-enriched plant food items on the bioaccessibility and cellular uptake of carotenoids – 23/06/2021
Torsten Bohn und 7 weitere autoren -
Double constrained ordination for assessing biological trait responses to multiple stressors – 01/02/2021
Fengjiao Peng und 3 weitere autoren -
Micronutrients and markers of oxidative stress and inflammation related to cardiometabolic health – 22/12/2020
Maria Ruiz und 8 weitere autoren -
Is there an optimal sampling time and number of samples for assessing exposure to fast elimination endocrine disruptors with urinary biomarkers? – 10/12/2020
François Fays und 10 weitere autoren -
Human exposure to PCBs, PBDEs and bisphenols revealed by hair analysis – 01/12/2020
Fengjiao Peng und 11 weitere autoren -
Road impact in a protected area with rich biodiversity – 01/08/2020
Sabrina Krief und 9 weitere autoren -
Skin exposome science in practice – 01/07/2020
L. Aguilar und 2 weitere autoren -
Changes of the human skin microbiota upon chronic exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon pollutants – 26/06/2020
Patrick K.H. Lee und 12 weitere autoren -
Erratum – 02/06/2020
Artem Krasnobaev und 7 weitere autoren -
Exposure to multiclass pesticides among female adult population in two Chinese cities revealed by hair analysis – 01/05/2020
Brice Appenzeller und 9 weitere autoren -
Benthic invertebrate and microbial biodiversity in sub-tropical urban rivers – 20/03/2020
Fengjiao Peng und 7 weitere autoren -
Legacy and Emerging Persistent Organic Pollutants in Antarctic Benthic Invertebrates near Rothera Point, Western Antarctic Peninsula – 03/03/2020
Nico W. Van Den Brink und 7 weitere autoren -
Alternative halogenated flame retardants (AHFRs) in green mussels from the south China sea – 01/03/2020
Runxia Sun und 5 weitere autoren -
Ultra performance liquid chromatography – tandem mass spectrometer method applied to the analysis of both thyroid and steroid hormones in human hair – 08/02/2020
Nathalie Grova und 5 weitere autoren -
Occurrence and congener profiles of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in green mussels (Perna viridis) collected from northern South China Sea and the associated potential health risk – 01/01/2020
Runxia Sun und 4 weitere autoren -
Cumulative exposure to organic pollutants of French children assessed by hair analysis – 01/01/2020
Alba Iglesias Gonzalez und 2 weitere autoren -
Multiple pesticides in mothers‘ hair samples and children’s measurements at birth – 01/01/2020
Rémi Béranger und 6 weitere autoren -
PAHs increase the production of extracellular vesicles both in vitro in endothelial cells and in vivo in urines from rats – 01/12/2019
Eric Le Ferrec und 11 weitere autoren -
Blood pharmacokinetic of 17 common pesticides in mixture following a single oral exposure in rats – 01/10/2019
Caroline Chata und 6 weitere autoren -
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Can Trigger Hepatocyte Release of Extracellular Vesicles by Various Mechanisms of Action Depending on Their Affinity for the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor – 01/10/2019
Odile Sergent und 13 weitere autoren -
Human pollution exposure correlates with accelerated ultrastructural degradation of hair fibers – 10/09/2019
Thomas Bornschlögl und 7 weitere autoren -
Biomonitoring of children exposure to urban pollution and environmental tobacco smoke with hair analysis – A pilot study on children living in Paris and Yeu Island, France – 15/05/2019
Brice Appenzeller und 2 weitere autoren -
Challenges and benefits of integrating diverse sampling strategies in the observation of cardiovascular risk factors (ORISCAV-LUX 2) study – 04/02/2019
Alaa Al Kerwi und 17 weitere autoren -
Exposure to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Leads to Non-monotonic Modulation of DNA and RNA (hydroxy)methylation in a Rat Model – 01/12/2018
Radu Duca und 7 weitere autoren -
Exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in women living in the Chinese cities of BaoDing and Dalian revealed by hair analysis – 01/12/2018
Brice Appenzeller und 9 weitere autoren -
Mechanisms involved in the death of steatotic WIF-B9 hepatocytes co-exposed to benzo[a]pyrene and ethanol – 01/12/2018
Dominique Lagadic-Gossmann und 13 weitere autoren -
Regulatory identification of BPA as an endocrine disruptor – 05/11/2018
C. Beausoleil und 27 weitere autoren -
Multiple pesticide analysis in hair samples of pregnant French women – 01/11/2018
Rémi Béranger und 8 weitere autoren -
Exposure to environmental levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons leads to epigenetic modulation in a rat model – 10/10/2018
Radu Duca und 6 weitere autoren -
Hair analysis for the biomonitoring of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon exposure – 01/10/2018
Nathalie Grova und 4 weitere autoren -
Identification of beta-arrestin-1 as a diagnostic biomarker in lung cancer – 28/08/2018
Victoria El Khoury und 13 weitere autoren -
Study of the incorporation mechanism of organic chemicals into hair – 29/05/2018
Caroline Chata -
Potential of dynamically harmonized Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance cell for high-throughput metabolomics fingerprinting – 01/01/2018
Estelle Rathahao-Paris und 6 weitere autoren -
Identification of new tetrahydroxylated metabolites of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in hair as biomarkers of exposure and signature of DNA adduct levels – 01/12/2017
Nathalie Grova und 6 weitere autoren -
Chemical evaluation of electronic cigarettes – 01/10/2017
Anne Garat und 13 weitere autoren -
Microrna 150-5p improves risk classification for mortality within 90 days after acute ischemic stroke – 01/09/2017
Mira Katan und 7 weitere autoren -
Hair analysis for the biomonitoring of pesticide exposure – 01/08/2017
Brice Appenzeller und 7 weitere autoren -
Protein S100 as outcome predictor after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest and targeted temperature management at 33 °C and 36 °C – 20/06/2017
Pascal Stammet und 21 weitere autoren -
Genetic and epigenetic alterations in normal and sensitive COPD-diseased human bronchial epithelial cells repeatedly exposed to air pollution-derived PM2.5 – 01/01/2017
G. Garçon und 13 weitere autoren -
New insights into urine-based assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-exposure from a rat model – 01/01/2017
Nathalie Grova und 3 weitere autoren -
Role for the ATPase inhibitory factor 1 in the environmental carcinogen-induced Warburg phenotype – 01/01/2017
Dominique Lagadic-Gossmann und 13 weitere autoren -
Reduced rapid eye movement density in Parkinson disease – 01/12/2016
Nico J. Diederich und 5 weitere autoren -
Differential responses of healthy and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseased human bronchial epithelial cells repeatedly exposed to air pollution-derived PM4 – 01/11/2016
G. Garçon und 10 weitere autoren -
Mortality prediction of 35 frailty scores in a 7-years follow-up study in elderly general population – 01/11/2016
Gloria Aguayo und 8 weitere autoren -
Determination of tetrahydroxylated metabolites in hair and DNA of rats under controlled exposure to a mixture of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: new biomarkers for assessing human exposure – 01/09/2016
Nathalie Grova und 3 weitere autoren -
Epigenetic changes upon multi-residue exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons – 01/09/2016
Radu Duca und 5 weitere autoren -
Influence of pesticide physicochemical properties on the association between plasma and hair concentration – 01/05/2016
Brice Appenzeller und 3 weitere autoren -
Analysis of tetrahydroxylated benzo[a]pyrene isomers in hair as biomarkers of exposure to benzo[a]pyrene – 01/03/2016
Nathalie Grova und 3 weitere autoren -
Behavioral toxicity and physiological changes from repeated exposure to fluorene administered orally or intraperitoneally to adult male Wistar rats – 01/03/2016
Julie Peiffer und 7 weitere autoren -
Pesticide detection in air samples from contrasted houses and in their inhabitants‘ hair – 15/02/2016
Caroline Raeppel und 3 weitere autoren -
Multi-residue analysis of organic pollutants in hair and urine for matrices comparison – 01/04/2015
Brice Appenzeller und 3 weitere autoren -
Analysis of airborne pesticides from different chemical classes adsorbed on Radiello® Tenax® passive tubes by thermal-desorption-GC/MS – 01/02/2015
Maurice Millet und 6 weitere autoren -
Hair Analysis for the Biomonitoring of Human Exposure to Organic Pollutants – 01/01/2015
Brice Appenzeller -
Determination of seven pyrethroids biocides and their synergist in indoor air by thermal-desorption gas chromatography/mass spectrometry after sampling on Tenax TA® passive tubes – 01/01/2015
Maurice Millet und 2 weitere autoren -
Tetrahydroxylated-benzo[a]pyrene isomer analysis after hydrolysis of DNA-adducts isolated from rat and human white blood cells – 17/10/2014
Nathalie Grova und 4 weitere autoren -
Short-term effects of a perinatal exposure to a 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon mixture in rats – 01/07/2014
Guillemette Crépeaux und 8 weitere autoren -
Hair decontamination procedure prior to multi-class pesticide analysis – 01/06/2014
Brice Appenzeller und 3 weitere autoren -
Comparison of solid phase- and liquid/liquid-extraction for the purification of hair extract prior to multi-class pesticides analysis – 01/04/2014
Brice Appenzeller und 3 weitere autoren -
Coupling ASE, sylilation and SPME-GC/MS for the analysis of current-used pesticides in atmosphere – 01/04/2014
Maurice Millet und 4 weitere autoren -
An update of issues regarding hair analysis of organic pollutants – 01/02/2014
M. Kavvalakis und 2 weitere autoren -
Monitoring of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the atmosphere of southern Luxembourg using XAD-2 resin-based passive samplers – 01/02/2014
Maurice Millet und 2 weitere autoren -
Gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry analysis of 52 monohydroxylated metabolites of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in hairs of rats after controlled exposure – 01/11/2013
Nathalie Grova und 2 weitere autoren -
Neurobehavioral Toxicity of a Repeated Exposure (14 Days) to the Airborne Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Fluorene in Adult Wistar Male Rats – 20/08/2013
Henri Schroeder und 9 weitere autoren -
Application of XAD-2 resin-based passive samplers and SPME-GC-MS/MS analysis for the monitoring of spatial and temporal variations of atmospheric pesticides in Luxembourg – 01/11/2012
Maurice Millet und 4 weitere autoren -
Determination of farm workers‘ exposure to pesticides by hair analysis – 25/04/2012
Brice Appenzeller und 4 weitere autoren -
Hair analysis for biomonitoring of environmental and occupational exposure to organic pollutants – 25/04/2012
Brice Appenzeller und 1 weiterer autor -
Reply to – 25/04/2012
Brice Appenzeller und 1 weiterer autor -
Simultaneous determination of nicotine and PAH metabolites in human hair specimen – 25/04/2012
Brice Appenzeller und 4 weitere autoren -
Multi-class pesticide analysis in human hair by gas chromatography tandem (triple quadrupole) mass spectrometry with solid phase microextraction and liquid injection – 13/01/2012
Brice Appenzeller und 4 weitere autoren -
Simultaneous analysis of pesticides from different chemical classes by using a derivatisation step and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry – 04/11/2011
Maurice Millet und 5 weitere autoren -
Impact of hair-care products on FAEE hair concentrations in substance abuse monitoring – 01/04/2011
Joey Gareri und 3 weitere autoren -
1,5-Electrocyc-lization of 1-alkyl-3-[(2Z)-2,4-diaryl-4-oxobut-2-en-1-yl]- 1H-benzimidazol-3-ium bromides – 01/01/2011
L. M. Potikha und 2 weitere autoren -
Synthesis of azepino[1,2-a]benzimidazole and imidazo[1,2-a]azepine derivatives – 01/01/2011
L. M. Potikha und 2 weitere autoren -
Internet Suicide Guidelines – 01/06/2010
Serge Schneider und 5 weitere autoren -
Temporal variations of concentrations of currently used pesticides in the atmosphere of Strasbourg, France – 01/02/2010
Maurice Millet und 5 weitere autoren -
A new method or pyridine cycle attachment to the derivatives of imidazole and benzimidazole – 01/01/2010
L. M. Potikha und 3 weitere autoren -
An interaction of (Z)-4-bromo-1,3-di(2-thieny1)-2-buten-1-one with amines, the synthesis of di(2-thieny1)azolo[a]pyridines – 01/01/2010
L. M. Potikha und 6 weitere autoren -
Gas/particle partitioning of currently used pesticides in the atmosphere of Strasbourg (France) – 01/01/2010
Maurice Millet und 4 weitere autoren -
Synthesis of diarylazolo[a]pyridines from [(Z)-2,4-diaryl-4-oxo-2-butenyl] azolium salts – 01/01/2010
L. M. Potikha und 3 weitere autoren -
Determination of hydroxylated metabolites of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in human hair by gas chromatography-negative chemical ionization mass spectrometry – 07/08/2009
Claude Schummer und 3 weitere autoren -
Comparison of MTBSTFA and BSTFA in derivatization reactions of polar compounds prior to GC/MS analysis – 15/02/2009
Claude Schummer und 4 weitere autoren -
Synthesis and properties of Z-1,3-bis(aryI)-4-bromo-2-buten-1-ones – 01/01/2009
L. M. Potikha und 2 weitere autoren -
Quantitative determination of ethyl glucuronide in sweat – 01/08/2008
Claude Schummer und 2 weitere autoren -
Determination of fentanyl in sweat and hair of a patient using transdermal patches – 01/04/2008
Serge Schneider und 6 weitere autoren -
Synthesis of 11-methyl-7,9-diphenyl-6H,11H-azepino[2,1-b]benzimidazol-5-ium bromide – 01/01/2008
V. A. Kovtunenko und 3 weitere autoren -
Segmental determination of ethyl glucuronide in hair – 20/12/2007
Brice Appenzeller und 4 weitere autoren -
Determination of the volume of sweat accumulated in a sweat-patch using sodium and potassium as internal reference – 01/06/2007
Brice Appenzeller und 3 weitere autoren -
Ethyl glucuronide concentration in hair is not influenced by pigmentation – 01/01/2007
Brice Appenzeller und 3 weitere autoren -
Drugs and chronic alcohol abuse in drivers – 20/12/2005
Brice Appenzeller und 4 weitere autoren -
Altered distribution of transferrin isoforms according to serum storage conditions – 01/11/2005
Brice Appenzeller und 1 weiterer autor -
Relationship between blood alcohol concentration and carbohydrate-deficient transferrin among drivers – 01/08/2005
Brice Appenzeller und 3 weitere autoren -
National, regional, and global trends in insufficient physical activity among adults from 2000 to 2022 – 01/08/2024
Tessa Strain und 49 weitere autoren -
‚Let me recommend… ‚ – 31/07/2024
Sarah Forberger und 9 weitere autoren -
Associations of movement behaviours and dietary intake with arterial stiffness – 27/07/2024
Laurent Malisoux und 6 weitere autoren -
Longitudinal study of changes in greenness exposure, physical activity and sedentary behavior in the ORISCAV-LUX cohort study – 21/05/2024
Juliette F.E. van Beek und 8 weitere autoren -
Local retail food environment exposure and diet quality in rural and urban adults – 01/05/2024
Marion Tharrey und 8 weitere autoren -
Multicomponent (bio)markers for obesity risk prediction – 08/03/2024
Torsten Bohn und 21 weitere autoren -
Running-Related Injuries Among More Than 7000 Runners in 87 Different Countries – 16/11/2023
Rasmus Oestergaard Nielsen und 3 weitere autoren -
Gait asymmetry in spatiotemporal and kinetic variables does not increase running-related injury risk in lower limbs – 07/12/2023
Laurent Malisoux und 4 weitere autoren -
Ten-Year Changes in the Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviors of Adults – 21/08/2023
Marina Christofoletti und 4 weitere autoren -
Reference Values and Determinants of Spatiotemporal and Kinetic Variables in Recreational Runners – 19/10/2023
Laurent Malisoux und 4 weitere autoren -
Device-measured physical activity and sedentary time in a national sample of Luxembourg residents: moving beyond the traditional metrics in the ORISCAV-LUX 2 study – 01/09/2023
Laurent Malisoux und 3 weitere autoren -
Longitudinal associations between residential greenness exposure, physical activity and sedentary behavior levels: a country-wide study in Luxembourg – 01/09/2023
J. E.A. van Beek und 7 weitere autoren -
Substituting device-measured sedentary time with alternative 24-hour movement behaviours: compositional associations with adiposity, cardiometabolic risk and arterial stiffness in the ORISCAV-LUX 2 study – 01/09/2023
Paul J Collings und 4 weitere autoren -
O.3.2-2 Substituting device-measured sedentary time with alternative 24-hour movement behaviours – 01/09/2023
Paul James Collings und 4 weitere autoren -
Arterial stiffness and the reallocation of time between device-measured 24-hour movement behaviours – 05/07/2023
Laurent Malisoux und 2 weitere autoren -
Association of diet quality indices with serum and metabolic biomarkers in participants of the ORISCAV-LUX-2 study – 01/01/2023
Farhad Vahid und 28 weitere autoren -
Urban densification over 9 years and change in the metabolic syndrome – 08/06/2023
Marion Tharrey und 4 weitere autoren -
Nine-year exposure to residential greenness and the risk of metabolic syndrome among Luxembourgish adults – 05/04/2023
Marion Tharrey und 4 weitere autoren -
Nine-year exposure to residential greenness and the risk of metabolic syndrome among Luxembourgish adults – 27/04/2023
Marion Tharrey und 4 weitere autoren -
Substituting device-measured sedentary time with alternative 24-hour movement behaviours – 04/04/2023
Laurent Malisoux und 4 weitere autoren -
Status and Trends of Physical Activity Surveillance, Policy, and Research in 164 Countries – 19/12/2022
Andrea Ramírez Varela und 165 weitere autoren -
Lower impact forces but greater burden for the musculoskeletal system in running shoes with greater cushioning stiffness – 01/01/2022
Laurent Malisoux und 4 weitere autoren -
Associations Between Wearable-Specific Indicators of Physical Activity Behaviour and Insulin Sensitivity and Glycated Haemoglobin in the General Population – 12/12/2022
Anne Backes und 29 weitere autoren -
Device-measured physical activity and sedentary time in a national sample of Luxembourg residents – 01/12/2022
Laurent Malisoux und 3 weitere autoren -
Sports injury prevention programmes from the sports physical therapist’s perspective – 07/04/2022
Luciana D. Mendonça und 28 weitere autoren -
Associations between physical activity prior to infection and COVID-19 disease severity and symptoms – 29/04/2022
Laurent Malisoux und 5 weitere autoren -
Associations Between Device-Measured Physical Activity and Glycemic Control and Variability Indices Under Free-Living Conditions – 14/12/2021
Douae El Fatouhi und 7 weitere autoren -
Spatiotemporal and Ground-Reaction Force Characteristics as Risk Factors for Running-Related Injury – 20/01/2022
Laurent Malisoux und 4 weitere autoren -
Association between Dietary Factors and Constipation in Adults Living in Luxembourg and Taking Part in the ORISCAV-LUX 2 Survey – 28/12/2021
Maurane Rollet und 17 weitere autoren -
Advanced analytical methods to assess physical activity behavior using accelerometer time series – 01/01/2021
Anne Backes und 4 weitere autoren -
Objective and subjective sleep measures are associated with HbA1c and insulin sensitivity in the general population – 20/05/2021
Gloria Aguayo und 10 weitere autoren -
Relevance of Frequency-Domain Analyses to Relate Shoe Cushioning, Ground Impact Forces and Running Injury Risk – 11/11/2021
Laurent Malisoux und 5 weitere autoren -
Towards precision cardiometabolic prevention – 06/08/2021
Guy Fagherazzi und 10 weitere autoren -
The effect of shoe cushioning on injury risk, landing impact forces and spatiotemporal parameters during running: results from a randomised trial including 800+ recreational runners – 13/07/2021
Laurent Malisoux und 4 weitere autoren -
Effect of shoe cushioning on landing impact forces and spatiotemporal parameters during running – 03/07/2021
Laurent Malisoux und 4 weitere autoren -
Associations of physical activity level and variability with 6-month weight change among 26,935 users of connected devices – 15/04/2021
Guy Fagherazzi und 6 weitere autoren -
Motion-control shoes reduce the risk of pronation-related pathologies in recreational runners – 01/03/2021
Tine Marieke Willems und 4 weitere autoren -
Motivational Interviewing to Increase Physical Activity Behavior in Cancer Patients – 01/02/2021
Laurent Malisoux und 5 weitere autoren -
Advanced analytical methods to assess physical activity behaviour using accelerometer raw time series data – 01/12/2020
Laurent Malisoux und 4 weitere autoren -
Can the „Appropriate“ footwear prevent injury in leisure-time running? evidence versus beliefs – 01/12/2020
Laurent Malisoux und 1 weiterer autor -
Running shoes and running injuries – 01/11/2020
Daniel Theisen und 2 weitere autoren -
Physical ergonomics of distance running footwear – 03/09/2020
Laurent Malisoux und 1 weiterer autor -
Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) in sports injury research – 01/01/2020
Rasmus Oestergaard Nielsen und 7 weitere autoren -
Motivational Interviewing to Increase Physical Activity Behavior in Cancer Patients – 01/01/2020
Laurent Malisoux und 7 weitere autoren -
The stiffness response of type IIa fibres after eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage is dependent on ACTN3 r577X polymorphism – 21/04/2019
Siacia Broos und 6 weitere autoren -
Challenges and benefits of integrating diverse sampling strategies in the observation of cardiovascular risk factors (ORISCAV-LUX 2) study – 04/02/2019
Alaa Al Kerwi und 17 weitere autoren -
Mortality prediction of 35 frailty scores in a 7-years follow-up study in elderly general population – 01/11/2016
Gloria Aguayo und 8 weitere autoren -
Association of LEF1-AS1 with cardiovascular and neurological complications of COVID-19 – 22/12/2024
Yvan Devaux und 8 weitere autoren -
Clinical phenotyping of people living with type 1 diabetes according to their levels of diabetes-related distress – 24/02/2025
Guy Fagherazzi und 15 weitere autoren -
Readiness of adults with type 1 diabetes and diabetes caregivers for diabetes distress monitoring using a voice-based digital health solution – 02/01/2025
Gloria Aguayo und 8 weitere autoren -
The effect of automated insulin delivery system use on diabetes distress in people with type 1 diabetes and their caregivers – 26/12/2024
Gloria Aguayo und 7 weitere autoren -
A voice-based algorithm can predict type 2 diabetes status in USA adults – 19/12/2024
Guy Fagherazzi und 8 weitere autoren -
Exploring Vocal Biomarkers For Disease Screening and Health Monitoring – 18/12/2024
Abir Elbeji -
Fear of hypoglycemia and sleep in children with type 1 diabetes and their parents – 16/12/2024
Ulrike Schierloh und 9 weitere autoren -
Development of a digital health solution based on vocal biomarkers to remotely monitor frequent symptoms in real-life in people with Covid-19 or Long Covid. – 11/12/2024
Aurélie Fischer -
The Imperative of Voice Data Collection in Clinical Trials – 13/11/2024
Guy Fagherazzi und 1 weiterer autor -
Worldwide trends in diabetes prevalence and treatment from 1990 to 2022 – 13/11/2024
Bin Zhou und 49 weitere autoren -
Digital voice-based biomarker for monitoring respiratory quality of life – 01/10/2024
Vladimir Despotovic und 6 weitere autoren -
Dopamine Pathway and Parkinson’s Risk Variants Are Associated with Levodopa-Induced Dyskinesia – 01/01/2024
Ziv Gan-Or und 49 weitere autoren -
Prediction of COVID-19 severity using machine learning – 01/10/2024
Yvan Devaux und 29 weitere autoren -
Sex inequalities in cardiovascular risk factors and their management in primary prevention in adults living with type 1 diabetes in Germany and France – 16/09/2024
Emmanuel Cosson und 9 weitere autoren -
Co-design of a voice-based app to monitor long COVID symptoms with its end-users – 09/09/2024
Aurélie Fischer und 8 weitere autoren -
Integrating digital gait data with metabolomics and clinical data to predict outcomes in Parkinson’s disease – 06/09/2024
Enrico Glaab und 54 weitere autoren -
Can we screen for type 2 diabetes using voice? – 01/09/2024
Guy Fagherazzi und 8 weitere autoren -
Levodopa-induced dyskinesia in Parkinson’s disease – 01/09/2024
Rebecca Ting Jiin Loo und 53 weitere autoren -
Multimodal Fusion for Vocal Biomarkers Using Vector Cross-Attention – 01/09/2024
Vladimir Despotovic und 3 weitere autoren -
The transformative role of artificial intelligence in diabetes care and research – 27/07/2024
Guy Fagherazzi und 4 weitere autoren -
Digital Vocal Biomarker of Smoking Status Using Ecological Audio Recordings – 03/07/2024
Guy Fagherazzi und 3 weitere autoren -
Mixed effects models but not t-tests or linear regression detect progression of apathy in Parkinson’s disease over seven years in a cohort – 24/08/2024
Anne-Marie Hanff und 53 weitere autoren -
Heterogeneity of glycaemic phenotypes in type 1 diabetes – 23/05/2024
Guy Fagherazzi und 29 weitere autoren -
The impact of patient registration on utilisation and quality of care – 12/07/2024
Valerie Moran und 6 weitere autoren -
Cardiovascular history and risk of idiopathic Parkinson’s disease – 08/07/2024
Shubhra Acharya und 46 weitere autoren -
Smartphone use and cerebro-cardio-vascular health – 01/07/2024
Yvan Devaux und 2 weitere autoren -
Assessment of the Impact of Subcutaneous Catheter Change on Glucose Control in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes Treated by Insulin Pump in Open- and Closed-Loop Modes – 01/01/2024
J. P. Riveline und 9 weitere autoren -
A Voice-Based AI Algorithm Can Predict Type 2 Diabetes Status-Findings from the Colive Voice Study on US Adult Participants – 14/06/2024
Abir Elbeji und 8 weitere autoren -
Converging peripheral blood microRNA profiles in Parkinson’s disease and progressive supranuclear palsy – 31/05/2024
Lukas Pavelka und 125 weitere autoren -
Development of a long noncoding RNA-based machine learning model to predict COVID-19 in-hospital mortality – 20/05/2024
Yvan Devaux und 34 weitere autoren -
Automatic detection of sleepiness-related symptoms and syndromes using voice and speech biomarkers – 01/05/2024
Vincent P Martin und 2 weitere autoren -
The use of an automated insulin delivery system is associated with a reduction in diabetes distress and improvement in quality of life in people with type 1 diabetes – 01/01/2024
Yves Reznik und 7 weitere autoren -
Why Voice Biomarkers of Psychiatric Disorders are not used in Clinical Practice? Deconstructing the Myth of the Need for Objective Diagnoses – 01/05/2024
Jean Luc Rouas und 1 weiterer autor -
Gut microbiome is not associated with mild cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s disease – 06/04/2024
Velma T.E. Aho und 54 weitere autoren -
Objective evaluation of excessive daytime sleepiness – 23/02/2024
Jacques Taillard und 4 weitere autoren -
Sleepiness should be reinvestigated through the lens of clinical neurophysiology – 23/02/2024
Jean Arthur Micoulaud-Franchi und 5 weitere autoren -
Comprehensive blood metabolomics profiling of Parkinson’s disease reveals coordinated alterations in xanthine metabolism – 19/03/2024
Elisa Gómez De Lope und 132 weitere autoren -
Automatic detection of sleepiness-related symptoms and syndromes using voice and speech biomarkers – 18/03/2024
Vincent P Martin und 2 weitere autoren -
Creation of a pandemic memory by tracing COVID-19 infections and immunity in Luxembourg (CON-VINCE) – 09/02/2024
Olena Tsurkalenko und 30 weitere autoren -
ALTRUIST – 05/02/2024
Guy Fagherazzi und 3 weitere autoren -
Education as Risk Factor of Mild Cognitive Impairment – 01/01/2024
Matthias Klee und 136 weitere autoren -
Development and validation of a Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes-specific patient-reported experience measure e-questionnaire – 01/01/2024
Coline Hehn und 11 weitere autoren -
Relationship between multimorbidity, functional limitation, and quality of life among middle-aged and older adults – 01/01/2023
Piotr Wilk und 10 weitere autoren -
Luxembourg Parkinson’s study -comprehensive baseline analysis of Parkinson’s disease and atypical parkinsonism – 19/12/2023
Rejko Krüger und 25 weitere autoren -
Author Correction – 18/12/2023
Sinthuja Pachchek und 45 weitere autoren -
Use of artificial intelligence methods for the analysis of real-world and social media data in digital epidemiology – 05/12/2023
Charline Bour -
The role of multimorbidity and socio-economic characteristics as potential risk factors for Long Covid – 01/12/2023
Piotr Wilk und 6 weitere autoren -
Novel, computational IgE-clustering in a population-based cross-sectional study: Mapping the allergy burden – 01/12/2023
Rebecca Czolk und 10 weitere autoren -
Accurate long-read sequencing identified GBA1 as major risk factor in the Luxembourgish Parkinson’s study – 23/11/2023
Sinthuja Pachchek und 130 weitere autoren -
Sex-specific progression of Parkinson’s disease: A longitudinal mixed-models analysis – 01/11/2023
Anne-Marie Hanff und 9 weitere autoren -
Association between endometriosis and risk of type 2 diabetes – 28/07/2023
Marina Kvaskoff und 5 weitere autoren -
Mixed-methods study protocol to identify expectations of people with type 1 diabetes and their caregivers about voice-based digital health solutions to support the management of diabetes distress – 13/09/2023
Gloria Aguayo und 5 weitere autoren -
Catheter changes lead to increased hyperglycaemia in both open and closed loop modes: real-life evidence from pump users with type 1 diabetes – 04/09/2023
Jean-Baptiste Julla und 10 weitere autoren -
Device-measured physical activity and sedentary time in a national sample of Luxembourg residents: moving beyond the traditional metrics in the ORISCAV-LUX 2 study – 01/09/2023
Laurent Malisoux und 3 weitere autoren -
Substituting device-measured sedentary time with alternative 24-hour movement behaviours: compositional associations with adiposity, cardiometabolic risk and arterial stiffness in the ORISCAV-LUX 2 study – 01/09/2023
Paul J Collings und 4 weitere autoren -
Novel, computational IgE-clustering in a population-based cross-sectional study – 27/07/2023
Annette Kuehn und 10 weitere autoren -
O.3.2-2 Substituting device-measured sedentary time with alternative 24-hour movement behaviours – 01/09/2023
Paul James Collings und 4 weitere autoren -
The Long COVID experience from a patient’s perspective – 17/08/2023
Guy Fagherazzi und 4 weitere autoren -
Association of diet quality indices with serum and metabolic biomarkers in participants of the ORISCAV-LUX-2 study – 01/01/2023
Farhad Vahid und 28 weitere autoren -
Interaction between plasma phospholipid odd-chain fatty acids and GAD65 autoantibodies on the incidence of adult-onset diabetes – 10/06/2023
Anna Maria Lampousi und 22 weitere autoren -
Technologies will not make diabetes disappear – 01/07/2023
Guy Fagherazzi -
Validation of a Parkinson’s disease questionnaire-39-based functional mobility composite score (FMCS) in people with Parkinson’s disease – 17/05/2023
Anne-Marie Hanff und 6 weitere autoren -
Co-Design of a Voice-Based Digital Health Solution to Monitor Persisting Symptoms Related to COVID-19 (UpcomingVoice Study) – 19/06/2023
Aurélie Fischer und 6 weitere autoren -
Profiles of Glycemic Control in People with Type 1 Diabetes Using CGM—A Clustering Approach in the SFDT1 Study – 01/06/2023
Emmanuel Cosson und 6 weitere autoren -
Prevalence and description of skin reactions associated with adhesives in diabetes technology devices in an adult population – 24/05/2023
J. P. Riveline und 14 weitere autoren -
A nutritional biomarker score of the Mediterranean diet and incident type 2 diabetes – 27/04/2023
Nita G. Forouhi und 33 weitere autoren -
Patients‘ and caregivers‘ perceptions of bariatric surgery – 18/04/2023
Sébastien Czernichow und 10 weitere autoren -
Substituting device-measured sedentary time with alternative 24-hour movement behaviours – 04/04/2023
Laurent Malisoux und 4 weitere autoren -
Prevalence and Description of the Skin Reactions Associated with Adhesives in Diabetes Technology Devices in an Adult Population – 24/02/2023
J. P. Riveline und 14 weitere autoren -
Association between use of psychotropic medications prior to SARS-COV-2 infection and trajectories of COVID-19 recovery – 16/03/2023
Gloria Aguayo und 5 weitere autoren -
Altered infective competence of the human gut microbiome in COVID-19 – 09/03/2023
Laura de Nies und 28 weitere autoren -
Characterizing the adult exposome in men and women from the general population – 26/01/2023
Maria Ruiz und 8 weitere autoren -
Diabetes registries and high-quality diabetes care – 01/02/2023
Kamlesh Khunti und 18 weitere autoren -
Correction – 31/01/2023
Gloria Aguayo und 10 weitere autoren -
Machine learning for predicting neurodegenerative diseases in the general older population – 11/01/2023
Gloria Aguayo und 10 weitere autoren -
PRODIAB – 01/01/2023
Nicolas Naïditch und 6 weitere autoren -
Les réseaux sociaux au service de la recherche sur le diabète – 01/01/2023
Charline Bour und 1 weiterer autor -
Towards a European “Cohort Moonshot” – 01/01/2023
Guy Fagherazzi -
Associations Between Wearable-Specific Indicators of Physical Activity Behaviour and Insulin Sensitivity and Glycated Haemoglobin in the General Population – 12/12/2022
Anne Backes und 29 weitere autoren -
Device-measured physical activity and sedentary time in a national sample of Luxembourg residents – 01/12/2022
Laurent Malisoux und 3 weitere autoren -
Long COVID Classification – 30/11/2022
Aurélie Fischer und 8 weitere autoren -
Identifying Profiles and Symptoms of Patients With Long COVID in France – 22/11/2022
Amélia Déguilhem und 10 weitere autoren -
Vocal biomarker predicts fatigue in people with COVID-19 – 22/11/2022
Guy Fagherazzi und 7 weitere autoren -
Association of miR-144 levels in the peripheral blood with COVID-19 severity and mortality – 21/11/2022
Fabio Martelli und 17 weitere autoren -
Recommendations for Successful Implementation of the Use of Vocal Biomarkers for Remote Monitoring of COVID-19 and Long COVID in Clinical Practice and Research – 15/11/2022
Aurélie Fischer und 3 weitere autoren -
Discovery and Analytical Validation of a Vocal Biomarker to Monitor Anosmia and Ageusia in Patients with COVID-19 – 07/09/2022
Guy Fagherazzi und 6 weitere autoren -
A voice-based biomarker for monitoring symptom resolution in adults with COVID-19 – 20/10/2022
Guy Fagherazzi und 8 weitere autoren -
Global diabetes burden – 01/10/2022
Guy Fagherazzi und 5 weitere autoren -
Association between functional limitation and quality of life among older adults with multimorbidity in Luxembourg – 01/10/2022
Piotr Wilk und 9 weitere autoren -
How multimorbidity and socio-economic factors affect Long COVID: Evidence from European Countries – 01/10/2022
Piotr Wilk und 6 weitere autoren -
Analysing breast cancer survivors’ acceptance profiles for using an electronic pillbox connected to a smartphone application using Seintinelles, a French community-based research tool – 27/09/2022
Catherine Goetzinger und 6 weitere autoren -
Publisher Correction – 02/09/2022
Lukas Pavelka und 46 weitere autoren -
Association between endometriosis and risk of type 2 diabetes: results of the E3N prospective cohort study – 01/09/2022
P. Vaduva und 4 weitere autoren -
Precision Health – 01/09/2022
Guy Fagherazzi und 11 weitere autoren -
Precision Health – 01/09/2022
Guy Fagherazzi und 11 weitere autoren -
Precision Health – 01/09/2022
Guy Fagherazzi und 11 weitere autoren -
Age at onset as stratifier in idiopathic Parkinson’s disease – effect of ageing and polygenic risk score on clinical phenotypes – 09/08/2022
Lukas Pavelka und 49 weitere autoren -
Long COVID Symptomatology After 12 Months and Its Impact on Quality of Life According to Initial Coronavirus Disease 2019 Disease Severity – 05/08/2022
Guy Fagherazzi und 8 weitere autoren -
Design and validation of a patient-reported Functional Mobility Composite Score (FMCS) in people with Parkinson’s disease – 20/07/2022
Anne-Marie Hanff und 6 weitere autoren -
Extraction of Explicit and Implicit Cause-Effect Relationships in Patient-Reported Diabetes-Related Tweets From 2017 to 2021 – 19/07/2022
Adrian Ahne und 8 weitere autoren -
Emulating a virtual digital cohort study based on social media data as a complementary approach to traditional epidemiology – 24/05/2022
Guy Fagherazzi und 2 weitere autoren -
The Nutri-Score nutrition label – 27/07/2021
Serge Hercberg und 6 weitere autoren -
Intermittent Scanning Glucose Monitoring or Predicted Low Suspend Pump Treatment – 31/05/2022
Ulrike Schierloh und 8 weitere autoren -
Association of neighbourhood disadvantage and individual socioeconomic position with all-cause mortality – 01/05/2022
Ana Isabel Ribeiro und 49 weitere autoren -
Associations between physical activity prior to infection and COVID-19 disease severity and symptoms – 29/04/2022
Laurent Malisoux und 5 weitere autoren -
Impact of intra-category food substitutions on the risk of type 2 diabetes – 01/01/2021
Moufidath Adjibade und 7 weitere autoren -
Identification of vocal biomarkers for screening diabetes and monitoring health of people with diabetes: preliminary results from the COLIVE voice study – 25/04/2022
Abir Elbeji und 3 weitere autoren -
Combinatorial analysis reveals highly coordinated early-stage immune reactions that predict later antiviral immunity in mild COVID-19 patients – 01/01/2022
Christophe Capelle und 23 weitere autoren -
Interim analysis of COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness against Severe Acute Respiratory Infection due to laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 among individuals aged 30 years and older, ECDC multi-country study – second update – 14/03/2022
Nassera Aouali und 4 weitere autoren -
Attitudes and Expectations of Clinical Research Participants Toward Digital Health and Mobile Dietary Assessment Tools – 09/03/2022
Florent Schäfer und 6 weitere autoren -
Associations Between Device-Measured Physical Activity and Glycemic Control and Variability Indices Under Free-Living Conditions – 14/12/2021
Douae El Fatouhi und 7 weitere autoren -
Comparison of Deep Neural Networks and Regularised Cox Regression Models in the Prediction of Neurodegenerative Diseases in the General Older Population – 01/03/2022
Gloria Aguayo und 10 weitere autoren -
Association between Dietary Factors and Constipation in Adults Living in Luxembourg and Taking Part in the ORISCAV-LUX 2 Survey – 28/12/2021
Maurane Rollet und 17 weitere autoren -
Improving Diabetes-Related Biomedical Literature Exploration in the Clinical Decision-making Process via Interactive Classification and Topic Discovery – 01/01/2022
Adrian Ahne und 4 weitere autoren -
Objective and subjective sleep measures are associated with HbA1c and insulin sensitivity in the general population – 20/05/2021
Gloria Aguayo und 10 weitere autoren -
Cardiometabolic Health Associated with Exposures to Mixtures of Chemical Pollutants: Results from the EHES-LUX Study – 01/01/2022
Giovana M. Ciprián und 6 weitere autoren -
Long COVID Classification: Findings from a Clustering Analysis in the Predi-COVID Cohort Study – 01/01/2022
Aurélie Fischer und 8 weitere autoren -
Estimated visceral adiposity is associated with risk of cardiometabolic conditions in a population based study – 01/12/2021
Maria Ruiz und 5 weitere autoren -
Methods to Generate Innovative Research Ideas and Improve Patient and Public Involvement in Modern Epidemiological Research – 01/12/2021
Gloria Aguayo und 9 weitere autoren -
Allergy burden in luxembourg: A population-based, cross-sectional health survey paralleled by component-resolved-IgE-diagnosis – 15/11/2021
Rebecca Czolk und 13 weitere autoren -
Identifying causal associations in tweets using deep learning: Use case on diabetes-related tweets from 2017-2021 – 01/11/2021
Adrian Ahne und 8 weitere autoren -
Intérêt d’une approche géostatistique pour analyser les disparités géographiques de la couverture vaccinale contre les papillomavirus humains en France – 30/10/2021
L. Ribassin-Majed und 6 weitere autoren -
Detection of COVID-19 from voice, cough and breathing patterns – 01/11/2021
Vladimir Despotovic und 4 weitere autoren -
Unraveling the concepts of distress, burnout, and depression in type 1 diabetes – 01/10/2021
Gloria Aguayo und 7 weitere autoren -
Systems and Longitudinal Analysis Reveals Early-Stage and Highly Coordinated Immune Responses in Mild COVID-19 Patients – 30/09/2021
Christophe Capelle und 22 weitere autoren -
Deep immune profiling reveals early-stage and highly coordinated immune responses in mild COVID-19 patients – 02/09/2021
Feng Q Hefeng und 22 weitere autoren -
Digital Health Interventions among People Living with Frailty – 01/01/2021
Gloria Aguayo und 5 weitere autoren -
Musculoskeletal disorders in type 1 diabetes – 01/09/2021
S. Picard und 2 weitere autoren -
Author Correction – 25/08/2021
Maria Ruiz und 5 weitere autoren -
Towards precision cardiometabolic prevention – 06/08/2021
Guy Fagherazzi und 10 weitere autoren -
Rapport du groupe de travail en charge de la réalisation d’une étude indépendante au sujet des clusters observés dans certaines structures d’hébergement pour personnes âgées – 10/07/2021
Tamir Abdelrahman und 7 weitere autoren -
Association of Migraine With Incident Hypertension After Menopause – 06/07/2021
Conor James Macdonald und 6 weitere autoren -
Is the Consensual Threshold for Defining High Glucose Variability Implementable in Clinical Practice? – 07/06/2021
Jean Baptiste Julla und 12 weitere autoren -
Type 2 diabetes and its characteristics are associated with poor oral health – 23/06/2021
Guy Fagherazzi und 6 weitere autoren -
Voice for Health – 01/06/2021
Guy Fagherazzi und 3 weitere autoren -
Deep digital phenotyping in type 1 diabetes – 01/06/2021
Guy Fagherazzi -
The use of social media for health research purposes – 27/05/2021
Guy Fagherazzi und 4 weitere autoren -
SARS-CoV-2 transmission risk from asymptomatic carriers – 01/05/2021
Paul Wilmes und 14 weitere autoren -
The long-run effects of war on health – 01/05/2021
Julia Mink und 2 weitere autoren -
Associations of physical activity level and variability with 6-month weight change among 26,935 users of connected devices – 15/04/2021
Guy Fagherazzi und 6 weitere autoren -
Systematic review and network meta-analysis of the efficacy of existing treatments for patients with recurrent glioblastoma – 09/04/2021
Anna Schritz und 6 weitere autoren -
Gonadal hormonal factors before menopause and incident type 2 diabetes in women: A 22-year follow-up of 83 799 women from the E3N cohort study – 01/04/2021
Guy Fagherazzi und 7 weitere autoren -
Scoping review protocol on the use of social media for health research purposes – 11/02/2021
Guy Fagherazzi und 4 weitere autoren -
Beliefs and attitudes towards an ehealth tool to improve medication adherence in breast cancer survivors – 01/02/2021
Catherine Goetzinger und 6 weitere autoren -
Challenges and perspectives for the future of diabetes epidemiology in the era of digital health and artificial intelligence – 01/01/2021
Guy Fagherazzi -
Micronutrients and markers of oxidative stress and inflammation related to cardiometabolic health – 22/12/2020
Maria Ruiz und 8 weitere autoren -
Plasma Vitamin C and type 2 diabetes – 01/01/2021
Nicholas J. Wareham und 41 weitere autoren -
Advanced analytical methods to assess physical activity behaviour using accelerometer raw time series data – 01/12/2020
Laurent Malisoux und 4 weitere autoren -
Associations between early-life food deprivation during World War II and risk of hypertension and type 2 diabetes at adulthood – 01/12/2020
Guy Fagherazzi und 4 weitere autoren -
Associations between physical activity and incident hypertension across strata of body mass index – 01/12/2020
Marie Christine Boutron-Ruault und 7 weitere autoren -
Beyond the map – 01/12/2020
Yohan Fayet und 7 weitere autoren -
Genome-wide association analysis of type 2 diabetes in the EPIC-InterAct study – 01/12/2020
Nicholas J. Wareham und 32 weitere autoren -
Intricate relationships between frailty and diabetes – 01/12/2020
Gloria Aguayo und 1 weiterer autor -
Protocol for a prospective, longitudinal cohort of people with COVID-19 and their household members to study factors associated with disease severity – 23/11/2020
Guy Fagherazzi und 13 weitere autoren -
Mapping and Modeling of Discussions Related to Gastrointestinal Discomfort in French-Speaking Online Forums – 01/11/2020
Florent Schäfer und 8 weitere autoren -
Replacement of red and processed meat with other food sources of protein and the risk of type 2 diabetes in European populations – 01/11/2020
Daniel B. Ibsen und 42 weitere autoren -
The potential benefits of the FreeStyle® Libre™ 2 alarm system on the mental load of people with diabetes – 01/11/2020
Caroline Guillot und 1 weiterer autor -
The association between circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D metabolites and type 2 diabetes in European populations – 16/10/2020
Ju Sheng Zheng und 49 weitere autoren -
Statins and breast cancer risk in a cohort of postmenopausal women – 01/10/2020
Laure Dossus und 8 weitere autoren -
Combination disease prevention in prisons: a comprehensive programme in Luxembourg – 27/07/2020
Patrick Hoffmann und 10 weitere autoren -
Digital health strategies to fight COVID-19 worldwide – 01/06/2020
Guy Fagherazzi und 4 weitere autoren -
Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infection in the Luxembourgish population: the CON-VINCE study. – 18/05/2020
Rejko Krüger und 23 weitere autoren -
Dietary inflammatory index and type 2 diabetes risk in a prospective cohort of 70,991 women followed for 20 years – 01/12/2019
Guy Fagherazzi und 7 weitere autoren -
HIV/AIDS surveillance in Europe 2019 – 2018 data – 28/11/2019
Aurélie Fischer -
Injection of cocaine is associated with a recent HIV outbreak in people who inject drugs in Luxembourg – 01/05/2019
Carole Seguin-Devaux und 10 weitere autoren -
La PreP: un outil supplémentaire efficace dans la lutte contre le VIH – 01/04/2019
Aurélie Fischer -
Challenges and benefits of integrating diverse sampling strategies in the observation of cardiovascular risk factors (ORISCAV-LUX 2) study – 04/02/2019
Alaa Al Kerwi und 17 weitere autoren -
Effect of predicted low suspend pump treatment on improving glycaemic control and quality of sleep in children with type 1 diabetes and their caregivers – 04/12/2018
Ulrike Schierloh und 8 weitere autoren -
Agreement between 35 published frailty scores in the general population – 15/08/2017
Gloria Aguayo und 8 weitere autoren -
Predictive Ability of 35 Frailty Scores for Cardiovascular Events in the General Population – 07/03/2017
Gloria Aguayo und 8 weitere autoren -
Alcohol consumption and the risk of renal cancers in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC). Wozniak MB, Brennan P, Brenner DR, Overvad K, Olsen A, Tjønneland A, Boutron-Ruault MC, Clavel-Chapelon F, Fagherazzi G, Katzke V, Kühn T, Boeing H, Bergmann MM, Steffen A, Naska A, Trichopoulou A, Trichopoulos D, Saieva C, Grioni S, Panico S, Tumino R, Vineis P, Bueno-de-Mesquita HB, Peeters PH, Hjartåker A, Weiderpass E, Arriola L, Molina-Montes E, Duell EJ, Santiuste C, Alonso de la Torre R, Barricarte Gurrea A, Stocks T, Johansson M, Ljungberg B, Wareham N, Khaw KT, Travis RC, Cross AJ, Murphy N, Riboli E, Scelo G.Int J Cancer. 2015 Oct 15;137(8):1953-66. [Epub 2015 Apr 28]. doi – 01/03/2017
Raman Jay und 41 weitere autoren -
Mortality prediction of 35 frailty scores in a 7-years follow-up study in elderly general population – 01/11/2016
Gloria Aguayo und 8 weitere autoren -
Erratum – 01/10/2015
Monique Van Nielen und 40 weitere autoren -
Neutralising properties of peptides derived from CXCR4 extracellular loops towards CXCL12 binding and HIV-1 infection – 01/05/2014
Andy Chevigne und 7 weitere autoren -
Selection of a CXCR4 antagonist from a human heavy chain CDR3-derived phage library – 01/08/2011
Andy Chevigne und 7 weitere autoren -
Assessment of body-image perception and attitudes in obesity – 01/01/2011
Charles Pull und 1 weiterer autor -
Serum B vitamin levels and risk of lung cancer – 16/06/2010
Paul Brennan und 44 weitere autoren -
Non-immunized natural human heavy chain CDR3 repertoires allow the isolation of high affinity peptides mimicking a human influenza hemagglutinin epitope – 01/03/2008
S. Deroo und 10 weitere autoren -
Antiviral efficacy and resistance in patients on antiretroviral therapy in Kigali, Rwanda – 01/01/2006
Aurélie Fischer und 9 weitere autoren -
Is the Vpr R77Q mutation associated with long-term non-progression of HIV infection? [2] – 18/06/2004
Aurélie Fischer und 8 weitere autoren -
HIV type 1 pol gene diversity and archived nevirapine resistance mutation in pregnant women in Rwanda – 01/03/2004
Jean-Yves Servais und 9 weitere autoren -
Simple DNA Extraction Method for Dried Blood Spots and Comparison of Two PCR Assays for Diagnosis of Vertical Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Transmission in Rwanda – 01/01/2004
Aurélie Fischer und 10 weitere autoren -
Uncommon mutations at residue positions critical for enfuvirtide (T-20) resistance in enfuvirtide-naive patients infected with subtype B and non-B HIV-1 strains – 01/06/2003
Francois Roman und 11 weitere autoren -
Quantitative pre-clinical imaging of hypoxia and vascularity using MRI and PET – 01/01/2024
Georgia Kanli und 9 weitere autoren -
Simultaneous Image Quality Improvement and Artefacts Correction in Accelerated MRI – 23/10/2024
Georgia Kanli und 4 weitere autoren -
Multi-parametric MRI to FMISO PET Synthesis for Hypoxia Prediction in Brain Tumors – 09/10/2024
Daniele Perlo und 8 weitere autoren -
Addressing Artefacts in Anatomical MR Images – 01/05/2024
Selma Boudissa und 4 weitere autoren -
Early-life influenza A (H1N1) infection independently programs brain connectivity, HPA AXIS and tissue-specific gene expression profiles – 11/03/2024
Jonathan Turner und 10 weitere autoren -
Corrigendum to ‘Molecular Identity Changes of Tumor-Associated Macrophages and Microglia After Magnetic Resonance Imaging–Guided Focused Ultrasound–Induced Blood–Brain Barrier Opening in a Mouse Glioblastoma Model’ [Ultrasound in Med & Biol. 49 (2023) 1082-1090, (S0301562922006664), (10.1016/j.ultrasmedbio.2022.12.006)] – 01/01/2024
Yanrong Zhang und 13 weitere autoren -
Predicting Hypoxia in Brain Tumors from Multiparametric MRI – 25/01/2024
Olivier Keunen und 3 weitere autoren -
Immune cell identity behind the Ktrans mapping of mouse glioblastoma – 21/06/2023
Max Wintermark und 13 weitere autoren -
Molecular Identity Changes of Tumor-Associated Macrophages and Microglia After Magnetic Resonance Imaging–Guided Focused Ultrasound–Induced Blood–Brain Barrier Opening in a Mouse Glioblastoma Model – 01/01/2023
Max Wintermark und 13 weitere autoren -
Author Correction – 26/01/2023
Spyridon Bakas und 278 weitere autoren -
Federated learning enables big data for rare cancer boundary detection – 05/12/2022
Spyridon Bakas und 278 weitere autoren -
Deciphering Human Glioblastoma Invasion Using a Developmental Mature Rat Brain Organoid Model – 15/11/2022
Wenjing Zhou und 30 weitere autoren -
The BET Protein Inhibitor JQ1 Decreases Hypoxia and Improves the Therapeutic Benefit of Anti-PD-1 in a High-Risk Neuroblastoma Mouse Model – 06/09/2022
Bassam Janji und 7 weitere autoren -
Federated Learning Enables Big Data for Rare Cancer Boundary Detection – 22/04/2022
Spyridon Bakas und 278 weitere autoren -
Molecular Identity Changes of Tumor-Associated Macrophages and Microglia after MRgFUS induced BBB Opening in a Mouse Glioblastoma Model – 15/03/2022
Max Wintermark und 13 weitere autoren -
Relationship between Metabolically Unhealthy Obesity and Visceral Adipose Tissue in Youth – 01/12/2021
Hanène Samouda und 5 weitere autoren -
Inhibition of GBM invasion by the A-Amino-3-Hydroxy-5-Methyl-4-Isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) Glutamate receptor antagonist Perampanel – 09/09/2021
Katharina Sarnow und 3 weitere autoren -
Non-invasive, neurotoxic surgery reduces seizures in a rat model of temporal lobe epilepsy – 01/09/2021
Max Wintermark und 13 weitere autoren -
Protocol for derivation of organoids and patient-derived orthotopic xenografts from glioma patient tumors – 18/06/2021
Anaïs Oudin und 16 weitere autoren -
Patient-derived organoids and orthotopic xenografts of primary and recurrent gliomas represent relevant patient avatars for precision oncology – 01/12/2020
Simone Niclou und 40 weitere autoren -
Is there a prominent role for MR spectroscopy in the clinical management of brain tumors? – 01/07/2020
Simone Niclou und 1 weiterer autor -
Spatially regularized estimation of the tissue homogeneity model parameters in DCE-MRI using proximal minimization – 01/12/2019
Michal Bartos und 5 weitere autoren -
Improved drug delivery to brain metastases by peptide-mediated permeabilization of the blood–brain barrier – 01/11/2019
Frits Thorsen und 17 weitere autoren -
THER-11. Peptide mediated permeabilization of the blood-brain-barrier improves drug delivery to brain metastasis – 01/08/2019
Synnøve Nymark Aasen und 17 weitere autoren -
Improved treatment of melanoma brain metastasis using a synthetic peptide – 01/11/2018
Synnove Nymark Aasen und 14 weitere autoren -
Lack of functional normalisation of tumour vessels following anti-angiogenic therapy in glioblastoma – 01/10/2018
Olivier Keunen und 9 weitere autoren -
EGFL7 enhances surface expression of integrin α 5 β 1 to promote angiogenesis in malignant brain tumors – 01/09/2018
Mirko H.H. Schmidt und 17 weitere autoren -
The good drug, the bad barrier and the handy peptide: Improved treatment of experimental melanoma brain metastases using a synthetic peptide – 01/07/2018
Synnove Nymark Aasen und 10 weitere autoren -
Altered metabolic landscape in IDH-mutant gliomas affects phospholipid, energy, and oxidative stress pathways – 01/12/2017
Simone Niclou und 16 weitere autoren -
Subtraction of subcutaneous fat to improve the prediction of visceral adiposity – 01/08/2017
Hanène Samouda und 9 weitere autoren -
EGFRvIII mutations can emerge as late and heterogenous events in glioblastoma development and promote angiogenesis through Src activation – 01/12/2016
Hrvoje Miletic und 29 weitere autoren -
Cardiometabolic risk – 01/06/2016
Hanène Samouda und 11 weitere autoren -
Molecular crosstalk between tumour and brain parenchyma instructs histopathological features in glioblastoma – 31/05/2016
Simone Niclou und 18 weitere autoren -
Glutamine synthetase activity fuels nucleotide biosynthesis and supports growth of glutamine-restricted glioblastoma – 27/11/2015
Eyal Gottlieb und 19 weitere autoren -
Bevacizumab treatment induces metabolic adaptation toward anaerobic metabolism in glioblastomas – 17/01/2015
Rolf Bjerkvig und 18 weitere autoren -
A protocol for microRNA extraction from gastrointestinal digesta – 01/06/2025
Torsten Bohn und 2 weitere autoren -
Association of LEF1-AS1 with cardiovascular and neurological complications of COVID-19 – 22/12/2024
Yvan Devaux und 8 weitere autoren -
Circulating levels of miR-20b-5p are associated with survival in cardiogenic shock – 17/01/2025
Tuomas Mäntylä und 10 weitere autoren -
IMMUnity Unveiled – 23/01/2025
Inês Figueira und 14 weitere autoren -
Circular RNA regulatory role in pathological cardiac remodelling – 01/01/2024
Fabio Martelli und 14 weitere autoren -
EDITORIAL for BJP themed issue „noncoding RNA therapeutics“ – 21/11/2024
Yvan Devaux und 2 weitere autoren -
Targeting noncoding RNAs to treat atherosclerosis – 08/05/2024
Yvan Devaux und 7 weitere autoren -
Navigating the path of reproducibility in microRNA-based biomarker research with ring trials – 01/01/2024
David de Gonzalo-Calvo und 2 weitere autoren -
Blood CD45
+ lymphocyte-released extracellular vesicles and mortality in hospitalized patients with coronavirus disease 2019. – 01/01/2024
Rosa Suades und 12 weitere autoren -
Increased [18F]FDG uptake in the infarcted myocardial area displayed by combined PET/CMR correlates with snRNA-seq-detected inflammatory cell invasion – 26/06/2024
Dominika Lukovic und 19 weitere autoren -
Prediction of COVID-19 severity using machine learning – 01/10/2024
Yvan Devaux und 29 weitere autoren -
Multiomic biomarkers after cardiac arrest – 27/09/2024
Yvan Devaux und 9 weitere autoren -
Guidelines for mitochondrial RNA analysis – 10/09/2024
Yvan Devaux und 11 weitere autoren -
Machine learning for catalysing the integration of noncoding RNA in research and clinical practice – 18/07/2024
George Kararigas und 7 weitere autoren -
miR-619-5p and cardiogenic shock in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction – 01/01/2024
Lina Badimon und 8 weitere autoren -
Non-coding RNAs as therapeutic targets and biomarkers in ischaemic heart disease – 01/01/2024
Costanza Emanueli und 7 weitere autoren -
Biomarkers of food intake and their relevance to metabolic syndrome – 01/01/2024
Torsten Bohn und 3 weitere autoren -
Cardiovascular history and risk of idiopathic Parkinson’s disease – 08/07/2024
Shubhra Acharya und 46 weitere autoren -
Smartphone use and cerebro-cardio-vascular health – 01/07/2024
Yvan Devaux und 2 weitere autoren -
CD66b+/CD68+ circulating extracellular vesicles, lactate dehydrogenase and neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio can differentiate coronavirus disease 2019 severity during and after infection – 01/07/2024
Lina Badimon und 6 weitere autoren -
Addressing the unsolved challenges in microRNA-based biomarker development – 28/04/2024
David de Gonzalo-Calvo und 15 weitere autoren -
Development of a long noncoding RNA-based machine learning model to predict COVID-19 in-hospital mortality – 20/05/2024
Yvan Devaux und 34 weitere autoren -
The challenges of research data management in cardiovascular science – 01/01/2023
Peter Kohl und 24 weitere autoren -
Leveraging epitranscriptomics for cardiovascular disease theranostics – 08/01/2024
Yvan Devaux und 2 weitere autoren -
Exploring pulmoprotection in COVID-19 – 12/03/2024
Miron Sopic -
Recommendations for detection, validation, and evaluation of RNA editing events in cardiovascular and neurological/neurodegenerative diseases – 12/03/2024
Anne Yaël Nossent und 12 weitere autoren -
Multicomponent (bio)markers for obesity risk prediction – 08/03/2024
Torsten Bohn und 21 weitere autoren -
Evolution of journal clubs – 01/03/2024
Yvan Devaux und 7 weitere autoren -
The impact of government policies, funding, and networking to accelerate transatlantic cardiovascular research – 16/12/2023
Shubhra Acharya und 3 weitere autoren -
Long noncoding RNAs in tissue repair – LncSSH1 – 15/12/2023
Shubhra Acharya -
Firalink – 01/12/2023
Yvan Devaux und 6 weitere autoren -
Multiomics tools for improved atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease management – 01/01/2023
Miron Sopic und 8 weitere autoren -
Transcriptomic research in atherosclerosis – 01/12/2023
Yvan Devaux und 10 weitere autoren -
HCG18, LEF1AS1 and lncCEACAM21 as biomarkers of disease severity in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells of COVID-19 patients – 26/10/2023
Fabio Martelli und 18 weitere autoren -
A Machine Learning Model Based on microRNAs for the Diagnosis of Essential Hypertension – 25/10/2023
Yvan Devaux und 5 weitere autoren -
The science behind soft skills – 12/10/2023
Yvan Devaux und 17 weitere autoren -
Association of diet quality indices with serum and metabolic biomarkers in participants of the ORISCAV-LUX-2 study – 01/01/2023
Farhad Vahid und 28 weitere autoren -
HCG18, LEF1AS1 and lncCEACAM21 as biomarkers of disease severity in the Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells of COVID-19 patients – 07/07/2023
Fabio Martelli und 17 weitere autoren -
Call for participation in the AtheroNET COST Action to implement multiomics in atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease research – 12/04/2023
Miron Sopic und 3 weitere autoren -
Targeting regulatory RNAs at the heart of Parkinson’s disease – 08/03/2023
Yvan Devaux und 2 weitere autoren -
RNA modification m6Am – 18/06/2023
Markéta Hlavackova und 4 weitere autoren -
GATA3 as a Blood-Based RNA Biomarker for Idiopathic Parkinson’s Disease – 12/06/2023
Yvan Devaux und 4 weitere autoren -
Cardiovascular complications of diabetes – 24/05/2023
Fabio Martelli und 14 weitere autoren -
Integration of epigenetic regulatory mechanisms in heart failure – 04/05/2023
Yvan Devaux und 9 weitere autoren -
The circadian clock remains intact, but with dampened hormonal output in heart failure – 17/04/2023
Linda W. Van Laake und 20 weitere autoren -
Development of circulating microRNA-based biomarkers for medical decision-making – 02/11/2022
David de Gonzalo-Calvo und 5 weitere autoren -
FIMICS – 01/01/2023
Yvan Devaux und 11 weitere autoren -
Peripheral blood RNA biomarkers for cardiovascular disease from bench to bedside – 14/10/2021
Maarten Vanhaverbeke und 14 weitere autoren -
Non-coding RNAs as prognostic biomarkers of cardiac arrest – 14/12/2022
Francesca Maria STEFANIZZI -
Diagnostic performance of microRNAs in the detection of heart failure with reduced or preserved ejection fraction – 01/01/2022
Gustavo José Justo da Silva und 5 weitere autoren -
Association of miR-144 levels in the peripheral blood with COVID-19 severity and mortality – 21/11/2022
Fabio Martelli und 17 weitere autoren -
Correction – 09/11/2022
Yvan Devaux und 12 weitere autoren -
Circular RNAs to predict clinical outcome after cardiac arrest – 28/10/2022
Yvan Devaux und 12 weitere autoren -
(Epi)transcriptomics in cardiovascular and neurological complications of COVID-19 – 28/07/2022
Yvan Devaux und 4 weitere autoren -
Precision Health – 01/09/2022
Guy Fagherazzi und 11 weitere autoren -
Precision Health – 01/09/2022
Guy Fagherazzi und 11 weitere autoren -
Precision Health – 01/09/2022
Guy Fagherazzi und 11 weitere autoren -
MicroRNAs as biomarkers in the brain-heart axis? – 11/07/2022
Yvan Devaux -
Methodological considerations for circulating long noncoding RNA quantification – 01/01/2022
David de Gonzalo-Calvo und 2 weitere autoren -
Regulation of N6-Methyladenosine after Myocardial Infarction – 22/07/2022
Yvan Devaux und 10 weitere autoren -
Noncoding RNAs in age-related cardiovascular diseases – 16/03/2022
Yvan Devaux und 11 weitere autoren -
Dissecting the transcriptome in cardiovascular disease – 23/03/2021
Fabio Martelli und 14 weitere autoren -
Consensus guidelines for the validation of qRT-PCR assays in clinical research by the CardioRNA consortium – 10/03/2022
Yvan Devaux und 10 weitere autoren -
Editorial – 23/02/2022
David de Gonzalo-Calvo und 2 weitere autoren -
Challenges of microRNA-based biomarkers in clinical application for cardiovascular diseases – 01/02/2022
David de Gonzalo-Calvo und 3 weitere autoren -
Association between Dietary Factors and Constipation in Adults Living in Luxembourg and Taking Part in the ORISCAV-LUX 2 Survey – 28/12/2021
Maurane Rollet und 17 weitere autoren -
Leveraging non-coding RNAs to fight cardiovascular disease – 21/12/2021
Emma Robinson und 3 weitere autoren -
Relevance of N6-methyladenosine regulators for transcriptome – 01/11/2021
Costanza Emanueli und 4 weitere autoren -
Non-coding RNAs and stem cells – 01/10/2021
Yvan Devaux und 2 weitere autoren -
IMproving Preclinical Assessment of Cardioprotective Therapies (IMPACT) criteria – 13/09/2021
Sandrine Lecour und 49 weitere autoren -
The circadian clock remains intact, but with dampened hormonal output in heart failure – 01/09/2021
Sandra Crnko und 14 weitere autoren -
Cardiovascular RNA markers and artificial intelligence may improve COVID-19 outcome – 01/07/2021
Yvan Devaux und 18 weitere autoren -
N6-Methyladenine in Eukaryotic DNA – 24/05/2021
Jonathan Turner und 12 weitere autoren -
Conclusions and perspectives – 06/03/2021
Emma Louise Robinson und 1 weiterer autor -
Epigenetics in Cardiovascular Disease – 06/03/2021
Trygve Tollefsbol und 2 weitere autoren -
Long noncoding RNAs and circular RNAs as heart failure biomarkers – 06/03/2021
Amela Jusic und 1 weiterer autor -
Preface – 06/03/2021
Yvan Devaux und 1 weiterer autor -
The Long Noncoding RNA Landscape of Cardiac Regeneration in Zebrafish – 01/03/2021
Yvan Devaux und 4 weitere autoren -
Joining European Scientific Forces to Face Pandemics – 01/02/2021
Chiara Riganti und 21 weitere autoren -
CDR132L – 07/01/2021
Yvan Devaux und 1 weiterer autor -
Increased mir-142 levels in plasma and atherosclerotic plaques from peripheral artery disease patients with post-surgery cardiovascular events – 02/12/2020
Loredan S. Niculescu und 6 weitere autoren -
Noncoding RNAs implication in cardiovascular diseases in the COVID-19 era – 01/12/2020
Fabio Martelli und 5 weitere autoren -
Regulation of microRNAs in high-fat diet induced hyperlipidemic hamsters – 01/12/2020
Loredan S. Niculescu und 6 weitere autoren -
Association of mir-21-5p, mir-122-5p, and mir-320a-3p with 90-day mortality in cardiogenic shock – 01/11/2020
Mikko Hänninen und 11 weitere autoren -
Circular RNAs as prognostic biomarkers after cardiac arrest – 01/11/2020
Francesca Maria STEFANIZZI und 4 weitere autoren -
Non-coding rnas in the brain-heart axis – 02/09/2020
Yvan Devaux und 7 weitere autoren -
Approaching sex differences in cardiovascular non-coding rna research – 02/07/2020
Susana Novella und 9 weitere autoren -
Circulating levels of brain-enriched micrornas correlate with neuron specific enolase after cardiac arrest—a substudy of the target temperature management trial – 02/06/2020
Francesca Maria STEFANIZZI und 12 weitere autoren -
Cardiomyocyte-Specific Cell-Free DNA as a Heart Failure Biomarker? – 01/06/2020
Yvan Devaux -
Call to action for the cardiovascular side of covid-19 – 14/05/2020
Yvan Devaux und 6 weitere autoren -
RNAs in brain and heart diseases – 02/05/2020
Yvan Devaux und 4 weitere autoren -
A year in the life of the EU-CardioRNA COST action – 01/05/2020
Emma Robinson und 49 weitere autoren -
Mitochondrial noncoding RNA-regulatory network in cardiovascular disease – 01/05/2020
Yvan Devaux und 1 weiterer autor -
Epigenetics in non-classical monocytes support their pro-inflammatory gene expression – 01/05/2020
Loems Ziegler-Heitbrock und 8 weitere autoren -
Copeptin as a marker of outcome after cardiac arrest – 28/04/2020
Joachim Düring und 15 weitere autoren -
High-intensity aerobic training lowers blood pressure and modulates the renal renin-angiotensin system in spontaneously hypertensive rats – 02/04/2020
Octávio Luiz Franco und 8 weitere autoren -
Potential clinical implications of mir-1 and mir-21 in heart disease and cardioprotection – 01/02/2020
Monika Bartekova und 3 weitere autoren -
Regulatory RNAs in Heart Failure – 27/01/2020
Yvan Devaux und 9 weitere autoren -
A role for m6A RNA methylation in heart failure development? – 01/01/2020
Yvan Devaux und 1 weiterer autor -
Transcriptomics research to improve cardiovascular healthcare – 01/01/2020
Yvan Devaux und 1 weiterer autor -
Les microARN sanguins pour prédire l’insuffisance cardiaque post-infarctus – 25/12/2019
Yvan Devaux -
Peripheral Blood RNA Levels of QSOX1 and PLBD1 Are New Independent Predictors of Left Ventricular Dysfunction after Acute Myocardial Infarction – 01/12/2019
Maarten Vanhaverbeke und 12 weitere autoren -
Noncoding RNAs in Hypertension – 01/09/2019
Yvan Devaux und 1 weiterer autor -
MIR-574-5p – 02/08/2019
Yvan Devaux und 9 weitere autoren -
Circulating microRNAs to predict heart failure after acute myocardial infarction in women – 01/08/2019
Yvan Devaux und 1 weiterer autor -
Immune cells as targets for cardioprotection – 01/06/2019
Ioanna Andreadou und 9 weitere autoren -
Circulating levels of microRNA 423-5p are associated with 90 day mortality in cardiogenic shock – 01/02/2019
Toni Jäntti und 12 weitere autoren -
Preface “MicroRNAs have it all” – 01/02/2019
Yvan Devaux -
The association between plasma miR-122-5p release pattern at admission and all-cause mortality or shock after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest – 02/01/2019
Patrik Gilje und 12 weitere autoren -
Cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 1 C is a female-specific marker of left ventricular function after acute myocardial infarction – 01/01/2019
Yvan Devaux und 7 weitere autoren -
Catalyzing transcriptomics research in cardiovascular disease – 01/01/2019
Yvan Devaux und 49 weitere autoren -
Circulating levels of miR-574-5p are associated with neurological outcome after cardiac arrest in women – 01/01/2019
Yvan Devaux und 11 weitere autoren -
Regulation of microRNAs in coronary atherosclerotic plaque – 01/01/2019
Yvan Devaux und 9 weitere autoren -
Diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic uses of long noncoding RNAs for pathologies and toxicities inducing heart disorders – 20/12/2018
Huseyin Firat und 7 weitere autoren -
Non-coding RNAs to aid in neurological prognosis after cardiac arrest – 18/12/2018
Yvan Devaux und 6 weitere autoren -
Novel circular RNA biomarkers for heart failure – 06/12/2018
Yvan Devaux und 1 weiterer autor -
Biomarqueurs transcriptomiques sanguins des maladies cardiovasculaires – 30/11/2018
Adeline Boileau -
Biomarkers of left ventricular function after acute myocardial infarction: sex-biased differences – 16/11/2018
Torkia Lalem -
Noncoding RNAs in acute kidney injury – 01/11/2018
Timo Brandenburger und 3 weitere autoren -
Long Noncoding RNAs and Cardiac Disease – 20/09/2018
Fabio Martelli und 3 weitere autoren -
Practical guidelines for rigor and reproducibility in preclinical and clinical studies on cardioprotection – 01/09/2018
Hans Erik Bøtker und 29 weitere autoren -
Cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 1C (CDKN1C), a novel female-specific marker of left ventricular dysfunction after acute myocardial infarction – 01/08/2018
Torkia Lalem und 6 weitere autoren -
Restoration of cardiac function after anaemia-induced heart failure in zebrafish – 01/08/2018
Isabelle Ernens und 2 weitere autoren -
What’s new in prognostication after cardiac arrest – 01/06/2018
Yvan Devaux und 1 weiterer autor -
Non-coding RNAs and exercise – 01/05/2018
Yvan Devaux und 6 weitere autoren -
Cardiac enriched lncRNAs as a novel class of biomarkers for heart condition and prediction of heart failure – 01/05/2018
Eric Schordan und 8 weitere autoren -
Circular RNA MICRA predicts heart failure after acute myocardial infarction – 01/05/2018
Mélanie Vausort und 3 weitere autoren -
Cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 1 C is a female-specific marker of left ventricular function after acute myocardial infarction – 01/05/2018
Torkia Lalem und 7 weitere autoren -
Endogenous heparin interferes with quantification of MicroRNAs by RT-qPCR – 01/05/2018
Yvan Devaux und 3 weitere autoren -
Identification of circulating microRNAs from HTG EdgeSeq sequencing to predict outcome after acute myocardial infarction – 01/05/2018
Clarissa Pedrosa da Costa Gomes und 5 weitere autoren -
Kruppel-like factors regulation in a zebrafish heart failure model – 01/05/2018
Antonio Salgado Somoza und 4 weitere autoren -
Late heartbeat-evoked potentials are associated with survival after cardiac arrest – 01/05/2018
André Schulz und 6 weitere autoren -
Times are changing: differential regulation of clock genes in mice and zebrafish with heart failure – 01/05/2018
Sandra Crnko und 7 weitere autoren -
Realizing the therapeutic potential of novel cardioprotective therapies: The EU-CARDIOPROTECTION COST Action – CA16225 – 01/04/2018
Ioannou Andreadou und 49 weitere autoren -
A 3-gene panel improves the prediction of left ventricular dysfunction after acute myocardial infarction – 01/03/2018
Yvan Devaux und 4 weitere autoren -
Circular RNAs in the cardiovascular system – 01/03/2018
Yvan Devaux und 5 weitere autoren -
Epigenetics in Ascending Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm and Dissection – 01/02/2018
Yvan Devaux und 3 weitere autoren -
New dimensions in circadian clock function – 01/02/2018
Linda W. Van Laake und 2 weitere autoren -
A heart-enriched antisense long non-coding RNA regulates the balance between cardiac and skeletal muscle triadin – 01/02/2018
Yvan Devaux und 4 weitere autoren -
Atrial Structural Remodeling Gene Variants in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation – 01/01/2018
Philippe Chevalier und 9 weitere autoren -
The circular RNA MICRA for risk stratification after myocardial infarction – 01/12/2017
Yvan Devaux und 3 weitere autoren -
Long non-coding RNAs in the atherosclerotic plaque – 01/11/2017
Yvan Devaux und 7 weitere autoren -
The Function and Therapeutic Potential of Long Non-coding RNAs in Cardiovascular Development and Disease – 15/09/2017
Yvan Devaux und 7 weitere autoren -
Microrna 150-5p improves risk classification for mortality within 90 days after acute ischemic stroke – 01/09/2017
Mira Katan und 7 weitere autoren -
Protein S100 as outcome predictor after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest and targeted temperature management at 33 °C and 36 °C – 20/06/2017
Pascal Stammet und 21 weitere autoren -
Circular RNAs in heart failure – 01/06/2017
Yvan Devaux und 7 weitere autoren -
Reprint of – 01/06/2017
Gunnar H. Heine und 9 weitere autoren -
Biomarkers for heart failure – 23/03/2017
Yvan Devaux und 2 weitere autoren -
MicroRNA profiling of human intermediate monocytes – 01/03/2017
Gunnar H. Heine und 9 weitere autoren -
The Effects of Acute and Chronic Exercise on Skeletal Muscle Proteome – 01/02/2017
Bernardo Assis Petriz und 6 weitere autoren -
Hypoxia inhibits lymphatic thoracic duct formation in zebrafish – 22/01/2017
Isabelle Ernens und 4 weitere autoren -
Transcriptome of blood cells as a reservoir of cardiovascular biomarkers – 01/01/2017
Yvan Devaux -
Single versus serial measurements of neuron-specific enolase and prediction of poor neurological outcome in persistently unconscious patients after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest – A TTM-trial substudy – 01/01/2017
Sebastian Wiberg und 20 weitere autoren -
Incremental value of circulating MiR-122-5P to predict outcome after out of hospital cardiac arrest – 01/01/2017
Yvan Devaux und 14 weitere autoren -
A multicentre European registry to evaluate the Direct Flow Medical transcatheter aortic valve system for the treatment of patients with severe aortic stenosis – 01/12/2016
Christoph K. Naber und 26 weitere autoren -
Which future for circulating microRNAs as biomarkers of acute myocardial infarction? – 01/11/2016
Yvan Devaux und 1 weiterer autor -
High-sensitivity troponin-T as a prognostic marker after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest – A targeted temperature management (TTM) trial substudy – 01/10/2016
Patrik Gilje und 13 weitere autoren -
Usefulness of Serum B-Type Natriuretic Peptide Levels in Comatose Patients Resuscitated from Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest to Predict Outcome – 01/10/2016
Martin Frydland und 20 weitere autoren -
Myocardial Infarction-Associated Circular RNA Predicting Left Ventricular Dysfunction – 13/09/2016
Yvan Devaux und 9 weitere autoren -
Association of circulating MicroRNA-124-3p levels with outcomes after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest – 01/06/2016
Yvan Devaux und 15 weitere autoren -
Real-world multicentre experience with the Direct Flow medical® repositionable and retrievable transcatheter aortic valve implantation system for the treatment of high-risk patients with severe aortic stenosis – 01/02/2016
Christoph K. Naber und 9 weitere autoren -
Adenosine A1 receptor activation attenuates cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis in response to α1-adrenoceptor stimulation in vivo – 01/01/2016
Sarah Lena Puhl und 7 weitere autoren -
Predictive value of interleukin-6 in post-cardiac arrest patients treated with targeted temperature management at 33°C or 36°C – 01/01/2016
John Bro-Jeppesen und 17 weitere autoren -
Use of coronary ultrasound imaging to evaluate ventricular function in Adult Zebrafish – 01/01/2016
Isabelle Ernens und 3 weitere autoren -
Circulating microRNAs and outcome in patients with acute heart failure – 01/11/2015
Marie France Seronde und 15 weitere autoren -
Rat aortic ring model to assay angiogenesis ex vivo – 20/10/2015
Isabelle Ernens und 3 weitere autoren -
Implication des ARNs non codants dans l’infarctus du myocarde et le remodelage ventriculaire post-infarctus – 02/10/2015
Jennifer Zangrando -
Whole transcriptome microarrays identify long non-coding RNAs associated with cardiac hypertrophy – 01/09/2015
Yvan Devaux und 9 weitere autoren -
Erratum – 25/08/2015
Pascal Stammet und 18 weitere autoren -
Long noncoding RNAs in cardiac development and ageing – 22/07/2015
Yvan Devaux und 8 weitere autoren -
Exercise attenuates inflammation and limits scar thinning after myocardial infarction in mice – 15/07/2015
Sarah Lena Puhl und 6 weitere autoren -
Neuron-specific enolase as a predictor of death or poor neurological outcome after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest and targeted temperature management at 33°C and 36°C – 19/05/2015
Pascal Stammet und 18 weitere autoren -
Identification of candidate long noncoding RNAs associated with left ventricular hypertrophy – 01/04/2015
Yvan Devaux und 6 weitere autoren -
Genetic variants are not associated with outcome in patients with coronary artery disease and left ventricular dysfunction – 24/02/2015
Arthur M. Feldman und 19 weitere autoren -
MicroRNAs – 11/02/2015
Yvan Devaux und 6 weitere autoren -
Diagnostic and prognostic value of circulating microRNAs in patients with acute chest pain – 01/02/2015
Yvan Devaux und 11 weitere autoren -
Adenosine stimulates angiogenesis by up-regulating production of thrombospondin-1 by macrophages – 01/01/2015
Isabelle Ernens und 4 weitere autoren -
Unity is strength – A panel of 4 microRNAs decreases cardiomyocyte hypertrophy – 01/01/2015
Yvan Devaux und 3 weitere autoren -
MiRNAs as biomarkers of myocardial infarction – 01/12/2014
Yvan Devaux und 2 weitere autoren -
Long noncoding RNAs in patients with acute myocardial infarction – 12/09/2014
Yvan Devaux und 2 weitere autoren -
Identification of candidate long non-coding RNAs in response to myocardial infarction – 10/06/2014
Yvan Devaux und 6 weitere autoren -
Compositions and methods for evaluating heart failure – 05/06/2014
Yvan Devaux und 4 weitere autoren -
Effects of adenosine on lymphangiogenesis – 20/03/2014
Benedicte Lenoir und 6 weitere autoren -
Mining gene expression microarrays for long non-coding RNAs – 01/01/2014
Yvan Devaux und 2 weitere autoren -
Door-to-balloon time and mortality – 01/01/2014
Daniel Wagner und 2 weitere autoren -
Role of microRNAs in endothelial progenitor cells – 01/01/2014
Yvan Devaux und 2 weitere autoren -
Regulation of endothelial progenitor cell function by micrornas – 01/12/2013
Yvan Devaux und 2 weitere autoren -
Association between circulating microRNAs, cardiovascular risk factors and outcome in patients with acute myocardial infarction – 09/10/2013
Yvan Devaux und 3 weitere autoren -
Modeling serum level of s100β and bispectral index to predict outcome after cardiac arrest – 27/08/2013
Yvan Devaux und 3 weitere autoren -
A Panel of 4 microRNAs Facilitates the Prediction of Left Ventricular Contractility after Acute Myocardial Infarction – 13/08/2013
Yvan Devaux und 7 weitere autoren -
MicroRNA-150 – 01/06/2013
Yvan Devaux und 9 weitere autoren -
MicroRNA-16 affects key functions of human endothelial progenitor cells – 01/04/2013
Yvan Devaux und 5 weitere autoren -
Adenosine Stimulates the Migration of Human Endothelial Progenitor Cells. Role ofCXCR4 and MicroRNA-150 – 16/01/2013
Magali Rolland und 9 weitere autoren -
Long-term survival after a massive left ventricular infarction evidenced by FDG-PET and leaving intact only the septal wall – 01/01/2013
Yvan Devaux und 4 weitere autoren -
Cardioprotective effects of adenosine within the border and remote areas of myocardial infarction – 01/01/2013
Yvan Devaux und 9 weitere autoren -
Circulating microRNAs after cardiac arrest – 01/12/2012
Yvan Devaux und 5 weitere autoren -
Acipimox-enhanced 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography for characterizing and predicting early remodeling in the rat infarct model – 01/08/2012
Yvan Devaux und 7 weitere autoren -
Monocyte chemotactic protein 3 is a homing factor for circulating angiogenic cells – 01/06/2012
Yvan Devaux und 5 weitere autoren
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